Opening the bedroom door, Olivia turned on a lamp in the far corner. In the soft glow she could see Alex propped up on her pillows, asleep. Olivia paused to take in the delicate blonde features. Sleep softened the hard set that Alex's jaw took in the courtroom, and her blonde hair was swept back into a ponytail.

As Olivia removed her jacket, Alex turned over.

"Waiting?" Olivia asked, smiling faintly.

Alex smiled back and nodded, "Unsuccessful."

"You have court tomorrow, so you shouldn't have tried, sweetheart."

Alex smiled and muttered, "Wanted to." She turned back over, closing her eyes. She listened to the faint, distant sounds of Olivia's clothes dropping onto a chair, the drawer opening and closing, leaving to double check the deadbolts, the water running, the lightswitch flicking on and then off, the soft footsteps down the hall back to the bedroom, and finally the covers rustling as Olivia pulled them back.

Alex smiled again as the bed sank with Olivia's weight. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the detective had lain down on her side, facing away from her. Alex frowned slightly and scooched closer, propping herself up on one arm to kiss the side of Olivia's neck. She saw a small smile from Olivia and she nuzzled closer, hands wandering up and down her back.

"I miss you when you're called out," Alex whispered in her ear as she pressed her body into Olivia's back.

"A lot," she murmured as she gently stroked Olivia's stomach. She kissed her shoulder again as her hands skimmed down to her favourite place on Olivia's thighs.

Olivia's eyes fluttered closed and she smiled at the feel of Alex's body.

But her eyes shut and she was flooded with memory.

Fluorescent lights.

Shiny Instruments.

The standard kit, wheeled out again.

The camera.

Rulers to measure the bruises.

The eyes.

The disbelief.

The fear.

Wincing at the doctor's touch...

Olivia flinched and shuddered and Alex immediately froze, pulling her hands back slowly.

Olivia grasped quickly for one of Alex's retreating hands.

"I'm sorry," she said, lacing her fingers through Alex's and hanging on.

Alex rested her cheek on her girlfriend's shoulder, stroking her forearm gently, "No, I'm sorry."