This. Took. Forever.

Disclaimer: I do not own kingdom hearts. However, on weekends and sometimes even week days, me and my girlfriend like to dress up as Demyx and Zexion and do some very non-pg things in public.

love us, we're cosplayers. XD

Chapter 15

Zexion had never ridden a horse. Pony rides at fairs did not count, Demyx had informed him at about a week into their relationship. The blonde insisted he had to learn, as it was an important part of his life in a farming family.

It wasn't that he was afraid of the horse, it was that he was terrified he would tell it the wrong thing. So with a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the arm, his increasingly adorable musician informed him that he 'couldn't screw up just holding on', and pushed him into a stall with Apallo.

"Get used to her. Once she knows who you are, and you know her, you'll be fine."

"I'm reasonably sure this horse will not like me."

"W-what how can you say that? You've just met her!"

"One; she's female. Past experience shows me, me and most females simply do not have good relations." Zexion paused as he set his hand gingerly on the animals shoulder, looking the horse up and down with raised eyebrows. Demyx laughed somewhere down the dusty hall of the barn, sounding as though he were digging through something. "And two, I'm a whiney, scrawny little being with hair similar to hers in style, who is supposed to be telling her what to do. I wouldn't even listen to me."

"Zexy, you'll be fine."

Suddenly, Demyx was pushing the stall open, brushes and combs in hand, and a hoof pick sticking out of his pocket.

"I've never had control over a creature in my life, Demyx. I hardly know how to make her turn left or right." He gave the older boy an sceptical look, but took a circular comb, a curry comb he was later informed, from the blonde and began doing circles as instructed over the short dense hair of the horse's side.

"Apollo was my mothers horse."

The softness of Demyx's tone shocked the younger boy, and he quickly leaned around the front of the buckskinned horse, watching as his recently acquired boyfriend smoothed the animal's side in a calming manner.

"She was the one who knew something was up with Mom. She always seems to know better than the other horses." the guitarist smiled sweetly then, looking over to the younger boy. "She'll take care of you."

Zexion felt himself melt internally. Demyx had been saying things of the same sweetness for the past two weeks. They'd only first gotten together two and a half weeks prior to the current date, and ever since the initial kiss on the piano bench in his basement, Zexion had found himself increasingly smitten. It was such an experience to have someone besides his mother care about anything he said or did. And while any public displays of affection were kept to a minimum, especially at school due to the hassle they'd watched Axel and Roxas take on several occasions, both boys had been spending an increasing amount of time together. Demyx just seemed to take advantage of every moment they weren't surrounded by friends to say something cavity-inducingly sweet, or at the least attempt a bit of awkward handholding.

Awkward didn't even begin to describe how Zexion seen Demyx taking things. Awkward, but eager and at times a bit shy. He just simply found every little thing adorable about the blonde, however.

Demyx chuckled softly as the younger boy wrapped his arms around his waist in a silent show of thanks.

"It's not that hard, I promise."


The blonde groaned, and slumped forward, attempting to hide behind the mare while not letting go of Zexion. "Whaattt?" He called back in a worn tone.

"Where's Ozzy's bridle? Its not on his hook!" Axel appeared at the stall door, leaning in with his eyes narrowed and hair back in a pony tail.

"I hung it on his stall door for you."

"Oh." The older boy gave a smirk in his direction as his friend turned around, boyfriend still in his grasp. "Thank you Dem~" with that he nearly skipped down the barn hall to his horse's stall.

"I swear Axel gets gayer every time I see him." Demyx groaned, his chin resting on top of slate hair.

"The amount of homosexual tendencies is increasing, isn't it?" the smaller boy agreed with a small smile.

"Its throwing his bad-ass look right to the trash."

"Facial tattoos and skipping. Doesn't quite match."

Both boys chuckled before parting in order for Demyx to slowing instruct Zexion how to saddle up, the younger teen listening and watching intently. It really wasn't that difficult of a task, it was just something completely new to him was all. He was sure after a few repetitions of the process, he'd be able to almost match Demyx's ease.

