So this is the last chapter of roses. Not really sure if u all r sad or happy…LOL. I thought I would end it with something that some people would call sickening sweet. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. I have a few other fics lined up and if you want some previews for them they are over on my profile J! And if they already aren't they should be soon. Here's Cal and Gill in the married life!

My lappy (compy) bestie Kelli (Fostergirl147) wrote this chappy with me. Over the phone. It's a lot harder than I expected.

Soooooooo sorry it took like eighty years. Please don't hate. Love you all…

Finally happy I'm done with this. Guh, the beginning chapters of this, I don't even want to relive. Like ever. Just forget they happened. ;)

She typed in the last few words of her report then saved it and began shutting her computer off.

"Hey Luv." she startled at the sound of her husband's voice. "Scare you, did I?"

"Please." She said, rolling her eyes.

"For your information I had a very legitimate reason for coming here."

"And what would that be?" She asked, amused.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise." He told her, smirking. She gave him a smug smile and walked seductively around her desk to stand beside him.

"Well what would I have to do find out?" She walked her fingers up to his shoulder.

"Watch it." He said jokingly.

"Hey, what did I do?" Her blue eyes gazing at him instantly.

"Now don't start getting all good girl on me." He said quietly, standing so that there were just mere inches between them.

"But don't you like it when I'm a good girl?" She whispered, batting her eyelashes. "Or would you rather me be a bad girl?"

"How 'bout a little of both?" He leaned in and began his exploration of her neck.

They weren't sure who it was, but they heard someone clear their throat from behind them. They immediately stopped what they were doing and turned to see who it was, but they didn't step away from each other.

"Um, Dr. I mean Mrs. Lightman. This is for you." He stepped into her office and handed her a stunning white rose.

"Thank you, Loker." She slid the fancy card between her fingers. She lifted the card and began reading the scrolled words. It said 'Happy anniversary, Luv. This has been one of the best years of my life. Tonight there are 11 roses hidden in the house, each one with a reason of why I love you so much. Good luck with them and here is reason 1 I love it when I wake up early enough to hear you say my name in your sleep.'

Her only answer was to lean in and passionately kiss him, her fingers twining in his hair.

"I'm um going to go now." Loker said awkwardly, before stumbling out of the office.

"Alright well let's go look, then." He slipped his arm around her waist and led her out the door.

They pulled in the driveway, but before she went ripping the house apart he told her she might want to change her clothes. She got out of the car and raced up the stairs. He followed behind her, chuckling lightly. She opened the closet to grab her clothes she was changing into. She grabbed a red flowing cotton skirt and a white halter top. When she put the white top on she saw a white petal lying on her pillow. Her eyes grew wide and she slipped on the shirt before practically skipping over to her side of the bed, where she found her second rose. She opened the small white card, with shaking fingers, and began to read it eagerly. (Reason 2) 'I love it when the first thing you do in the morning is roll over to give me a kiss, then you tell me how much you love me.'

"You hungry, Luv? Cause I'm starving." He barely suppressed a smile as she dashed down the stairs into the kitchen. She looked around the kitchen trying to find what she used the most. She ran over to where they kept their aprons. Cal's flowery one, Emily's purple one, and Gillian's light blue one. She began checking all the apron pockets until she finally found the rose in her apron. (Reason 3) 'I love when you stop in the middle of making breakfast just to sit on my lap, burning something in the process.'

"Cal." She said wrapping her arms around him. "I don't always burn something."

"Sorry to break it to you, Luv, but you do." She glared at him, her blue eyes narrowed. His expression was unphased as he said, "You might want to check your make-up, your mascara's smeared." She walked slowly toward the bathroom, unsure of whether she was going to find something there or if her husband really was just informing her of an inconsistency in her make-up. She wiped away the black smear and reached for her mascara. She stopped dead as the edge of a small white card caught her eye. She opened the cabinet in front of her and smiled hugely at the white rose that lay inside.

"There you are." She said as she picked it up gently. (Reason 4) 'I love sitting and watching you put on your make-up, even though I don't think you need it.'

She stepped toward him and handed him the card along with the other three he was already holding. She kissed him on the cheek as she walked passed him and waited for her next clue.

He paused thoughtfully before saying, "Do you still have that dress that you wore when Terry came to visit and we had that bloody intervention of yours?"

Gillian paused thoughtfully before replying. "Hey don't look at me like that, you really needed that interven- wait!" He saw the extreme understanding as she playfully slapped his chest a bit too hard. She stopped halfway up the stairs only to scold him. "Well, what are you waiting for my next rose is up here." She ran to her closet doors as fast as her feet could carry her. When she reached the door a smile spread across her face. She opened the doors and reached for the cord. The single light bulb illuminated the small area. She stepped in and decided to work her way from the back to the front. Her eyes stopped on the blue dress in question and she grabbed for the hanger. A radiant white rose was looped through the hanger creatively. With trembling hands she slowly opened the card that read, (reason 5) 'I love when you're dressed up and looking elegant, dressed casually and looking adorable, or undressed and looking sexy.'

Gillian looked down blushing furiously. When she finally controlled her embarrassment she stepped forward to close the gap between them. "Did you really mean that?" She asked.

"Every word." He declared.

"Every word?" She asked a bit skeptical.

"Course." He wiggled his eyebrows at her. Then put his arms around her waist, drawing her close.

"I believe you." She laughed before leaning in and kissing him with her hands on his chest.

"Now how about that next clue?" She asked when they broke apart.

He smiled, apparently ignoring her question, and said, "You didn't lock your keys in the car again did ya?"

Cal watched as Gillian's confusion turned to excitement. "Well are you coming?" She asked impatiently, already in the doorway.

