I don't own Dragonball Z or its characters…nor do I own much money, so if you sue, you'll probably only get about $2 in pennies and some drier lint.
Timeline of this…after Saiyaman appeared in the city, but before the incident with Chobi. It's slight Gohan/Videl.
Through Your Eyes
Chapter 1
It had been a typical school day up until lunch time. Gohan and a few other people, Videl included, had been inside the building rather than outside.
Those that were near Videl still weren't sure exactly what happened when they were asked to recall it.
First, the girl's communicator went off, with the chief telling her of a group of two guys that were obviously out of their proper minds. He actually had told her to stay put instead of help out since one guy had a rocket launcher.
How some insane criminals got those, Gohan and Videl would never understand.
Then, suddenly, the chief was screaming different directions to the girl…make sure the kids were somewhere safe in the building, because the guys were headed their way.
Videl wanted to go and attack them.
Gohan stopped her with a firm grip to her arm. "Videl-san! The rest of us heard, too…those aren't typical crooks. They're certifiable lunatics. The police are trying to go against them cautiously to avoid problems!"
Videl looked torn. "Let go."
Erasa took Gohan's side. "Attacking people like that isn't good…"
Sharpner had already taken off to run to the gymnasium, which was probably the most fortified area of the school.
Gohan had noticed and mentioned it to Videl. "Let's get the other kids to the gym as well. With all the sports played there, it has to be more durable in structure than the rest of the school."
Erasa, once again, agreed with the boy. "That's what the police chief told you, Videl."
Videl gritted her teeth and pulled her arm angrily out of Gohan's grasp. "FINE! I'll evacuate everyone."
"We'll help," Gohan offered.
Erasa nodded. She was a bit scared, but was willing to do something to help.
"Alright…divide up the school." Videl wasn't against their help. Plus, she figured that, if she was able to do it fast enough and away from her two friends, then she could sneak out to knock the crooks upside their heads.
Gohan's eyes narrowed only slightly. He had seen Videl in school and fighting crime (as Saiyaman), and knew that look on her face. I'll have to keep a check on her ki. She's planning something, and I won't let her go fight them.
"I'll take the right wing. Gohan-kun take the back. Erasa, the left." Videl divided them up in a way that she thought would buy her them most time. She knew the most amount of students gravitated towards the right side since that's where the fields were.
In that case, she'd spend less time rounding up stragglers than Gohan and Erasa would. And, in that time, she could easily get away from them.
The world seemed to be against Videl's plans, as the three heard an announcement over the loudspeaker as they ran off to do their 'jobs'. The announcement was from the office, who had received a call from the police about insane men that would be passing by, and to take no chances. Therefore, the office workers paged all students and teachers to report to the gymnasium for their safety.
The message was repeated twice, then stopped. Evidently, they didn't want to hang around, either.
Gohan and Erasa, who had a hard time convincing skeptical students that they were in danger (and made Gohan consider going 'Saiyaman' ), had a lot more success after the announcement was made.
Videl had no trouble, due to her reputation. That, and her area didn't have stragglers.
So, when Gohan and Erasa met up at the gym, they were confused when they didn't see Videl.
"And that's everyone!" a teacher stated when Gohan and Erasa entered.
The two exchanged puzzled looks.
Another teacher was giving instructions. "Stay put, and keep low to the ground! There's a high possibility that the men will go right by the school without doing a thing, but this is a precaution! Do not leave the gym…!"
"What about Videl-san?" Gohan asked the teacher that had taken the head count.
Erasa looked around for her friend. Sure, there was an entire school's worth of kids in the building, but Videl wouldn't be hiding in the back. She would have been right up front with the teachers.
The teacher stared at him with a raised brow. "She went to stop the crooks, of course."
Erasa felt her jaw drop.
Gohan cursed under his breath.
Sharpner, who was nearby, grinned. "Hey, Videl can take care of herself…"
But, Gohan would hear nothing of it. Instead, before the teachers realized it, he was up and out the door.
