Authors Note: Elloo again, Ive like no idea where Im going with this after I finished the end. But ah well I didn't know where I was going through any of this lol thanks for stickin with me so far though lol

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto!


Chapter 3

Example D


Sakura growled trying to wrap Naruto's hand but he was moving around so much.

"and then 5 jounin came out of no where-" Naruto shouted to to Kiba who looked at him sceptically.

Sakura hit him "Be still!"

"...Sakura-chan..." he rubbed his head

"...One punch did this" Sakura asked him.

"Eh, where you not listening!"

She growled again making him cringe "I told him too."

"...What the hell, why'd you do that" His cheeks turned red.

"Because he looked like tusande punching bag"

"How the hell was I suppose to know you guys thought up all that bullshit, He almost molested me on the starship game cause Kiba's a fucktard. He announce to the entire village 'while' insulting my penis! We were going to make passionate love under the stars and he didn't care who watches... I was going to let that go till he started reasoning with himself on why they shouldn't at least pay... "

"Sai broke your hand!" Kiba said laughing in the back.

"Shut up, Or ill break your right hand!" He yelled at him turning even redder.

"Well... that's not the point" Sakura told him "I know Ino couldn't have-"

"Fuck Ino."

Kiba laughed harder.

"...I only told him to hit you not break bones" she defended herself.

"Well he didn't break my hand... but it was his fault" He said his mouth making a pout.

"Then how'd you break it?" She asked him

"Well thanks to you Sai learned the art of ducking..." He turned away from her a little embarrassed. "I hit a tree"

"... your an idiot" Kiba laughed wheezing a little to catch his breath.

"Fuck you"

"...Well what did you do"

"I don't know I thought he was possessed or in some jutsu"

"God you are both so irritating" She sighed.




She hit him over the head "So your saying he was flirting with you and you decked him"

"... flirting?"

Ino sat beside him moving uncomfortably close " Sai I'm losing respect for you" She grabbed his hand putting it over her shoulder "your line is 'well then please don't respect me' and you move in!" She said nose to nose with him.

Sai smiled "...Ino... your making me sick." commenting on her closeness.

"Why you-"

"Anyways" Sakura grabbed him by his back colar pulling him up away from her "Forget what Ino just said, no more books or advice in fact your going to shut up completely" she made one last sign and grabbed his jaw.

"What are you doing." Ino asked taken back.

"When you cant say anything right, dont say anything at all" She let him go "How do you feel" she asked him.

"..." his mouth moved but nothing came out.


"Forehead this is a stupid idea"

" Shut it Ino-pig" She smiled at Sai "Sai, we have a date to get ready for" Sai looked up at her

"Your saying Naruto agree to that?" Ino asked a little doubtful.

"Yes if he ever wanted his ramen stash back... So Sai do you feel up to it" She smiled not receiving an answer "...perfect"





"..." Naruto stared at him from across the table

"So what will you be having" A woman asked them holding a pen and paper up.

"Ill take the number four"

"..." Sai held three fingers up

"You want that well done, or medium rare"



"..." Sai smiled nervously mouthing well done.

"... um well done" He shook his head.

"Ill be right back" She told them walking off.


"..." Naruto bite the side of his cheek.


"well can you at least talk to me" Naruto turned his head away from him "...I mean this is what you wanted"


"your the one who's been trying to go out with me you know!...not that were going out." He glared at him.


"whatever... you didn't think it was going to be that easy to get in my pants did you?" He joked.

"..." Sai shook his head no 'Of course he knew it wasn't going to be easy' would have been his response.

"... Well then say something!"


"...hello" He shook his hand in front of him.


"Is that really the only reason" He asked his face turning red.

"..." Sai tried to shake his head no but Naruto wasn't settling for anything but words.

"... your an asshole Sai!" Naruto got up but Sai grabbed his hand. He tapped his throat trying to tell him about the jutsu.

"No I wont blow you!" He pulled his hand away

"..." 'why does this happen to him?' Sai tried to tell him to wait but couldn't, he got up to go after him but the waitress grabbed his shirt.

"Look the foods already made I need to get paid"


Thirty minutes later


Sai looked around the corner, 'there he is'

He tried calling out to him "..." nothing came out. He decided to approach him anyways.

"Go away"

'not that again' Sai grabbed his hand trying to explain.

"Go away!" He struggled but Sai wasn't going to let go, not without a fight.

"I hate you idiot"

Sai's hand let lose enough for him to make his escape.

He stood there dumb struck. The three words rumbled around in his head opening his mind up like a book reading the definition.

Hate: extreme dislike or antipathy.

Naruto didn't like him.

Naruto dislike him.

...Naruto hated him.





"Wait... Sai, Ill fix it Ill tell him" She hid behind the bookcase ducking down waiting for it to crash down on her 'This is the first time Ive seen Sai look so mad'

Sai grabbed a book from the shelf, her face being reveled from the other side "...fix... now" Came two words barely audible from his mouth but with such venom it made her flinch.

"Well look I have a mission right n-"

Sai put the book back, and walked out of the library.

'Hes snapped' she pulled out her phone dialing it.


Naruto House


There were three large bangs on his door. Naruto looked over his shoulder then back to his pot of ramen "coming" he yawned.

The door came crashing in. Ink flying everywhere.

"Argh look at my floor" He yelled stepping over his trash pointing at more trash.

"Got damnit whats your-" His lips still moved but he couldn't talk.

There was a mouth blocking his words, and no words could describe how pissed he was.

But he didn't pull away.

Push the button lol