Don´t ask why I´ve written this I just have soo much angs inside of me and it was raining when I got the idea...
Well basically Alex dies this is a death one-shot so if you don´t like it, then please don´t read and flame me afterwards because now I have warned you.

One shot

What had he done to deserve a life like this? Everyone he knew was gone, dead, and left was nothing but a haunting shadow. His parents, Ian, Jack, Tom and Sabina everyone was gone. There was no one left to care for him. Alex was had long ago noticed that he was alone on the cruel place called earth. To befriend someone or get to know that person usually ended in blood and tears. MI6, wanted him for his skills, SCORPIA too was hunting for his experience but neither wanting Alex. They wanted Alex Rider the special agent, that didn´t hesitate to pull the trigger and kill someone. They wanted the one that did as he was told, and didn´t ask questions. Emotions was useless in this business, kill or be killed the jungle law did not suit better any place than there. Now almost five years later, and still working as a spy, there were many times he has wished to die, just letting go of himself being consumed, by the eternal sleep. There would be no more pain, no more blood, there would be nothing else than endless darkness and an eternal peaceful sleep no one could wake you up from.

Lying there on the ground, ice-cold water, pouring down, on him blood coloring it red. Eleven, visible bullet holes, piercing through his body, the only thing keeping him awake was the numbing rain. The sky hidden by gray dull clouds, the rain was like arrows hitting his limp body. Flashing before his eyes where his life, things he ever wanted to remember to his first Christmas with Ian and Jack. The memory got his eyes to water; a silent cry left his mouth as a single teardrop fell down his chin.
He had no idea how long he had been lying there, until he could feel his heart rate getting slower. He hadn´t got long to live anymore, a small smile crept upon Alex face, and soon he would get to meet his parents. All his misery would end no more pain and blood.

Slowly he closed his eyes, drawing his last breath. It was somewhat ironic how he would die on the same day he was born. It was as if God wanted to give him a present, a very special present. Alex could hear the church bells ringing, striking twelve times. Just as the bell rang for the twelfth time, Alex stopped breathing and his heart stopped.
Exact eighteen years old Alex Rider left earth, dead was now one of England's top agents, ever been seen. Many would just call it an horrible thing such a young person dying, only those who knew him, would now what really had happened when they heard the name Alex Rider. You could see it as an honor to even have gotten to know him. Because there would never come a person that could come up to the standard Alex Rider had set, over the five years he had been working as an agent for MI6. Never would such a gifted and unique person grace earth again. Alex was truly one of a kind.

Of legal age, Alex died a free man. Proud, honorful and one of the most respected persons that ever had graced the halls of the royal bank of England. Never could he have thought his name would continue to live on even after his death.


I know it´s angsty but what did you expect? flowers and small birds?
Well hopefully none of you did that...