Soon enough, Zexion was leading the mare out into the hall, and down to the barn doors, where he could see the shadow of another horse waiting outside. As he was met with sunlight once more, blinking a few times at the brightness while trying to walk towards the nearby fence, he could hear Axel talking softly. When his violet eyes had finally adjusted tot eh change, he spotted the older boy standing in front of a tall black gelding, softly running his spindly fingers through the animal's forelock while speaking to it. Ozzy, Zexion assumed that was the horse's name from Axel's earlier words, stood, flicking his tail lightly but not moving otherwise. As the redhead gave a chuckle, mid-talk, he ruffled the raven coloured piece of hair playfully, the horse nudging him in return as if it understood his words completely.

Zexion couldn't help but smile. Axel was far less terrifying now that he'd gotten to know the softer side. The redhead actually was now quite harmless in his mind.

There was a soft clip-clop of hooves as Demyx led out the horse he'd saddled, and brought the gelding over to the fence, tossing the reins over a post and making an 'I'm watching you' gesture at the horse.

Well, even if Demyx wasn't wearing shining armour, he would be riding a white horse, Zexion mused with a smirk. Between the musical talent and horseback riding, his boyfriend was turning out to be the exact desire of most teenage girls. Too bad for those girls, he was quite content with his mullet-haired cowboy and had no intentions of letting some girl take him away.

Zexion watched Demyx hop a fense and open a gate into the front field, where the boys would apparently be herding the cattle that afternoon. As he hurried back, Axel lead his black gelding over next to the horse Demyx had brought out, taking the reins in his hand as well.

"Zex, lead her over this way, I'll get the gate."

Doing as he was told, the youngest followed him to where he opened a smaller gate and first lead his own, then Demyx's through. Axel gave a nod as Zexion copied him, walking along side the buckskin and into the field. With a soft click, the gate closed and Demyx walked over to his friends, taking the reins from his vocalist with a nod in thanks.

"My guess is their in he far field. Probably in the bush. They like to be away from the road, but then we cant see how many are born if they're all back there." He explained as he demonstrated to Zexion how to get up onto his horse. "So we bring them back to the front about once every other month to check up on them. They stay out front for a week, then we open the gates and they go right back."

With a hop, a heave, and a bit of a bounce, Zexion found himself sitting in the saddle quite comfortable, hands holding the reins at the horn, but already missing the ground. It probably wasn't even that big of a distance to the ground, but the possibility of falling still made him nervous.

Axel was up within seconds, and already starting towards the back of the field, demyx in toe.

"She knows what to do, Zexy, don't worry." the blonde said, seeing how nervous his boyfriend was.

"Its still kind of scary, you know."

"I was raised on horses so, I can only guess." the blonde laughed sheepishly. "I promise she wont do anything on purpose." He felt the horse move without instruction, following the other two out into the open. She really did know what to do…

"So, how many horses do you have, Demyx?" Zexion questioned, mindlessly playing with the dark tuft of mane that fluffed up near the saddle pad.

"Four right now. Plus Ozzy, who's Axel's." The blonde leaned back, turning slightly in his saddle. "Forte," He pointed down to the white gelding he currently rode, "is my sisters, Tank is my Dad's, Apallo, who was my mom's, and Harmony, who's mine."

"How is Harmony, by the way?" Axel asked with a laugh, earning a scowl from his friend.

"Fine. Pregnant, but fine."

Zexion chuckled, shaking his head.

"I'm guessing there's a story behind that?"

"Ozzy is just as hormone driven as his owner, apparently." Demyx pouted back to him.

"Oh come on, I'm not that bad!"

"Yes you are."

"Am not!" Axel defended, though he was still grinning.

"… Anyways, I'd been telling Axel for months he ought to get his boy gelded before he figured out how to use what he had, but nooo, Axel said he felt BAD about doing that to Ozzy."

"You wouldn't want someone chopping yours off!" The oldest protested.

"Shh!" Demyx hiss, finger to his lips for a moment, holding the reins with one hand, the animal below him apparently already knowing the way. "Anyways, Ozzy jumped my baby girl in the field one morning, and well, by the end of the week he was gelded, and Harmony was pregnant."

"… So Axel's horse knocked up your horse?"


"Ozzy's gunna be a baby daddy!" The redhead exclaimed with a laugh.

"You're just lucky your mother actually wants the foal, Axel. There's no way we could have it otherwise."

