A/N: Hey guys. A whole new story. Considering many people requested me to write a story similar to Left Behind, I came up with this idea. Though, know that this one will only partly follow the Naruto storyline so it's AU. Sasuke came back after killing his brother other than throwing another I need revenge fit. It's a bit short for my doing, but considering it's a prologue of the story and not the first chapter at all, I think I've done a good job =3. Enjoy!

Summary: Sakura finally comes back after standing for two years on the MIA list. Everyone is overjoyed to have her back. But then everything changes. Is she still the Sakura they knew, or did she walk over to the other side?

Disclaimer I don't own Naruto, I only own the OC's.

Good or evil

It was storming hard outside. The windows shook in their frames as the wind blew against them. Heavy raindrops collided with the glass and slid down together like a mini waterfall. The room was momentarily lit up as a bolt of lightning ripped through the night sky, the sound of thunder roaring right after it. The light in the room was switched off and only when the lightning bolts flashed across the sky could you see the silhouette of the person standing in front of the window. His gaze was locked on the chaos outside, arms crossed over his chest while he stared out at the storm ravaged world. His raven black hair barely touched the nape of his neck, some of it hiding his right green eye from sight as his bangs hung down in front of it. His pale skin almost made him look like a ghost as the light from the flash bolts bathed his skin in a ghostly bright glow. A small smile was plastered on his face as he continued to watch, waiting for something.

He didn't move as the door behind him opened, didn't even turn to greet the new person. The soft click indicated that the door was closed yet again, and he heard the footsteps softened by the red carpet decorating the floor now moving towards him. They stopped momentarily, as if the person hesitated to disturb the man, but recovered soon as he continued to walk across the room. As he reached the raven haired man he bowed down to the waist, murmured a soft greeting before he straightened his stance. Yet again the former of the two didn't say anything as he instead continued to watch the storm.

"She has arrived King Jin," the man spoke. The sound of his voice seemed to indicate that the man was in his early twenties. His dark blue eyes switched from the ground to his leader's face as he finally began to move to face him. Green met dark blue and quickly he looked away, not able to hold his gaze for long, there was always something in the emerald eyes that made him shiver in fear. The wicked glint that shone there, said that he always had something planned, even though you never knew what it was until it had already happened. He held great respect for the man before him. He was a leader he had never met before, and sometimes he thanked the heavens he was serving under him, instead of being his enemy. The man was crazy without doubt, but it made him even more dangerous. With high intelligence and a sharp tongue, he could manipulate his enemies so that he always came out as winner. He never saw him fail once.

"Than what are we waiting for Shoji-kun?" Jin answered in a happy tone, his smile changing into an insane grin. "We should greet her in the way she deserves," he said. His arms fell to his sides as he turned, moving towards the door with Shoji not far behind him. The long corridor was filled with a couple of doors on either side, paintings of animals and also of people hung on the walls. It ended on another corridor, but this time only the side where they'd just come from had a wall. Straight before them was an open space and you could see a large crystal chandelier dangling in the middle of the room. The railing was made out of dark colored oak, and on the ground lay a long red carpet, a tad darker than the one in the room they had been in before, and but this one only covered a small part of the wooden floor.

Jin moved to the right, passing by a statue of a wolf howling to the unseen moon and when he almost came to the end he turned left, walking down the stairs to the floor below. His footsteps resounded through the room as his feet collided with the marble floor, with every step. Striding down to the doors below the passage he'd just walked down he opened a two way door, coming into a room that was quite unlike the one where he had been. Here the fireplace was lit, giving the room a welcoming and comfortable feeling. And unlike the cold room, this one was warm thanks to the fire. The light had been switched off too; the light that erupted from the fire was strong enough to light up the the room on its own.

The person he had been waiting for was standing in front of the fireplace. She was leaning against the small slat of wood above the fireplace, her arm resting against it as she was bent over slightly. She was drenched to the bone he noted, her clothes clinging to her like a second skin. It wasn't that much of a shock really, seeing how it was raining cats and dogs outside. Her black sleeveless vest she always wore above her dark green shirt was pulled off and hung over the back rest of the large chair on her right side. She still wore her black fingerless gloves and knee length boots, her dark blue pants that stopped above the knee, her right leg bandaged, with her kunai pouch still resting against her thigh. Her dark green shirt was only decorated by a small white circle just below the neck, but above her breasts. Her now darkened hair was plastered against the nape of her neck, the water dripping from the small bangs that normally hung just above her eyes.

Jin waved with his hand, ordering Shoji silently to leave the two of them alone. Shoji complied, bowed down once again as he retreated, before pulling the two doors closed as he exited the room. Waiting for the sound of retreating footsteps to be gone he moved towards one of the small waist high cabinets. He grabbed the bottle of vodka, poured some of the clear liquid into two glasses before placing it back on the silver tray. Taking the two glasses with him, he handed one over to the woman now standing beside him, clanging their glasses together before both of them taking a gulp from their drinks. A small sigh escaped her lips as she savoured the taste of her drink. Her eyes closed briefly before her emerald eyes finally focused on her leader.

"I take it the mission was a success?" Jin asked, sitting down in one of the chairs near the fire as he watched the young woman before him do the same. She swung her leg over the other, a grin forming on her lips before she spoke.

"You assumed correct my master." Her green eyes twinkled wickedly as the fire reflected in her dark green depths. "The Mizukage is gone, just like you ordered me to do."

"Very good my dear, I trust they didn't even catch a glimpse of you?" The girl snorted as if the question was the stupidest one she ever heard. "Of course not master, my blade is faster than they could blink. Before they realised he was out cold, I was long gone."

"Excellent," Jin said. He clapped his hands together excitingly before he stood up. He moved towards the table on the other side of the room and stared down at the cards spread before him. He caressed the joker card that lay straight before him before he moved his hand up, leaning a over the table abit as he turned one of the five kings on the other side of the table over. He drew his hand back then, before turning away and petting the girl on her shoulder.

"You did very well my child." The woman simply bowed as the grin widened when she straightened up.

"Who's my next target my master? Give me a name and consider it done." Her voice sounded eager, her hands twitching in anticipation.

Jin laughed, laying his arm over her shoulder as he pulled her along while he walked back to the chairs they had been sitting in only moments ago. "It will not be fun to make haste of such a nice game my dear. But I also can't ignore your enjoyment as you take part in the game." He kept silent for a minute his smile faltering before a wide smile appeared on his face.

"Very well, consider this the bonus round. I order you to go to Konoha, but not assassinate the Godaime just yet. The thing is that I want you to earn their trust, only so you can kill this person." He moved away from her, grabbing one of the pictures that lay on the low wooden table now before him before handing it over to the girl.

"A challenge," Sakura said as she looked down at the picture. Her green eyes twinkled in delight as she looked up back at her master. "I like it."

To be continued…