Disclaimer: I DO NOT own. JK has the HP-verse and Bandai is hording the GW-verse.

Title: Unknown Heirs

Summary: Yet another Family Reconstruction Act story.

Warnings: AU, set in After Colony era, NO Endless Waltz, OC's, Mpreg, implied Yaoi, Language.

Chapter Notes: Harry FINALLY gets his explanation.

Author Notes: 4 months and finally a chapter. Writer's Block and Pottermore had me all kinds of distracted. It's super short but I think it will have to be if I want to update within a month.

An anguished shout tore the joyous air apart and sent Duo directly into battle mode, he slipped his gun and a few small throwing knives into his hands and tried to move in front of his parents. There were too many people out there who still wanted him dead for him to allow his instincts to fade. Even if it meant revealing what he was to his new found family.

Moving forward to shield the three adults Duo was stopped by two sets of strong hands that pushed him back and a third person who wrapped an arm around his shoulders pulling him snug against a warm chest. Duo wondered at what was going on as he found himself looking at his parents backs and trying to wriggle out of Lucius' hold. The man was pretty strong considering he only had one arm restraining Duo while the other was raised pointing a pale wand towards the front door.

'Wow, they're trying to protect me...' Duo realized, suddenly frozen by the thought that these people were willing to fight to keep him safe. That was a feeling he had only experienced with his brothers and Une. Looking past his parents he saw a red face Harry, hands covering his mouth as though shocked that he had shouted and a tall red-headed boy just behind him, hands still clutching Harry's shirt as though he had been restraining him.

"Bollocks." Harry shifted back away from the now hostile group of wizards feeling Ron trembling at his back. "Guns are bad, right?" Ron mumbled only slightly more knowledgeable about the muggle world than his father. "Very bad." Harry whispered back slowly lowering his hands from his mouth wondering who he should focus on more the trained wizards or the teenagers with very dangerous looking guns.

"What are you doing you idiot boy! Get in here before you cause a scene." Severus hissed falling back to anger to hide his surprise at seeing the boy sooner than they had anticipated. "Harry are you OK? Is something wrong?" Sirius asked pocketing his wand and moving forward and grabbing Harry's arm guiding him and Ron into the store. "Is Hermione with you?" Harry still a bit nervous looked behind him at Ron who was peering around to where they had been listening earlier."Well she was with us." Ron trailed off eying the still armed teens warily.

"What was that about Har?" Sirius asked shutting the door firmly behind them, glaring at the gun toting teens until they all lowered their weapons. Harry looked pointedly between Sirius and Snape then glared at Duo. "Why didn't you tell me?" There were quite a few things at that moment that Harry could be referring to and Sirius didn't know how to answer without leaving Harry feeling more betrayed then he obviously felt.

"I was going to tell you tonight when I picked you up from the Weasley's." Sirius started "But then we had to go find Chara. I would have explained about him too, though it wouldn't have been the same as what I 'll be telling you know." Harry felt slightly mollified to hear Sirius had been planning to reveal his relationship but still hurt that it was hidden from him at all. "How would it have been different?" Harry asked shrewdly perhaps hoping to trip up his godfather and expose some other deceit. "We though he was dead." Snape said flatly looking nauseous just saying it, making it hard for Harry to think the man was lying.

"Who do we have here?" Asked Quatre with a disarming smile surreptitiously putting his gun back into it's holster. "That's Harry." Duo put in helpfully. "He doesn't like his last name, so just Harry." Behind him Lucius coughed, a smile threatening to break across his face. "Well then, my name is Quatre Winner and These are my brothers, Duo Maxwell is the one with the braid that it appears you have already met, behind me are Trowa Barton, Heero Yuy and Wufei Chang. The gentlemen beside you are our guardian Treize Kushrenada and our friend Zechs Marquis who is next to your redheaded friend."

Ron nodded politely to all those gathered he even managed a respectful nod to his hated charms teacher and headmaster. "I...I-I just don't understand HOW?" Harry said gesturing ineffectually to Snape and Duo. "Severus raised one eyebrow and smirked despite himself as he said "Well Mister Potter, it appears you need to re-take Madam Pomfrey's Sexual Education course if you are unaware of how babies are made." Harry felt his face heat with both embarrassment and indignation.

Before Harry could further exacerbate the situation Duo let out and unintentional snort. "Um sorry..." he said trying to disappear into Lucius' robes. He had stopped fighting the mans hold when Sirius, his father had pocketed his wand and was now enjoying how easy it was to relax in his godfathers hold. "Sev stop teasing him." Sirius said plaintively trying not to smile or laugh and upset Harry more.

"Potter? As in Harry Potter, proclaimed hero of the Wizarding World. Said to have defeated the dark wizard Tom Riddle also known as Lord Voldemort twice. Once during infancy and again seven months ago." Harry growled internally but nodded all the same. "Miss Granger certainly has been a busy bee hasn't she?" Severus sneered.