"Yeahhh I know, Dem." his grin turned to a soft, thankful smile. Zexion couldn't help but admire their friendship then. There was no doubt Axel's horse probably require board being paid, which would help Demyx's family with money problems, without actually handing them money, which if the father was anything like the son, he'd never openly accept without some sort of purpose.

It was amazing, to say the least, that Demyx's family had managed the way they were. Demyx had told him, his father was often out talking with other farmers because he rented land to them. They grew their own hay for the horses, he assumed, as well as corn in the one field he'd seen. They had cattle, which was what they were currently looking for. It was a lot of work, for not a lot of profit.

It was so much harder than that stupid little game Zexion used to play on his gameboy. Harvest Moon, was it?

"Hey! There they are!" Axel dropped a rein in order to point at the decent sized group of cattle standing at the edge of the bush line, most of them still oblivious to the three on horseback.

"Well, we're going to have to split up to scare them back home…" Demyx mused aloud, looking over to an utterly terrified Zexion who was apparently not liking the idea of riding alone. "But, Axel has done this enough times he could probably take one side, and us take the other."

"Damn right you've roped me into it enough times!" The redhead exclaimed, snorting in the guitarist's general direction. "I could do this by myself if I wanted to!"

"Bull shit. I call bullshit." Zexion stated, though he still looked incredibly nervous.

"A-Axel! No!" Before Demyx could reach over and grab hold of the loose rein closest to him, Axel had given a light flick of his heels. One hand raised in the air and bright hair caught in the wind, Axel charged forward on Ozzy, hollering a loud: "LEEEROOYYYYY JEEENKINNSSSS!"

"I.. kind of hate him right now." Zexion muttered, getting a better grip on his reins as he felt the buckskin bellow him fidget excitably.

"You'll hate him more in a couple seconds if they take off in the wrong direction." Demyx sat back in his saddle and sighed as if he were tired already. "Hopefully they go as he tells them." As if that said enough, the blonde trotted off to the side, Zexion being tossed a bit in the saddle as Apollo followed after the other horse.

By some miracle, Axel hadn't messed up. The mass of groans and faint 'moo's was headed directly for the place the boys had been talking only moments earlier. There were a lot more than had been seen outside, the rest having been hiding amongst trees and shrubs until they'd been startled.

Forte pawed at the ground as the mass neared them, Demyx biting his lip as he waited for the best moment, then quickly looked to his boyfriend who was a little ways behind him.

"So basically, just follow up the rear, but kind of stick to the left. We can use the fence against the corn to keep them together until the gate. That's going to be the hard part. Some are going to try and scoot to the side, and then if they get too far from the rest they'll get scared."

"Kay. I think I can do that."

"It shouldn't be too bad, because Apallo has done this too many times to count." The blonde smiled softly, just as the cows got close enough, then gave a squeeze of his legs and he was off, hurrying to keep along side the front of the mass. Zexion felt the mare below him tense in excitement, and he slowly let the reins loosen and gave her a nudge.

She lunged forward, chasing after the group and following up the rear, only needing Zexion's light tug to the left a couple times to remind her where to stay.

As the large open gate neared, He knew he begun to worry. Demyx had gone ahead of the cows, and was waiting on the other side to keep them all turning right and against the fence, forcing them to head towards the barn. Axel was struggling to keep all the cows in, and so when Zexion got close enough to the gates, and a single animal decided it was going to jar to the left and cut in front of him, he gave a short yelp.

Apallo copied the small cows movement, and Zexion realised she was waiting on him to give her instruction. A flick of his heels and she hurried to get around the other creature, Zexion slowly having her push it back in with the rest of the group and following them through the gateway, Axel only a small ways behind him but catching up after the last few exited the far field.

It had been fairly easy, the slate haired teen realised as he last cow trotted through the gateway into the front field. A lot easier than he'd expected.

Axel swung his leg over Ozzy's side and went to slide off, however, his shoe got caught somewhere along the way and he ended up landing on the ground a bit awkwardly, stumbling a few steps before getting to the gate and pulling it closed, his horse nickering as if to mock him.

"Yeahhh, shut up. I meant to do that." He pouted to the black gelding, hands on his hips. The horse tossed its head in response, jingling the shining silver bits to his bridle.

