Death Reaper

Disclaimer: do not own naruto characters and all of that crap


"Daddy! Stop it!!" my five-year-old voice, echoed through the semi-empty house.

"Shut up!" Daddy yells at me, hitting me again one the left side of my face. I stumble back to the hard, white wall and slid down. I cower and hope that he will go away. But he doesn't. He continues hitting me and I scream over and over. Loud enough to cover Mommy's fatal scream. But we don't notice.

"Daddy! I'm sorry!!" I scream, holding my arms over my head.

He doesn't apologize. He hits the back of my neck, and I open my tear filled eyes. "It hurts Daddy…" I whisper as everything went black.

The next morning, the village's ninjas come to take Mommy away. I grab the end of a shirt, and look up to see a boy with white hair looking down at me.

"Where are they taking Mommy?" I asked, almost in a whisper.

"Mommy's going to go away for a while…What is your name?" the boy asked me, bending to my eye level.

"T-Takai Karite…" I said, bursting into tears.

"Hi, Takai. I'm Kakashi." Kakashi said, rubbing my tears out of my eyes. Then he noticed the large bruise on my left cheek. He studied them really hard and then he finally asked in a low whisper "Where did you get these?"

"I was playing out side and I fell on some rocks…" I lied. Father wants me to tell lies so I won't get beat at all. But he also lies and continues to torture me.

"Well, you have to be more careful out here. It's kind of rocky!" Kakashi said, with a sweet smile. I let out a strange noise and he said, "See I made you laugh!" Laugh? What is he saying? I pretended to understand and said "Yeah…" also with a sweet smile. Mommy told me to always put on a smile, even though your hurt or in pain.

Kakashi stood up and patted my head. I looked up in surprise that he didn't beat me. He gave my one more smile and waved. He turned around and I waved back. He was soon gone with the other ninjas.

"Get your damn things together. We're leaving," Daddy announced. I followed my Daddy's instruction and went to my tiny bedroom. I gathered my old clothes and the few toys I had and I went back outside. I found Daddy on the carriage outside I put my stuff in the front and soon Daddy was throwing me and my stuff in the back with the other things we have. I didn't mind it, and I soon fell asleep. "Goodbye, Leaf Village!" my father called to the sky.

When I woke up I saw some steam fill the air. We stopped at a field that had other kids running around in circles. I turned my head to see a small shack that had a sign that said 'Houses for sale'. Daddy got out of the carriage and picked me up by the waist. Before he put me down he whispered "Go play with the other kids and try to act normal."

"Okay, Daddy" I whispered back, and he put me down. I nervously walked to the kids and noticed that there were only four. Three girls and one guy. When they saw me they stopped running and the girls started to whisper, and make the noise I made at my old house when Kakashi was there. The boy though studied me and extended a pale hand toward me. I looked at his pale skin and noticed that his skin was almost as pale as mine. "Hi," the boy said, "Want to play?"

The girls let out a gasp and he smiled. "Sure," I said, taking his hand. I noticed that the boy had slicked-back silver hair and soft violet eyes.

"I'm Hidan. What's your name?" He asked.

"Takai," I said with a warm and friendly smile.

"Let's play tag!" Hidan said, heading toward the other girls.

"Sur-" I started.

"Tamai!" Daddy called for me.

"Coming! Bye Hidan!" I said, using the last of my energy to run back to Daddy.

"Bye! How about we play tomorrow?" He asked, and again the girls gasped.

"Okay!" I said, jumping into the carriage.

"Met me here around five!" He called, turning to the shocked girls.

"Okay! See you tomorrow!" I said, waving to the boy who was only about two years older than me.

"How about we play tomorrow?"

"How about we play tomorrow?"

"How about we play tomorrow?"

Hidan…you never showed up….I looked at the sun and it was setting. Eight…you were three hours late Hidan…I started to cry and I felt a drop of water on my face and I looked at the sky. It was about as dark as I was felling…I better hurry back to the house…Daddy will be mad.

And mad is what he was. He took the empty beer bottle in his hand and smashed on our new counter. He aimed for my head and I raised my hand to protect my face and I felt many sharp pains in my arm. I let out a shriek and he grabbed a beer bottle that was full and smashed it against my head. It made me drop to the floor and I felt some warm liquid flow down my chin. I grabbed the nearest object and held I firmly. Daddy raised the bottle again and I stabbed the object into his heart. He stopped. I took out the object and saw that it was a kitchen knife. I pointed the knife back at Daddy and stabbed him over and over, until I started to cry. I bit my tongue and stood up. I raided the closets and found a medium sized backpack that the previous owner had left in the closet. I went back the kitchen and packed the backpack with canned food and many kitchen knifes. I walked to the door and found some running shoes and I put those on. I slammed open the door and saw that it was pouring. In a puddle I saw that my pupils had disappeared and now there was only my red iris. I put my snow white hair down and I ran out of the house, not once looking back. Halfway out of the village I started to see images of Mommy and Hidan. I wiped the tears out of my eyes and ran past the field. I thought I saw a black figure in the field, but I didn't stop once. I was out of the village quicker than I thought and I saw that there was no more area that looked like a road. I continued running and I jumped over a bush. I started to slow down and I saw some lights ahead. I walked toward the lights, and then my legs buckled beneath me. I started to take a breath and I fell over. I couldn't move. "Is anyone there? Help…"I thought as I passed out of dehydration and hunger.

Chirp, Chirp, Chirp!!

I opened my eyes to see that I was in a house. I looked around and saw I was in a bed. I lifted the covers off of me and stood up. My stomach growled and I soon started to wobble. A man came in and he seemed to be in his late 20's.

"Whoa!" He said, catching me. "You okay?"

"Yes, thank you…" I said, falling over on my butt.

"I think you should lay down for a little bit." He said, picking me up bridal style and he placed me back in the bed. "I hope you don't mind but I went through your stuff. Are you in danger?"

"I don't mind, and I'm not in danger anymore…Mr.…?" I asked snuggling close to the covers.

"Oh, just call me Sensei." He said.

I gave him a confused look and asked "Are you a teacher?"

"Yup! I teach ninjas how to fight!" He said looking happy. "Do you want to know how to be a ninja?"

I gave him a look in surprise and I gave him a smile "Yes."

"Okay, I'll teach you but you have to wait a couple of years before you can become an official ninja. But in the mean time I'll teach you techniques and summoning."

"I'll do it Sensei!" I said with a bright smile.