So, do you ever find yourself so bored that you dig through old documents on your computer and find long-forgotten things that were destined to never see the light of day ever again?

Yeah, that's what happened to me today.

For those of you who forgot, Scott Bennet here, once again reporting for duty and finally updating this somewhat official biography.

Gosh, a lot of these questions are so outdated now…I'm soooo sorry! My time has been consumed by Revenge of the Island and going back in time with all these AU's Kiki's been writing lately…

But I'm ready to answer now, I'm armed with iced tea and air conditioning and Chris is napping so let's get cracking shall we?

First is livingthegamecalledlife, great name hun

If you could have any superpower, what would it be OR if you could be any superhero, who would you be?

Well, Kiki's favorite superpower is super speed and I see the appeal of being able to run anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds but that just doesn't fit me personally. Hmm, I think control over water would be cool…does that mean I could make it snow whenever I wanted? YES! Snow as a super power! Decision made!

Let's see, Avery is quite a comic book nerd so I know a lot about Marvel and DC heroes. If I could choose to be any hero, I think I'd pick Beast Boy although he has a fairly angsty past, is there any hero who doesn't?

In that case, I pick Wiccan, that way I can at least be in a relationship with Hulking. Yay canon gay couples!

What are your thoughts on Seasons 2 and 3 of Glee?

Oh Glee, you delightfully silly show…

Well, there are things I like and hate with every episode. Like, since there are 3 different directors, every episode has a different tone or certain characters are serious one episode, idiotic the next, depending on who wrote it. But it's still a good show and overall I enjoy it.

I loved the whole Klaine arc during Season 2, they were adorable and any Puck arc they did, like with Shelby, Beth or Lauren. I just love when they focus on Puck in general. A thing for bad boy types? I have no idea what you mean…

Oh, but by far, my absolute fave thing was Karofsky! His journey was so sad but satisfying and you couldn't help but root for him at the end. If Blaine wasn't in the picture, I'd support a little Kurtofsky…

Kiki loved Karofsky too and was so mad with how he didn't get enough love. She ended up making a boyfriend for him and has an entire story in her head about them. His name is Skylar and as much as I would love to see her write it down and post their love story, she probably never will. Without encouragement that is ;)

Have you ever sent a fake email/letter or at least thought about it?

Well, for April Fool's Day last year, I sent Chris an email saying he'd won a life's supply of his favorite hair gel. I even went so far as to have a box delivered to our apartment. It was filled with Fame Town merchandise. His face was priceless.

Lexis my love! I miss you darling and hope life is treating you well. Can I come visit soon? I miss England as well.

You like my doodles and what do you want me to draw?

I love your pictures, they make my life that much more fab. Though I do wish you'd stop drawing me with long hair, I haven't had it that long since college. I much prefer my pixie cut

As for what to draw, I have no idea! I think that's a question for Kiki and she always just hides her face in flattered shame every time it's brought up. She's not worthy of any fanart and yet you've made so much awesome she doesn't deserve. Her words not mine.

Fine, since she won't say it, I'll just ask myself. I want a sexy pic of Chris, just Chris, preferably naked (or as naked as can be that is), possibly in bed? I don't know, you're the artist, not me.

I still love you though.

And what are you going to do for Chris' birthday?

Well, Chris' birthday was July 8th. And I did what any loving boyfriend would do on their lover's birthday.

I took him to a strip club.

And since he's not into muscular guys, he prefers slender figures ;) He really wasn't into it.

That is until the real surprise happened and I took the stage as a "special guest". Getting a lap dance from me in a pink thong in front of a crowd seemed to make his night.

Best boyfriend ever? Well, I try.

From kakashinightroad

What did you do to get a Buckingham palace guard to smile?

When jokes and funny faces didn't work, I finally gave up and paid him 10 quid. Smiled like an idiot for that.

From Nancy Hardy:

What makes you get turned on?

Oh gosh…

1) Cheekbones you could cut glass on. (Yes I mean you Colin Morgan)

2) Bronzed muscular shoulders…and other body parts…but a good tan goes a long way

3) When the colors black and blue get worn together and yes I realize Chris has black hair and often wears a blue shirt. Trust me…I've noticed.

4) When someone is reliable. I once had a boyfriend who never showed up on time or cancelled often, being punctual slowly became more and more appealing.

5) Rain, I could kiss a cute guy forever in the rain.

6) Badass Long coats, like the kind guys wore in Regency England. So hot.

7) Chivalry, I almost jumped a guy for opening a door for me once, I was single at the time. And lonely.

8) Tattoos

9) When Chris gets particularly possessive.

10) Inflatable rafts. Long story.

From tmmdeathwishraven

How did you know Chris was the One?

I've never told anyone this. Not even Chris or Avery.

We'd been dating for 3 months, winter was making way for spring and everything was thawing. I got mugged. Nothing of value was taken besides some money and a silver charm bracelet given to me by my grandma. I was devastated about the bracelet because of it being the one thing I had left of her but I played it off, not wanting to seem childish. I think Chris noticed anyway.

But time went by, a few weeks past and I got over it. Until one night, Chris shows up at my apartment, out of breath and holding the bracelet.

He'd hunted the guy down and beat him up until he'd coughed up my bracelet and then Chris turned him in to the police.

Yeah, I was smitten after that and coincidentally, me and Chris made love for the first time a week later…Chivalry and a good tan, gets me every time.

Do you know or are you friends with any bi or lesbian girls?

Avery swore she was bi in college. But then so did everybody else.

I'm friends with Eva, does that count?

There are a lot of bisexual people at the studio and I am friends with many of them. Hell, my own lover is bisexual. I can't believe I sleep with someone who used to sleep with girls…yuck.

And yes hunny, I would love to be your friend

And that ends round 13!

I'm sorry this interview died for awhile there but hopefully I have revived it.

As always, please send in any new questions. I love you all!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm tired and there's a very sexy host nearby just asking to be used as a body pillow.