"Even he knows you're bullshitting, Ax." Demyx laughed, Forte standing still for the mean time. "He's probably going to be wanting his treat soon though. You've spoiled him into thinking he gets one every time."

"Well! He was good! He deserves treats!"

Demyx shook his head tiredly.

"Okay, so, how do I get down without screwing up?" Zexion asked curiously, looking on either side of the mare's neck is question as to which route was safest.

"Shut up Zex, its hard stuff some days."

"No, you just fail at it." Demyx laughed. "Same way you got up Zexy. Take your right foot out of the stirrup, slide it over to your left." He instructed, the younger boy following the directions exactly. "Now hold yourself on with your hands, hang on to the addle horn. Yeah, like that, okay, now slip your left foot out, and slide down."

He landed with both feet solidly on the ground, and not having done anything incorrectly.

Rather pleased at his dismount, Zexion smirked up to Demyx, who could only chuckle at the look Axel gave the youngest. Apparently, Ozzy agreed with the redhead's opinion because mere seconds later, he'd given the slate haired boy a good push with the flat of his head. With a short yelp, Zexion hit the ground, or rather, the puddle of mud that he'd been walking next to.

"I wish I could high-five you so badly right now." Axel laughed to his horse, ruffling the animals mane affectionately.


Demyx shook his head, but had to chuckle as well, bending down to offer his boyfriend a hand in getting back to his feet.

"I'm soaked." Zexion grumbled as he got to his feet, looking around at his back end. It was indeed covered in mud, and rather wet. Lovely. "I don't have spare jeans with me either!"

"You can borrow some of mine!" Demyx offered with a smile.

After putting the horses back into the barn and checking on the cattle, they boys headed up to Demyx's bedroom. Unfortunately, there they were faced with a problem.

Demyx and Zexion, apparently were not the same size in clothing. Well, it was obvious, but none of the boys had really considered it until Zexion stood there, holding the older boys pants next to himself.

"…I need a really small, good belt." The slate haired teen said to his friends, brows furrowed as he glared at the pants. They were too long, and definitely too wide for his thin frame.

"I'm wearing the only belt I own Zexy." Demyx said with a sigh. "Sorry… I don't think I have anything that will fit you."

"Yeah and I'm about the same size as Dem, so my jeans wont fit either." Axel supplied, sitting down on the edge of his best friend's unmade bed. "I think you're out of luck, bud."

Zexion groaned, dropping Demyx's pants onto the floor where he'd found them.

"I can't even sit down right now, that's how nasty it feels."

There was a soft knock at the door that got their attention, the three boys turning to look to the hallway.

"Hey, what going on?" Namine peered inside, sketch book clutched tightly to her chest. "Did you bring the cows in?"

"Yeah. But Ozzy pushed Zexy into the mud." Demyx pointed, point to his boyfriend who frowned, but turned to show her the mess of mud that was his behind.

"He doesn't have spare clothes?" Her voice was still soft and quiet.

"Nah, and mine don't fit him."

Suddenly, Axel was on his feet, pulling the small blonde girl into the room.

"Hang on a sec… Namine… Stand next to Zex." The girl did as she was told, looking curiously up at the red head in the same confused fashion as Zexion was currently doing.

"Heyyy…." Demyx was suddenly smirking. "Axel, good idea!"

"No." Zexion scowled then, crossing his arms over his chest. "No way."

"You're probably the same size though!" Axel exclaimed, grinning triumphantly. "Namine, would you let Zexion borrow a pair of pants?"

"Oh, of course! So long as I eventually get them back, that's fine with me." she smiled sweetly up at Axel, then over to Zexion. "I have a pair of dark grey ones you might like."

"Ughhhhh I can't believe thissss."

"Its either a wet ass, or my little sister's jeans, Zexy. Take your pick."

Zexion was not pleased.

He was only a little upset when Axel offered to put some eyeliner on him.

Only a little more when the nail polish was brought out.

The hair barrette he was offered moments later was starting to push it.

The white panties that Axel managed to grab out of Namine's drawer and toss in Zexion's general direction was taking it one step too far.

"Fuck off Axel! You're the one who should be wearing those, you blatant homosexual!"

Demyx's father laughed heartily from the kitchen table, where he sat scribbling away in a binder that had a cow-print cover. For the cattle information, Zexion assumed. Demyx stood at the stove, stirring a pot of noodles with a smile as Axel scurried over behind his guitarist.

