Hey, a special thanks to my reviewer Grace. She left an interesting note that I will definitely take into consideration, if not more. Well… on with the story! Please enjoy!
As soon as we stepped off the boat and into the house, Edward carried me through the house and into the bedroom and laid me onto the bed. He hovered over me and kissed me passionately, urgently, and lustfully. I looked in his green eyes, but they were black, full of want.
My hands tangled themselves into his copper hair and I pulled him back to my face. His hands went into my hair and they stayed there until I had to breathe. Stupid air. As I gasped for air, his mouth left wet kisses along my neck and his fingers dipped into my dress. And right then and there, I loved Alice for putting me into a one-piece.
He slipped my dress over my head impatiently and threw it onto the floor. He started kissing me again, but his fingers dipped into my underwear. And I knew what he wanted. But I had my own plans. After all, it wouldn't be fair if I were the only one naked while that God I call my husband is completely dressed. So I pushed up and rolled over, lying on top of him I felt his smile against my lips. His hands removed from his hair and unzipped his pants. I stopped kissing him to let him know what I wanted. Once his dark black eyes looked into mine, he lifted his pelvis towards my hot spot and I eagerly shimmied off his pants. I headed for his shirt next, but right then and there, I hated Alice for giving Edward a button up shirt.
Impatient and aroused, I hurriedly undid his buttons and threw it off him and I attacked his perfectly constructed stomach, leaving g a trail of my wet kisses. Edward growled in annoyance once I started teasing him with kisses around his arousal. He yanked my head up so he could kiss my lips longingly. He slipped in, pain and pleasure both there as he moved my hips back and forth to how he wanted. I didn't care. It felt amazing.
He rolled on top of me and lead kisses down my neck, my breathing ragged and if I had cared enough, embarrassing. I was just a bit too preoccupied. Some amazing feeling ran through my body as he came in and out, his pace getting faster, along with our breathing. He knew when I wanted him to be rougher. Well, it seemed like he did. I knew I was yanking a little too hard on his bronze hair, but every time my grip tightened, he was harder. And I liked it rough. I pushed so I was on top, letting him sway my waist to his own desires.
This felt great.
I was panting in his arms, both wet and tired from our little adventure in the shower. We've been on this island for a week, going at it like horny bunnies. I turned in his arms and kissed his chest. I breathed into his chest, trying to even my breathing.
I never was able to make a fuss about Edward "borrowing" the island from Esme. We were hardly out, and I was always busy. I felt Edward's excitement against my body but neither he nor I were embarrassed about it. I looked up at Edward tiredly, our activities exhausting. I smiled at his lustful eyes.
"That was fun." I smirked and he replied with his own blinding smirk.
"Definitely. We are always taking showers together." I absentmindedly pushed my pelvis against his boner, making him groan in want. And he pouted when I wouldn't give in. "You know we're leaving tonight, right? I have everything packed." I pouted at the thought.
"Does that mean we have to stop our games?" I asked in disappointment, but able to open my heavy eyelids. I grabbed his balls just in case he wasn't sure of what games I was talking about. He took in a sharp breath and gripped my waist.
"Bella, honey, if you don't want to go again I suggest you watch your actions." He warned. I let go and shrugged sleepily.
"I want to go again, but you like wiped me out. I'm tired as hell." I heard his musical chuckle and that sent me to sleep.
My sleeping angel was more ambitious now. She would easily grab my nuts without being even slightly nervous about it. Of course it could be the lack of sleep and unawareness of her actions that makes her do stuff like that. But either way her aggressiveness was a major turn on. I gently slipped out of her arms. I took a shower, but the thoughts of my last shower with Bella made me need to turn the water cold.
Bella constantly popped into my head, dressed in nothing but her naked glory.
I got dressed and made sure we had everything ready and packed up. I skimmed the digital clock, 9:31 flashed in green, boxed numbers. I cursed under my breath and made breakfast. We hadn't eaten for like two days. We were close to eating yesterday, but Bella was in the kitchen, wearing my shirt and nothing else…..
I shook off the thought before I had to take another cold shower. I made plenty of food because I was sure she'd be very hungry, and I'm pretty hungry myself. I stuffed my mouth with eggs before I went into Bella, sleeping in her bed. I shook her shoulder and she moaned.
C'mon Bells don't turn me on. I thought desperately, trying to control myself from jumping her. Her eyes fluttered open, those beautiful brown eyes looked at me in question, and then she frowned.
"What's the matter, love?" I asked as she propped onto her elbows, sizing me up.
"I wanted to watch you shower." I chuckled weakly.
"We have to go to the airport. And we'd never be there in time if we take a shower together." She sat up, the blankets falling off her uncovered chest. Aw, crap! You're killing me!
"But I still wanted to shower with you." She said longingly.
"Sorry, love. Next time. But you've got breakfast on the table." She frowned.
"I'm not hungry." I raised an eyebrow and she held her hand up in surrender, only giving a great view of her luscious breasts. Here comes my boner. I was impossibly hard. Damn her. "Honestly, I'm not hungry." She pondered over something. "Wait, I want a pickle."
"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief. She doesn't like pickles. She shrugged.
"That's what I want. Everything else sounds revolting." She said dismissively, and she stood up and stretched. God damn it! Sure, Bella. Show me your entire body.
"Are you sure, honey? Because we don't have any pickles." She frowned and tears glistened her chocolate eyes. Bella doesn't really ever cry because she didn't get it her way. I hugged her naked body and kissed her haystack. "Take your shower and get dressed. I'll get some pickles on the way to the airport." She nodded weakly, and then suddenly her entire face changed to excitement with a huge grin. She winked at me before turning and skipping into the bathroom. I shook my head at her drastic mood swings. Maybe she's on her period?
I ate my food and the the rest away. Bella came out in my shirt and shorts. Her hair was left down and she smiled at me.
"You likes?" She asked.
"Are you going to wear that at the airport?" she frowned at my reaction but immediately recovered to a grin.
"Now everyone'll know I'm yours and yours only." She smirked at her smart response. The offer was almost too tempting to pass. Almost.
"But I don't want anyone to see your body. That's also mine." She thought about that then turned and went to get changed. She's mine. My beautiful, kinky Bella.