OK this is my first fanfic. Yeah I've been a long time reader, I just never got an account :P

So yeah feedback and comments are welcome…

Alright just because I've seen most authors do this…*Disclaimer: I do not own Justice League*



Chapter One: Daily Routines

Evangelia's P.O.V.

6:30 A.M.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Good morning Gotham City! This is DJ Mickey Moore on the 'Give Me Moore Morning Show' here on 106.5 Fahrenheit. Hitting you on the sound waves with…"


"Ughh…stupid alarm," I mumble facedown into my pillow with my eyes still closed. I hear soft, quick raps on my door and can already anticipate who that is. 'Like clockwork…'

"Time to get up, Miss Evangelia; your parents are awaiting your presence in the dining room for breakfast."

"Okay Grandpa Alfred!" I holler as I lift my head. Although he's not really my grandfather-he's my butler, actually-he's raised my father as if he were his son and so I've grown up thinking of him as my grandpa. Besides, we all think of him as part of the family.

'Resisting is futile, might as well get up now.'

I slowly push myself up from my bed, walk into the bathroom for the daily morning ritual, and make my way towards my walk-in closet. Both sides of my closet are lined with a different array of clothes from brand name jeans and tops to designer dresses. Beneath my clothes are racks of shoes on display to match every single one of my outfits. Directly ahead of me at the end of my closet is a 360 degree mirror with vanity lighting. This is my mother's idea of how "a young lady's attire room should be like" despite the fact that it's personally not my style. I prefer something simpler but there's just no arguing with my mother.

I walk down to the end of the closet to where my school uniform is kept. I change into a pleated, navy blue plaid mini-skirt and a white, button down, three-fourth sleeve polyester and cotton blouse. In the front is a right breast pocket with the Trinity Union High School crest. I finish off the look with a navy blue tie.

I walk downstairs through the entrance hall into the family dining room, which is adjacent to the big dining room where we usually have guests whenever we host parties. These along with the kitchen, the dining hall, the living room, the den, the library, and my parents' offices are all located in the west wing of the manor past the twin staircases and entrance hall. The bedrooms, guest bedrooms, bathrooms, and my parents' individual personal studies are located within the east wing.

I walk into the family dining room and find my parents and two older brothers already seated. Apparently they'd already finished their light breakfasts.

"Mornin' everyone," I say to no one in particular. They all greeted me but seemed to be engrossed in their business and were busying themselves with getting ready.

I sat down to a plate of toast and strawberry jam with a cup of hot cocoa. Mom was talking to Dad while he's reading the morning newspaper while simultaneously chastising my oldest brother, Dick on who-knows-what. Dick and my dad are both running Wayne Enterprises and lately have been in each other's throats because of work. Tim, my other brother is shoving toast in his mouth, while fixing his tie, and organizing his paperwork. He was in his third year of college and was doing some last minute preparations for class. My mom works at an embassy and is a representative there. She was making some small talk with my dad about some diplomatic thingy with another nation. I dunno…I'm not one to talk things through over with others. I prefer action to talk…I guess I take that after my father.

After I was finished with breakfast I gathered my belongings and Alfred cleared the table. My mom kisses my forehead as she walks out and I get up and kiss my dad on the cheek.

"Are you going to be late for dinner?" I ask. He has been working late at the office and I haven't seen much of him or Dick.

'Please say no, please say no…'

"Yeah I am actually. I'm sorry sweetheart; it's been soon busy in the office lately, right Dick?" He answers in his deep baritone voice. I notice him give Dick a side glance, giving him a certain look as if he expects a certain answer. "Uh…yeah, real busy," his voice falters. I guess he wasn't expecting Dad to give him that look but he regains his composure.

"How 'bout you?" I turn my head and ask Tim. "Nah," he answers. "I'll be home later but I got some serious presentation to prepare for class, so I might be busy."

I stifle a heavy sigh. It's been like this for the last couple of weeks. "Alright, then. I'll guess I'll see you guys later." They all wish me a good day at school and remind me to behave even though I have no problems with school. I guess it's stuff "good" families say. It must be in some handbook somewhere.

I walk out into the driveway where Grandpa Alfred pulls up in a limousine to drive me to school. Dad prefers to have him personally drive me and escort me to school. I step in and we make our way to Trinity Union High School.

'Ughh…daily routines…'


So what do you think so far? Read and review plz!

A/N: Special thanks to Lorendiac for helping me look over the mistakes