His smirk turned into a soft chuckle then a full on laugh as he watched Gillian jump up and down excitedly, reminding him of little Emily on Christmas morning. He finally picked up his pace and walked into the garage with her standing by the driver's side door. She opened the door and hopped in the seat, looking around for it.

Her blue eyes widened in panic as she searched the inside of the car frantically. "Cal, I can't find it." She yelled causing him to chuckle again.

"Alright, Gill, I'm coming." He assured her. He slid into the drivers seat to find she had left the front of the car completely and was crawling in the floor of the back seat. "Gill, what are you doing, Luv?"

Her head sprung up from below the seat and she declared she was searching for his hidden flower and wouldn't mind a hint. He reached back to put his hand on the small of her back. As she sat up his hand slid over her back to her hip.

Her puppy eyes began working on him as his eyes slid over the car's interior. "Cal, I still can't find it and I really wanna know why you love me. Please remember where you hid it." She crawled back into the front seat and uncomfortably sat on his lap.

"Okay, fine I'll help you look, Gill." He reached into the armrest in between the chairs and pulled out her sixth rose. He cleared his throat before reading the card to her. (reason 6) 'I love when your on the way to work and you slowly turn the radio up, roll down the windows, and sing loudly to every song that plays.'

Her radiant smile lit him up and he leaned into her to kiss and nuzzle her neck. She sat and returned the kisses for a few moments before pushing him away slightly. "Okay, I admit to the loud singing, but how about the quality of it? Any good?"

"Nice or truthful?" He asked smiling.

"Cal!" She scolded.

"What it was an honest question." His voice cracked slightly under his defense.

"Fine, truthful." She finally replied.

"Well it's not the worst I've heard. But I've heard better." His brutal honesty hit her a bit harder than they both expected. He saw a flash of anger before sadness crept in. "Hey, stop that." He warned, now clearly worried about her. "You wanted honesty, Luv. That's what you got. But I like it. I think it's cute."

"Come on, Cal. You're just saying that."

"No, Luv, it's all entirely too true." It was now her turn to smile as she thought of how he enjoyed her singing. He can't help but think how gorgeous she is as he smiled at her.

"Next hint please." She said, while climbing out of the car. He laughed at her child-like wonder. He put his hand on her back and led her into the kitchen.

"Well, this one should take place at work, but since we aren't there…" his hand disappeared inside the breadbox and came back out with her seventh rose. "Here you are my love."

She jumped to him and tried to grab it out of his hand, pouting when he holds it above her head. "Caaaalll! Please."

"I'm reading it to you." He pushed her hands down and chuckled as she clinged to his shirt. (reason 7) 'I love that I can pop by your office at anytime, just to say hi to my lady.'

She pulled open the top two buttons on his shirt. "That's so sweet. The things I'm going to do to you when we're done with these roses." She groaned and kissed his exposed chest.

"Oi! No attacking me!" He pushed at her playfully. "You want your next clue?"

"Oh! Yeah! You distracted me with your dashing good looks." She ruffled his hair. "So sexy." She sucked on his ear lobe. "You distracted me again! Come on then, Cal. Next clue." She grabbed at his hand.

"Well, did you make the bed this morning?" He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand and followed her up the steps. She peeled back the comforter and then the sheets and found the rose there. They shared a smile and read it softly. (reason 8) 'I love that we could spend ALL day together just cuddling in bed.' She pulled him into the bed. "The rest can wait. I want to be in your arms, now."

He collapsed into her arms and covered her body with his protectively. He began to plant kisses all over her neck and upper chest.

"Mmm. That feels so nice." She had relaxed into his arms.

"That's good." He kissed the top of her head. "How bout this? We lay here, and I get the last four out of the nightstand?"

"Okay!" She kissed his neck, smiling at her love. "Come on. What's the next one?"

"Well, this is another one that should be at work. So, I'll read it to you." He reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a drawer. He cleared his throat and read it to her. (reason 9) 'I love when out clients come in and I get to introduce you as my wife. Or I get to watch you introduce me as your husband.'

She bit her bottom lip. "Cal, that's so sweet. I like that too." Tears began to gather in her eyes.

"Oi!" He said, seeing them. "None of that, eh love?"

"Sure thing." She held him even closer to her. "We are cuddling all night though, I'll have you know. Well, after we have fun of course." The baby blue in her eyes darkened.

"I can't wait." He chuckled into her neck and reached over to grab the rest of the roses out. He searched through them until he found the tenth rose. (reason 10) 'I love racing you out of the car, into the house, and upstairs to change when we get home. I love it even more when you win.'

She laughed beside him. "Why when I win?"

"I think you know." He nodded, and waggled his eyebrows suggestively. She rolled onto her stomach and smiled into her pillow.

He pulled the eleventh rose of the bed. She held onto the rose as he read the card to her. (reason 11) 'I love being the only one to cook you dinner and enjoy time with you while we eat it.'

She smiled lovingly next to him, "And you're such a good cook too."

"One more, love." He pulled her as close as he possibly can and grabbed the last rose. (reason 12) 'I love wrapping you in my arms, kissing your shoulder, and knowing that you're the person I'm going to fall asleep with for the rest of my life and that I might just be the luckiest man alive.'

She couldn't help it anymore and tears began to spill from her eyes. "Cal, I love you so much. This last year…everything with you, I'm so happy I've got you."

"I'm happy I've got you too."

They hugged for a while, and despite their earlier promises they fell asleep in each others arms without doing anything more than kissing and cuddling. They slept soundly with white rose petals scattered around them and smiles on their faces. They loved each more than they anything. And neither of them ever thought they would be able to act on this love they shared. Cal loved Gillian. And Gillian loved Cal. It was as simple as that.