This chapter isn't a letter. Sorry for the delay, me being lazy. Hope I don't disappoint! Tell me if I've used the wrong tenses in some areas, I was just too tired to check :S

*James gets on the train, hoping to give the letter to Lily in person. On his way to find her, he runs into Alice Prewett in a great state of agitation. He asks her where Lily is. She doesn't know. She says Lily isn't on the train. She says she must have stayed behind at Hogwarts. She says she is very worried about Lily and is hurrying to the driver to ask him if he can stop the train. James rereads Lily's last letter and realises what she is about to do…*

*Lily leans her head against the bark of the tree, staring out to the dank, murky lake. She turns her head and Professor Dumbledore is behind her, smiling.

'How did you…?' There's no point in asking for he is obviously not listening.

'Why are you doing this Lily?' he asks. Lily doesn't reply. Tears begin leaking out of her eyes and her chin quivers.

'Think twice before you do it, you may change your mind. I dare to hope'

He walks away, slowly and silently. Tears pour thick and fast down Lily's cheeks. She shudders and leans back against the rough bark of the tree. The first grey drops of rain begin to mix with her tears; the lake turns a stormy, threatening green and no longer seemed an escape, but a cruel trap. She rests there, for what seems an age, her tears and the rain blotting out all thought. She remains unaware of the broomstick flying through the cloudy rain until the rider alights before her…*

*James runs to the compartment he is sharing with Sirius, Remus and Peter. He grabs his broom and tries to force the window open.

'Wha…?' Remus begins, but James has already vanished the window and is flying past the train, soon disappearing behind the purple mountains.

Sirius grins and cheers. Remus looks at him quizzically.

'He's gone back for her, Remus'. They both smile and stare at the golden rays of sunlight that have spread through the clouds…*

*Lily hears a soft thud and her eyelids spring open. He is standing before her, sopping wet and staring at her. She can't look at him. Does he know? How could he? Why would he come to her, if all this year he hated her…?*

'I got the letters' he begins lamely. She is deliberately avoiding his gaze,staring at the rushes by the side of the lake; her eyes are red. Has she been crying? She hides her face in her hands and her body spasms with fresh sobs. He sits down beside her, puts an arm around her and rocks her to him. Her strokes her hair while she weeps into his chest. She looks up, her eyes even more red and puffy, but still heart-achingly beautiful. He hands her his reply. Her hands are shaking as she opens it. She's a quick reader and is finished within seconds. She is still trembling, even more violently. He hugs her tightly, wondering if she's shaking because of the cold…*

*She can't believe her eyes. James Potter still loves her? It was like slipping from a nightmare into the most amazing, unbelievable dream. He was crushing her to him. She stopped shivering, enjoying his warmth and the tingles she felt all over her body, just from his touch. She hugs him tightly back, nuzzling her head against his chest. They don't say a word; there will be lots of words in the years to come. For now, actions speak louder than words…*

*Up in the highest tower, Dumbledore smiles and turns to Professor McGonagall.

'I told you so'*