I do not own Lie to Me or any of the characters. I wish I were that lucky.

"Happy valentine's day Gillian"

She smiled and took the white roses out of his hand. "Thanks sweetie. Mmm. They smell so good."

6 months earlier

"Hey Cal, I'm leaving early. Okay?" Gillian said from his doorway.

"Since when do you ask to leave?" He said not looking up at her. When he finally looked he saw she was holding roses in her hand. She had a note and her coat in the other.

"Since me and Alec have a date." On the word date she showed brief sadness then snapped right back into her normal extreme Gillian happiness.

"Oh is that where the roses came from?"

"Yeah. He always gets me roses, but never the right color. Oh well I guess these are close enough."

"Pretty. Um the roses."



"I've gotta go meet him there. I'll see you tomorrow. Okay. Bye and good night Cal." She sighed and walked out of the office.

"Hey Gillian." He whispered. "Yeah." He said faking her voice. "You don't mind if I spy on you and Alec." "No not at all."

Gillian got in her car and sat there looking in the mirror. 'White roses can't wait till the day I get white roses from him. Okay Gillian drive.'


"Hello? Oh. Hi honey. Yeah I just left. Um five minutes tops. I promise." Click

"When was last time he said 'I love you' first. Okay don't think about that think about the happy stuff. Not that there's much of that."

She let out a sigh and pulled onto the road with the restaurant on it. Once she parked she saw him standing on the curb with his back turned. He was on the phone. So she quickly parked and quietly ran up behind him and heard him say "Yeah I'm telling her about us tonight." She was furious. What was he telling her?

"What are you telling me?" The words came out in a whisper. She didn't have the energy for this. "Alec. What the hell are you saying?"

"Gillian. I didn't know you were there."

"Obviously not. Just tell me. Now."

"I…don't love you anymore. I'm sorry but I think I love Crissy."

"I'm not one for punching, but this is for you." Before his mind could process her words her fist was at his jaw and his body flew backwards and down to the ground. She walked over to him and shoved her heel into his leg breaking the skin. She turned around as soon as she saw the blood. She speed back the few roads back to the office throwing the roses out one by. She walked back into Cal's office mascara flowing down her face.


Sorry it's so short but I didn't have long to write it and ch.2 should be up tomorrow so yeah.