"Ahh!" the redhead gave a rather feminine yelp as the undergarment was tossed back at him. "I mean, ahh," his tone lowered slightly, "manly scream. Ahhh." Demyx let out a light-hearted laugh.

"Guys can we please stop throwing around my sisters underwear, its weird. Axel, put it back."

"Yeah Axel, put it back." Zexion teased, sticking out his tongue as he sat down across from Mr. Brookes, who he increasingly had respect for, and a growing fear of. It had to be the whole 'I'm dating your son' thing, that had him a tad nervous around the man, Zexion assumed. That was kind of a scary concept, seeing as Mr. Brookes was apparently still out of that little loop. Understandable, since well, Zexion had yet to tell his parents as well. But he found it was kind of hard on Demyx, since the blonde liked to touch him quite frequently when they weren't in a huge crowd like at school.

"Well, I need a beer." The middle aged man at the table announced, closing the binder with a sigh. "You boys want anything from the pantry?"

"Pepsi please," Axel voiced as he headed up the stairs to return Namine's underwear to her.

"Same." Demyx said, picking up a package of sauce and studying the instructions. "Zexy, you want anything?"

"No thanks, I'm fine thank you."

"So polite!" Came the chuckle from Demyx's father as he headed around the corner and into the small room, where shortly after, some rummaging could be heard. Axel came down the stairs with what Zexion could only describe as a 'tromp tromp tromp' before sliding slightly on the tile floor. As if the redhead already hadn't been loud enough, there was a loud guitar rift that screeched through his jean pocket.

"Ooo, text message from Roxy~" The oldest boysang happily, pullign the device out with a bit of a girlish giggle.

Demyx rolled his eyes, turning around to look at his friend.

"You're such a little girl somet- hey!" The blonde pointed a sauce covered wooden spoon at his friend in what appeared to be a menacing guesture. "Let me see that!" The spoon landed in the pot with a clunk as the blonde hurried over to stand at the table with his boyfriend and his vocalist.

"Hang on Dem, I'm texting him back."

"Sweet nothings or…?" Zexion smirked.

"Shut up, girl pants." Axel didn't even look away as he switched out the keyboard on the phone and typed away with two thumbs before sending his response.

"you got a new phone!" Demyx chimed happily, scoping the blinking device from his best friends spindly fingers.

"I did! Its tight, yo!" axel exclaimed with a grin, reminding Zexion of the redheads older brother at that moment.

"It is… tighter than my little sisters jeans." Demyx approved with a giggle, before lowering his voice and swooping down to the level at which Zexion sat. "Which look great on you by the way."

The blonde gave him a quick peck on the cheek, smirking when his boyfriends cheeks darkened at least three shades.

"Awhh, lookit you~" Axel cooed, then snatched his phone back.

"Yeah, yeah." Demyx rolled his eyes again as he stood straight, but stopped to ruffle Zexion's hair affectionately before heading back to the pot on the stove. "Zexy, you still don't have a phone do you?"

"No, I don't."

"You need one."

"Mmm, I think I've surviving just fine without one actually." the slate haired teen protested. "Its just another thing for me to send through the washing machine."

"If you like it enough, you'll remember to take it out." his boyfriend persisted as his dad rounded the corner.

"I find its actually kind of comforting that Demyx has his phone." The man said as he handed out the drinks he'd collected. "If something goes wrong, he can always call me or Namine for help. I think your mother would probably agree, Zexion."

"Yeahh, Riku has one, and Mom always asks that he has it on. But I don't really go out much, Riku's always over at Sora's, or out in his car or something. I don't really know what he does still."

The blonde man opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a loud knocking on the front door, one of his eyebrows raising as he turned to look in the direction of the house exit.

"Someone's here?" Demyx asked curiously. "Were you expecting any of the guys?"

"No, Brad had work and Steve's mare is due to foal any night now…" setting his beer on the counter, Mr. Brookes turned and started towards the door, where a second, more persistent set of knocks began.

Zexion watched both Demyx and Axel's eyes go wide.

"Shit." Axel cursed quietly, peering around the corner as he heard the door open.

