Chaper 1

'Not Normal'

By: Jeannette

I own nothing. This all belongs to the people who rightfully have written and own the 2009 movie, The Proposal.

5 days later…

It is 6am on a Friday morning. Margaret and Andrew are sleeping in their bed. The sound of Andrews phone alarm awakens Margaret from her deep sleep.

"Andrew…phone!" He motions for her to ignore it.

"No no… not taking calls at this hour of the night." He takes a pillow and places it over his face.

"Andrew…honey? Its 6am! We are do for work in 90 minutes!" She leans over and begins to give him a nice shoulder massage in which he seems to really enjoy.

"Mmm…that feels nice" She smiles as she leans in and kisses him on the lips passionately. She knows it is pleasing him and she loves every waking moment of it.

"So… 18 months huh? Are you sure its been that long because you were so…"

She interrupts. "Oh my God Andrew! Honey? Is that all you can think about?" She slowly moves away from him and climbs out of bed slipping on her nice bright white robe with a grin on her face.

Andrew rolls over on the bed now facing her and smiles. "You are so sexy in the mornings."

She looks at him confused. "But what about the evening? Am I not sexy then too?" He laughs.

"Baby you know I love you. You are always sexy to me."

"Good." She walks into the bathroom closing the door behind her leaving Andrew lying in the bed naked under the covers with a lot on his mind.

15 minutes later…

"Margaret! Come on sweetie you are taking forever! Honey please… if you don't hurry up I'm coming in after you." He stood up and walks over to the bathroom door. He never even thought to check the lock. All this time he thought it was locked. Click. He hears the door being unlocked. He opens the door to find Margaret wrapped in a solid white towel and steam in the bathroom with the mirrors fogged up. 'she is so beautiful. This has to be a dream' he finds himself thinking. He stares at her finding it hard to resist the temptation as he smacks her right on her naked ass.

"Owe! That hurt." She looks at him, he has this grin on his face a look as if something was on his mind. "Why do you have this look on your face?" He walks closer to her and wraps his arms around her. "Oh my god… what is with that?" She feels his hard member against her legs.

He whispers in her ear. "Honey its morning, remember? And besides, you didn't mind it last night when it was in…" She interrupts him.

"Stop! Just do me a favor ok…"

"And what favor would that be?" He places soft kisses on her damp neck running his hands over her shoulders.

She couldn't hold it in anymore. He was driving her crazy in ways she had never felt before. "Oh… that feels nice." He cups her ass as he continues placing soft kisses all over he neck.

"You like that baby?" She nodded and he continued to please her.

"Andrew…make love to me again!" He did not protest. He tossed her towel aside and picked her up into his arms kissing her passionately on her sweet wet lips. He carried her over to their bed, gently laying her down and lying on top of her, making sweet love to her once more. She moaned in pleasure. "Oh Andrew! Honey oh god!…."


Everyone at the office stares as Andrew and Margaret walk in 45 minutes late.

"hmm wonder what they have been up too?" So the gossip begins.

Margaret is fretting about being late as she runs her hands through her hair. "This is so embarrassing. I have never been late before to anything in my life!"

"Don't worry, its what normal people do." Andrew calms her down.

"But I'm not normal…I'm a b.."

He interrupts her with a kiss. They enter her office and he smiles. "You are now honey."