Chapter Twelve

It was dawn, Wolf stirred from his sleep, noticing that Serena wasn't in bed. The bathroom door was wide open and the lights were off.

Oh please not again…

The lupine turned the light on and saw that her shorts were still on the floor, which was a huge relief to him. He got up and put on his boxers, headed out to the living room and noticed that on his balcony was his Serena. She was looking out toward the horizon. Wolf went out to the balcony and grabbed her from behind, kissing her neck.

"What are you doing up this early?"

"What are you doing up this early?" She responded back.

"I noticed you weren't in bed."

"Well, I wanted to see the sunrise, care to join me?"


He grabbed a deckchair and folded it out, and sat in it, he gave a "Papa-squat over here" motion to Serena, who obeyed. She made her own little niche in between Wolf's legs, using his chest as a pillow.

Suddenly, over the horizon, a faint gleam of light appeared. It became brighter, and brighter, until the whole sun was visible. The sky changed colors over the next few minutes, making its night-to-day transition.

"Oh Wolf…It's so beautiful."

"Kinda like you?"

"Hah!" Finally, things began to become more day like as the sky turned a light blue.

"So Serena…I realized that uh...we did it without any...?"

"I know, I took the pill." The lupine let out a sigh of relief, knowing he didn't cause an accidental pregnancy due to carelessness.

"I want to know something Serena, and I want your honest opinion. Okay?"


"All right then…last night, was the first time that I ever really…err…how can I put this into words?" He trailed off for a moment and then composed himself. "Last night was the first time I ever had sex with someone I loved deeply…and I wanted to know, did I do good?"

"Psh…way to ruin the moment!" She said sarcastically.

"Come on, I'm serious!" He responded.

"Okay, you want the real truth? Fine, I'll give it to you." She looked up at the lupine with a smile. "You were perfect." Wolf laughed at the response and kissed her head.

"You know I really do love you more than words can describe right?" He asked.

"The feeling is a hundred percent mutual."

They sat there for about another half an hour, reminiscing over the past two weeks. How Wolf was saved from insanity and possibly suicide, how Serena was saved from Charon's wrath, and how Wolf O'Donnell and Serena Groaves found love. Things were looking up for Wolf, only the future could tell what they had in store for them…

The End

Thank You's

I can't believe that this is finally done. I have worked for about one week on this and it was the most satisfying week of my entire life. I want to thank so many people for helping me with this. First off, I want to thank fellow writer KeepingtheBlade for spending five hours with me on AIM trying to get the plot set out in stone in the middle of the night! Your reviews you've given have also been very insightful and I change my work each time you notice something!

I want to give a huge thank you to my old creative writing teacher for inspiring me to reach for the stars.

And of course now comes the music. I listened to music all the way through the writing process of this prose and it inspired me to points that I cannot really describe. I'd like to take a moment to give credit to those songs. Consider this a soundtrack per se…

Chapter One: "Starting Over" - Korn
Chapter Two: "Behind Blue Eyes" - The Who (As covered by Limp Bizkit)
Chapter Three: "Octopussy" - (Hed) PE
Chapter Four: "Side Of A Bullet" - Nickelback
Chapter Six: "No Sex" - Limp Bizkit
Chapter Seven: "Are We The Waiting" - Green Day
Chapter Eight: "Almost Here" - The Academy Is...
Chapter Nine: "The Unforgiven II" - Metallica
Chapter Ten: "Beat It Upright" - Korn
Chapter Eleven: "Angel With The Scabbed Wings" - Marilyn Manson
Chapter Twelve: "Love Like Rockets" - Angels and Airwaves
Chapter Thirteen: "Higher" - Creed

Thank you all so much for supporting me, it's been a trip! I look forward to writing another fan fic sometime soon!