Title: All or Nothing

Rating: PG-13 For the most part.

Pairing: Morgan and Garcia

Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Friendship. Romance in later chapters.

Summary: With the team on stand-down for a month following Hotch's shooting, Morgan decides to head home to Chicago in a long overdue attempt to clear his head. A worried Garcia ends up following him there. What will happen before that month is up? What will happen when it is?

A/N: First off I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, hopefully it wasn't a blizzard-like one like the one I had! Seriously this was almost too much, even for someone like me loves white Christmas's. And with all of that babbling in mind sadly here we are at the final chapter of this story. What I'll be writing next I'm still not sure on because all I have right now are vague ideas. If you have any suggestions you can always let me know. For now though, thanks to everyone for sticking with this story even though this should've been finished months ago. Enjoy and as always do me a favor and leave one last review.

Chapter 15:

Tow days later…

The alarm was what shrilly woke Morgan up around 6am on Monday morning signaling the return to normalcy.

"Don't wanna," He heard a sleepy Garcia mumble as he shut the alarm on his clock off.

"I know baby girl but it's time to get back to work," He replied as leaned over and kissed her till she opened her eyes.

Smiling he watched as she finally lifted her head off of her pillow and smiled at him, "Alright let's get to it," She said as she stumbled off to the shower. He meanwhile went to get coffee going before grabbing Clooney to head out on an early morning run.

As he ran he contemplated why he, unlike so many days in recent memory was excited about going to work. He could attribute to the month off causing boredom, or his newfound secure relationship with his baby girl. However that would be too easy. It wasn't one thing over the other. It was a combination of everything over the last month that had resulted in one thing. His head was clear once again and thus nothing was holding him back.

With that he returned home and finished getting ready for work.

One hour later…

"Ready to see your babies," Morgan asked her as he parked outside FBI headquarters.

"Sure am sugar," She answered with a smile before he got out of his SUV and came around to open her door for her.

"You ready to get some more bad guys," She asked him as he took her hand and helped her out of the vehicle.

He nodded with a smirk, "Looking forward to it."

"Just don't scare me anytime soon alright, we've had to any of those recently," She replied back squeezing his once she was out.

"I promise," He agreed readily pausing as they made their trek across the parking lot to pull her into his arms. He sealed that promise with a lingering kiss before they slipped on a semi-professional mask and entered the building.

Minutes later they were greeted by Rossi as they stepped off the elevator.

"Don't get to comfortable," He warned after greeting them both with a warm hello, "From the looks of things we'll be heading out on a case before the end of the day."

Sure enough the older man was right because shortly after their 10am briefing Morgan was heading down to Garcia's to say good-bye.

"We're headed to Florida," He said after knocking on her door.

"Alright," She said with a small smile as she stood up to hug him good bye, "Be careful alright and call me when you can."

He nodded as he squeezed her back he'd do that later on tonight and with one last lingering look he was gone.

Six months later…

Throughout the rest of case and the others that quickly followed their relationship at times their relationship felt like nothing but a long sequence of phone calls. Regardless of that though if you asked Morgan their bond was stronger than ever and if at all possible his love for her only grew. He was all in just like he'd said to her all those months ago back in his hometown of Chicago.

Speaking of Chicago that's where they were at the moment for a long weekend. Not only was it his Mom's birthday he thought as he watched his mom hug Garcia it was he and hers six month anniversary as well.

"She fits in even more than the last time she was here," His little sister Des remarked as she came to stand beside him.

"Yeah she does, doesn't she," He replied before leaning down and whispering in her ear.

"You are, seriously. You're going to pop the question tonight," She whispered as quietly as her excitement would let her.

He nodded as both the love his life and his mom approached them.

"What's up, you two," Garcia asked as she walked into his arms.

"Nothing," He answered trying not to give away what he had planned for later, "Des here was just reminding me of how much I love you."

"Exactly why I love her," Garcia replied as she sent Des a wink before leaning up to kiss him.

He deepened the kiss before they all headed towards the kitchen. If giving his all got him this then he often wondered why it had taken him so long to take the plunge.