Thirteen Voices

VI. Masks

Hey! Surprise update!

And probably one of my last. If you look at my profile, you'll see that I've sworn off fanfiction for pretty much forever, with the sole exception of finishing Tainted but Beautiful. And this one too, I suppose, though I'm stopping at the sixth poem because it's the last I have typed up. Still, it'd be wrong to hold it off any longer.

This is one of the longer ones, which fits Zexion being very literary. Like all of them, it draws from the secret reports; I also remember reading somewhere that Zexion doesn't actually want his heart back, so I incorporated that in here. And there is a very strong XemZex vibe here, though it's all implied. And there's proper formatting, because I finally figured it out! Probably won't go back and redo the others, though.

I've had a great time writing these; if I ever find that notebook again I'll put up the rest I have (all the way up to Luxord's, basically). But otherwise you won't be seeing any more of these.

They may not know it--certainly never say it--
But people wear masks.
Look at them, bright and illusory as a Carnival parade:
Glittering half masks of drama, bulbous-cheeked masks of laughter.

All illusions.

It strikes me that those with no emotions,
Those hollower than decaying logs,
Should have no need for masks.
Yet they do. They wear them every day, my comrades,
Hiding the bleak emptiness with smiles and sneers.

Even he is not immune: Look at him
Pontificate about Kingdom Hearts.
How we shall be complete someday!
But I see beneath the surface of his orange smile,
I see the darkness swirling within like trapped smoke.

He does not wish for his heart back.
Neither do I.

I should like to be able to understand what he does, someday--
The power hidden in our yellow wafer of a moon.
I strive for his favor and his only.

I have only one loyalty, and that is to the bonds
That tie us together. The bonds that may now have kinks,
But still hold taut as tendrils of steel.
They are what matter.

Not our masks.

All reviews are appreciated! And I'm sorry about abandoning fanfiction like this, but I have my reasons. I am much more active on fictionpress now, so if you're still interested in my writing, take a gander at my account, Bickazer. My main project is now Most Perfect Servant, a nicely slashy story that's basically a massive pile of self-indulgence. Though it seems people do like it. Perhaps you will too.

That twenty-sixth chapter of Tainted but Beautiful is coming. Slowly, yes, and torturously, but it's coming sooner or later. Eventually it will be completed, and that's a promise.