Harry and Ron, though confused as to what Snape was referring to paled at the dark looks that shadowed both Snape and Sirius' faces. Whatever Hermione had done she was in DEEP trouble, and not just with Snape which was understandable, everyone had been in trouble with Snape at least once in their lives. No, it was Sirius that they were worried about. Even now he looked like he was trying not to yell, a frustrated growl leaving his lips as he search the area for someone to yell at, no doubt Hermione was his only target.

Harry felt he already bad mood get worse at hearing the familiarity with which his godfather addressed Snape, it was getting more and more obvious that they had been together probably since Sirius escaped Azkaban back in his 3rd year. Why couldn't Sirius have told him then or even last year about his being in a romantic relationship with Harry's most hated professor?

A throat cleared to get the attention of the assembled group and Harry turned to the blond who had introduced himself as Quarter or something like that. "Not that it is really any of our business, but why should it matter to you Harry that Mister Black is in a relationship with Headmaster Snape and that Duo is their child?"

The question was asked casually enough but Ron could tell that Harry's answer could determine how these people treated Harry from this point on. Ron stepped forward to answer for Harry knowing that the hot-headed Gryffindor would most likely say something in his anger that he would later regret. But was beat to the punch by the stern Japanese boy who had known so much about Harry even though he was obviously a colony-born.

"Mister Black is the Godfather and current guardian of one Harry James Potter." the boy answered flatly. To which Sirius let out another angry growl. Ron looked from one face to the next noticing only a moment of understanding before each face became unreadable, except for the boy Duo whose face lit up with joy.

"You mean we a practically related?" he beamed looking to Sirius for confirmation. Something no one in the room missed the significances of.

"Actually Harry's father and I are distant cousins, but since I've been planning to adopt Harry, yeah he will be your older brother." Sirius beamed looking just like Duo had a moment before as he observed the silent shock he had caused. Severus rolled his eyes at his lovers immaturity and smacked the back of the idiotically grinning man's head.

"Hell Yeah!" Duo cheered, blushing lightly at the reprimanding looks he received from his parents and godfather. "Yay?" Severus and Lucius rolled their eye at what was obviously going to be a long battle to stop the boy from swearing, Sirius just leaned in close and whispered "It's all good as long as it's not in front of your mother." before gesturing to Severus and winking. He pulled back and received another whack to the head with a grin then turning to give Severus a peck on the cheek.

"You want to adopt me?" Harry squeaked all previous anger momentarily forgotten.

"Well of course, do you think I want to risk anyone taking you away again?" Sirius asked. Severus squeezed his hand in comfort knowing that it wasn't just Harry he was speaking to. Harry looked down at his shoes, if he had just gone back to the Weasleys' when he was supposed to he was sure Sirius would be explaining this to him at Grimmauld Place and it wouldn't have seemed like such a betrayal because he would have told him of him own free will.

"I'm stupid." Harry said after a long silence that no one had wanted to break. Sirius pull Harry into a one armed hug. "No you're not kiddo, it happens to the best of us." Harry relaxed into Sirius' hold, 'I guess Ron was right, Sirius isn't leaving me behind.'

Quatre rubbed lightly at his chest glad that all the emotions of the group had finally calmed. "Well now that, that is all settled, what shall we do now?" clapping his hands together he look around the assembled group and almost laughed at all the blank looks he received.

Severus looked from Sirius holding Harry in a comforting hug to Duo who was still leaning into Lucius and felt a sense of peace and fulfillment he had not felt since Chara had been born. He did feel bad for Harry, it had more than likely appeared to the boy that he was once again being abandoned by someone he loved, and while that didn't fully excuse his behavior, Severus was willing to let it go just this one time.

"I think it is time we collect the Weasleys and return to Grimmauld Place." He said sharply, to which most of the room snapped their heads towards the man in confusion. "Return to Grimmauld place? How did you know where we live?" Duo asked.

Severus felt himself pale. "How long have you lived there? He asked slowly.

"About a year. We move down here just after the end of the wars." Severus felt his knees buckle and was surprised when Lucius and Duo were suddenly behind him holding him up.

"One year, a whole year and you've been living on the same street..." Severus trailed of finding it difficult to breath.

Duo's eyes widened and he understood why his Da was so upset. They were right next to one another and none of them knew it. Duo probably HAD seen his parents on the street before and never noticed them.

"Am I right to assume that you live at #12 Grimmauld Place? Former headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, founded and lead by former Headmaster Albus Dumbledore then succeeded by Arthur Weasley current Minister of Magic?" Heero confirmed.

"Can we use this as grounds for expulsion?" Sirius asked.

"Unfortunately not." Ground out Severus.

Lucius looked from one angry man to another. "What has you both so upset." He asked. There must be something more to this than he realized if this boy knew about something even HE didn't know about.

Severus looked ready to go off on a tirade that would bring even the bravest of Gryffindors to tears but was interrupted by a ground shaking shriek.