"Marshall~!" A loud female voice twittered. "Dearest brother in-law~"

"Fuck." Axel cursed again, ducking his head back around. "It's the she-devil."

"Dammit!" Demyx seemed to agree, tapping his spoon loudly on the side of the pot and wincing as he realised that it made it obvious there was more people around.

"Where's my favorite niece and nephew~? I seen the pickup is home so they must be here, it's a school night after all!" Zexion found himself getting increasingly nervous as he heard heeled shoes come off and the door close, but Demyx's father not say a word.

The Aunt. The she-Devil, as Axel had called her. The one trying to split Demyx's family up. Fuck. The woman was coming in.

She rounded the corner, and Zexion gasped at the likeness the woman held to her sister. Sure it had only been pictures, old pictures at that, but their faces were very similar. If this woman lost about thirty pounds, she could very possibly be Demyx's mother. Thirty pounds, extravagant jewellery, the business-like and probably expensive out fit… and hair products.

Demyx was forced into a hug, which he timidly but did return.

"Hey aunt Margret." Demyx offered quietly. "It's been a while."

"Too long, sweetheart, too long!" She released him and hurried to the stairs. "Namine~! Aunt Margret's here honey!" She called up, and Zexion could picture the young girl flopping forward onto her drawing desk with a groan.

Instead of waiting for a response, the woman turned to the table, looking to the youngest boy curiously.

"You're new." she stated, hands on her hips as she examined him. Zexion felt the need to be formal then, if anything, to impress her. He stood and walked over, offering his hand to her.

"My name's Zexion Schweyer. Its nice to meet you." He knew Axel's mouth fell open, and he could only hope that his scheme worked.

"Oh, a boy with some manners!" She twittered with a smile, taking his hand and shaking it daintily. "I'm Margret Miles." She paused however, to look him up and down, and then frowned.

He was slightly shorter than her, had an interesting hairstyle, and weirdest of all, was wearing the tightest pair of jeans she'd ever seen on a boy… actually, there was a sparkling rhinestone on the left pocket.

Zexion had forgot about those. He winced inwardly.

The woman pulled away, changing her attention over to Axel.

"Still hanging around, I see." She said in a rather disapproving tone.

"Of course. I've got nothing better to do than," Axel made air quotes with his thin fingers, " 'corrupt your sweet nephew'. As you can see, how many years later and he still drives a pick-up and has no tattoos. Never said I was good at my job." Axel said spitefully.

"Oooo you're lucky your mother has so many connections, boy." The blonde woman glared as Axel smirked, thumbs slipping into his belt loops.

"Yeah, mom's cool like that." He chuckled at her, eyes still narrowed.

"Demyx, honey, what is your semester like this year?" She sat herself down at the tablet. "Oh, and would you be a dear and get me a nice cup of tea?"

"Sure, uhm." Demyx flung open a cupboard and tossed a look to Axel, the red head following his glance at the stove and moving to take care of the pot his guitarist had been tending to. "Its alright. Music, History, Media arts… uhm, I have English too." He clicked the kettle on, and turned around to look at his aunt. "Milk or cream?"

"Cream, sweetheart, you know me."

"Oh, oh yeah." He stuttered a bit shyly, hurrying to the fridge.

It was a little disturbing, to see how incredibly submissive Demyx became around this woman. How much control she had over him. Zexion found his eyes narrowing ans watched as Mr. Brookes leaned against the wall, watching them. He supposed it must have been hard for Demyx, having a woman so threatening look so much like his mother…

"And how are your teachers? Are they all well educated?"

"Y-yeah of course. They're all good. Nice too."

"What's your best subject?"

"W-well, music, as always. But I'm doing pretty well in Media Arts too. Zexy's in that class." He said, pulling out a tea bag from a box.

"Oh?" The woman frowned at the use of the nickname, apparently thinking it was childish.

"Yeah, he helps me sometimes." Zexion offered, still hoping to put in a good impression. "I got transferred over to that class, that's how we met."

"I see." Not interested, apparently. "So Demyx, you don't think a different school would be better for you?" There was a creak in the stiars as Namine decended shyly, but the woman didn't hear it. "One with a better name for itself perhaps? Less students, greater faculty?"

