Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. However, I do not need to, as he is not mentioned in this story :D
Mentioning this again, both these chapters were written for the Reviews Lounge summer challenge and will also be posted on the Reviews Lounge account. Enjoy!
Music, sweet and melodic, floated through the open window, reaching Victoire's ears as she hummed along to the song. Beyond the horizon, the sun lit everything up with rays of orange and gold, setting an appropriate mood for a song about summer.
Abruptly, the music stopped. "Vicka!" Teddy called to her through the window in his piano room.
"Yeah?" Victoire twisted her body so she could properly see Teddy. "What's up?"
Teddy flashed her a grin. "Could you come up here? I have something for you."
Victoire smiled, standing up. "Sure. But my birthday was last month," she teased.
"I know." As she walked closer, she thought she saw a hint of nervousness in Teddy's constantly-shifting features. "This is, ah, something else."
Suppressing her curiosity, Victoire hurried inside, waving at Andromeda before heading upstairs to where Teddy was. He was waiting, both his hair and his eyes electric blue, wearing a half-smile.
"So, what did you want to give me?" Victoire asked, sitting down beside him in front of the piano.
"Well, first, I wanted you to hear my latest song," Teddy explained, hands poised above the keys.
"Well?" Victoire smiled encouragingly, nudging his shoulder. "Go on, play it."
Teddy hesitated for a moment before he began playing, his fingers moving swiftly over the keys, creating a soft, harmonious sound, filled with an emotion Victoire couldn't quite put her finger on until he hit the poignant chorus. Suddenly, the entire song sounded, of all things, wistful, a kind of longing Victoire couldn't begin to understand.
She frowned, confused. Every song Teddy wrote, he wrote from his experiences. But what would make him write a song about longing?
"Teddy?" she asked quietly. Teddy stopped playing at the sound of her voice.
"Yeah?" He didn't look at her, instead staring down at the black and white keys.
"What's the song about?" Victoire asked him.
"Um." Teddy tapped some random keys. "Someone. Anyways, I have a question for you. You know that amusement park we used to go to all the time as kids?"
"Imagination Park?" Victoire asked, smiling. "Yeah, what of it?"
"Well, they recently rebuilt it, you know, added more rides—cooler rides, and stuff. And I was wondering if…" Teddy trailed off and reached into his shirt pocket to produce a colorful ticket with the name of the park written in bold letters. He waited a beat, then pushed the ticket aside to reveal an identical one.
"If you wanted to go with me," he finished, looking up at her.
"Of course I do!" Victoire said immediately, smiling at him, when she realized there was a look of intensity in Teddy's eyes. The summer sunlight which had been such a mood-setter earlier that afternoon suddenly highlighted every raw emotion written on Teddy's face, and Victoire felt her breath catch in her throat at the sight.
"On a date?" she asked, her voice much quieter than before.
Teddy's eyes shifted from blue to green to brown and back. "Yeah," he confirmed. Their breaths mingled openly in the air between them, and Victoire felt hyper-aware of the fact that his lips hovered dangerously close, and his hair, turquoise blue and windswept, brushed her forehead as he leaned closer.
Before she could stop herself, Victoire reached up to tangle her hands in his hair. The tickets slide down onto her lap as Teddy lifted one hand to her waist and the other to her cheek.
"Yes," Victoire breathed, the sound echoing in the otherwise silent room. "I'll go with you."
She felt more than saw Teddy's smile. "I was hoping you'd say that," he told her, before leaning forward and pressing his lips to hers.
Sunrays beamed down upon the two of them from the window, somehow making the kiss that much sweeter. When he finally pulled back, after what seemed like an eternity, Victoire found herself smiling at him, despite the racing of her heart.
"You know that song about summer I wrote a few days ago?" Teddy asked her, his breath coming in gasps, just like hers.
"Yeah, what about it?" Victoire trailed one of her hands down to his so she could lace their fingers together.
"I think I've got a new verse to add to it," Teddy grinned at her and pulled back, keeping one hand entwined with hers and using the other to play the notes of the chorus.
Victoire laughed, feeling the ever-present burdens of her upcoming NEWTs and graduation and future jobs melt away as she listened to Teddy play, her hand in his, and her eyes fixed on sun as it sank below the horizon to mark the end of a fateful summer day.
Author's Notes: Hope this one is as well-received as the last chapter! Thank you so much for your reviews, everyone, they mean a lot to me! In return, I'm giving you more piano-playing Teddy, and even their first kiss =D If you liked this chapter, or the story as a whole, please review and tell me so, because all your reviews make my day!