"Son-kun! Get back here!" one of the teachers roared.
The door closed, for Gohan had already left.
Erasa glanced at Sharpner. "We can't let Gohan-kun get hurt! We have to bring him back here!"
"What…me?!" Sharpner stared at her like she had lost her mind.
"Well, I'm going, even if you're not! I thought you were braver…I guess even Gohan-kun is braver than you!" with that Erasa dashed to the door and opened it.
The teacher who had shouted at Gohan turned red and demanded Erasa stop.
"Oh, hell…" Sharpner muttered, then ran past the teacher that had started to move.
The teacher thought Sharpner was going to try and bring the girl back in, so he didn't rush…until he saw both of them leave.
A few students learned a couple new swear words that even they, as teenagers, hadn't previously known.
Gohan, meanwhile, didn't take long to get to the front of the building.
Videl stood there with her hands on her hips, in front of the school, while the men stood opposite her. Not too close, but still past the school gates.
Gohan nearly paled when he saw that.
The two were hardly 'criminal' looking. In fact, if it wasn't for the guns and crazed looks in their eyes, as well as the army uniforms, they looked almost like normal people.
They weren't heavyset or muscular like most of the crooks that the two faced. Nor did they have masks on.
Videl demanded them to stop, but Gohan was more concerned.
After all, he noticed the sideways, red hourglass symbol on their uniform shoulders. He was sure Videl had seen it, but she didn't know what it meant.
Gohan had battled the androids from the Red Ribbon Army…but he heard the stories from his father and Krillin about how they used to be more than just inventors of killing machines.
Gohan realized it immediately. These two must be remnants from the army. They look to be over forty…yea, that would make the ages work out. The uniforms, the looks…they're desperate. Plus, Red Ribbon didn't care who they hurt. Two ex-soldiers at the ends of their ropes…they won't care who or what they destroy.
"Videl-san! Come back to the gym!" Gohan shouted.
Videl barely spared him a glance. "Go hide with the others, Gohan-kun! Leave these two to me!"
Gohan could hear the police sirens as the law enforcers started to catch up.
The two armed lunatics also heard it.
"We got a present for ya, girlie!" the darker skinned one held up a grenade launcher and fired before Videl could even respond.
The other laughed and added to the fire with a rocket launcher.
Then, before they could see their handiwork, the two got back into their beat up car and took off in hopes to evade the police.
Videl had been petrified to the spot in fear. She had been about to rush them when they fired. She had been shot at, but never with anything bigger than a sub machine gun.
Handheld weapons.
The one time someone had used a bigger weapon was when Saiyaman was there, and they had to save the mayor.
But Saiyaman wasn't there.
And Videl knew she was very much susceptible to rocket fire.
Videl cringed, then felt something smash into her.
Actually, it felt almost like what she imagined being hit by a car felt like, only minus all the injuries.
Gohan had run over the second they fired. He couldn't show his powers in front of Videl and the approaching police, so the other option was to dodge it.
He grabbed onto Videl and used his momentum to push them both to the side of the blasts.
The first one hit the school where Videl had once stood, which caused a burst of heat and debris.
Then, the second one hit the building higher up.
Apparently, the second guy's aim wasn't as good as the first…that, or he was just in a hurry.
Gohan felt the heat of the explosions, but it was nothing he hadn't experienced before from kikouha blasts. He knew it would be dangerous to run off since that would leave Videl open to the flying shrapnel that tore at his cloths and skin, so he just hunched over around her as he took her to the ground.
At a time like this, he was glad that he was tall.
Videl didn't even try to struggle in his grasp since she had no idea what was going on, but could hear the explosions that momentarily left her deaf and could feel the heat around them.
That was when the structure collapsed around them…and on top of them.
And, that was the scene that Erasa and Sharpner came upon. They rounded the bend just in time to see their two friends get buried in rubble.