"N-no I think I'm fine, aunt Margret. I really like Oblivion. Its nice and I've spent all my highs cool years there, s-so I already know all my teachers, pretty much. Besides, its my last year, I don't want to change over now. I've got less than a year left, then I'm off to college." Demyx gave the cup of tea to his aunt then, hoping it was up to her standards.

"Well, yes, assuming your marks are high enough and you actually pass all your classes." The woman huffed lightly, crossing her arms on the table top, then spotting Namine at the bottom of the stairs.

"H-hi aunt Margret." The blonde girl greeted quietly, passing Zexion to go over and give her aunt a light hug, which was no doubt something that had to be done every time the woman seen the two siblings.

"Hi there, sweetheart!" She chimed. "I was just talking to Demyx about his schooling, what about you? Are you doing well in your courses?"

"Y-yeah I'm doing alright."

"Well, personally, I think you two aren't getting the chance you deserve! I think, you two would love it at Destiny Secondary. Better staff, smaller classes," The woman looked from Demyx to Namine. "You two could move right in with me and your cousins, and then you'd have a good, proper environment to grow up in!"

"Margret." Mr. Brookes' voice sounded, signalling the woman had overstepped her bounds. "They children made their choice long ago."

"Oh but Marshall, there's always times in ones life where you can change your mind!"

"I'm pretty sure they both haven't. They've both said they're doing fine."

"How do I know they're not just telling me that because their father wants them to say that, hmm?"

Zexion bit his lip, watching the hurt expression cross first Mr. Brookes' face, then his son's.

"We're not just saying that." Demyx said.

"Demyx, sweetie, the adults are speaking."

"Aunt Margret." He raised his voice then, something that struck Zexion as very un-Demyx-like. The blonde woman turned, make-up coated eyes narrowed at him. "I'll be turning eighteen in February. I am an adult. Me and Namine like where we live now, and we always have. We don't want to change the way we live."

Axel lifted the pot off the burner then, giving a stir off the noodles and letting them cool. As the redhead turned around, resting his elbows on the counter top, he couldn't help but nod to his best friend.

"I can vouch for that. Dem and Nam are happy with you not being here, messing with their lives."

While Axel received a warning look from Mr. Brookes, Demyx sighed, his eyes meeting Zexion's worried glace for a moment.

"well fine." The woman stood with a huff. " You're both simply to comfortable is all. You could do with some change. And I'll see to it there is some!"

"Margret -" She raised a finger to Demyx's father, eyes still narrowed.

"No, I'm leaving, but you can expect to hear from me, as well as some others Marshall. These kids deserve better than what ever my sister thought they'd have here."

With that, she stormed to the front door angrily. They heard her stumble slightly as she got back into her heeled shoes, and then the door slam roughly, the entire room wincing.

"Ughhhh!" Namine groaned, slumping down in the chair her relative had just occupied. "Why wont she give it up?"

"I don't know, Namine. I really wish she would." her father sighed heavily, walking to the recently slammed door to peer out as the woman drove down the lane way.

Demyx sat down at the table as well, looking incredibly tired and stressed. Zexion felt himself melt a bit, and hurried over to him while he had the time. He quickly placed himself in the older boys lap, and pressed their foreheads together.

"Demyx, I didn't know how pushy she really was. Y-you stood up to her. that's amazing." He slowly began to comb through spastic blonde locks of hair, calming him quickly. "I really wish you didn't have to deal with shit like that. I- I tried to maybe, I don't know, impress her? In hopes she wouldn't cause too much trouble, because of what you'd told me before… I just… thought it would help. I'm sorry if it made things worse…"

He seen Axel move to get bowls out of the corner of his eye, but instead continued to give his attentions to Demyx, hoping his boyfriend would keep himself together.

Blue eyes looked to him then, a little watery.

"Thank you, Zexion."

Despite his blush, the slate haired teen pressed a soft kiss to his lips before returning their foreheads together, his arms looped around the musicians shoulders while tanned hands clung tightly around his thin waist. A soft sigh escaped him then as his fingers played with the long strands of his boyfriend's hair.

"Any time."



No I have not dropped it. I just found a new fandom and have become distracted with writing for the HomestuckKinkMeme.

I have a bunch written to this, I am just having a hard time. See you next chapter, when ever this is. also I'm sorry if this spammed your inbox, I needed to do some cleaning up.