A/N: Every other week I'll be switching between updating this and my other story, A Digital Clash. Please read and review both so I know what I need to work on or fix.

Disclaimer: I do not own either Pokemon or Yu Yu Hakusho. They both belong to their respective creators.

:Words.: - Telepathy

"Words." - Translated Pokemon speech

"Words." - Regular speech

Words. – Thoughts

Words – Pokemon moves

Chapter 1

The Legendary Council

In a cave deep in the heart of Mt. Coronet, located in the very center of the island region of Sinnoh, was a gathering of immense creatures spoke of only in legends. An issue of great consequence to the regions the beasts protected, from Kanto to Sinnoh and even the desert region of Orre, had sprung up. This gathering was to discuss said issue and the options available to deal with it.

"This has gone on long enough!" shouted the blue ice bird, Articuno.

"I agree. It was bad enough when it was taking place elsewhere, but now they've come to our lands," roared the legendary incarnate of lightning, Raikou.

This exclamation brought about a clamor of outraged opinions and ideas from the gathered legendary Pokemon. This continued for a few minutes before a roar from the sea guardian Lugia and a screech from the rainbow bird Ho-oh caused them to fall silent.

Lugia then spoke up. "We have brought our case before Koenma, and he has said that there is nothing he or his father can do. Any assertive action against the Dark Tournament and its directors might initiate an uprising among the demonic population, which is something that none of the higher-ups in Reikai want."

"But that just makes it sanctioned murder," exclaimed the North Wind incarnate, Suicune, in shock. The blue wolf-like Pokemon then whirled around to face the other Legendaries to cry, "Do you know of the slaughter that occurs in the Tournaments? They invite humans to fight under penalty of death, expecting them to die in the fights, all to satisfy their bloodlust. Every year they build a stadium in a new location, and when they're done they move on, leaving behind a damaged stadium and a blood-soaked arena. Now they have come to the shores of Hoenn, to our lands and the lands of our people, to do the same there!"

Suicune's passionate speech caused the amassed Legends to cry out again in anger, forcing Ho-oh to shout to be heard over the din.

"Quiet!" the watcher of humanity yelled. "We have called the council together because a plan has been brought forth by Mew and Celebi. They shall explain their proposition and it shall be put to a vote. Celebi, if you will?"

"Right." The diminutive forest guardian nodded and began. "As you know, in the Dark Tournament teams of fighters go head-to-head in battles, sometimes to the death. What you might not know is that, at the end of the tournament, every surviving member of the winning team gets his or her hearts desire."

The psychic kitten, Mew, picked up from there. "Our plan is to enter a team in the tournament, to fight and win. If our hearts desire is the complete and utter end of the Dark Tournament, then when we win we can stop it."

When Mew was finished, Lugia roared out, "Now we must vote. All those in favor for Mew and Celebi's plan?" A chorus of assent met Lugia's words. "And those against?" This time there was only silence.

"Very well then," said Celebi, as it and Mew flew back to the front again. "Now all we need is a team. According to tournament rules, teams must consist of five fighters, and may include a sixth in the event of a death. I will be our sixth, and I shall also put together and head a medical team from the local Pokemon."

"I will be part of the main team," added Mew. "All that is needed are four others. It would be best of whomever wishes to fight be able to use close-combat moves, and be small enough to fit in the fighting arena."

: I'll fight.:

All the Pokemon in the cave turned to where the psychic voice had come from, as out of the shadows stepped a heavily built, bipedal feline. As the six foot seven cat lifted up to float beside Mew, spiteful whispers broke out among the other Legendaries.

"When did he get here?"

"What is he doing here? Doesn't he know that this council is for Legendary Pokemon only?"

"Why did Mew let that abomination join anyways?"

The whispers continued in kind until silenced by Mew's exuberant greeting.

"Mewtwo, you made it. Good to see you again. How have you been?" Mew continued to chatter on like this for quite some time, seemingly oblivious to the glares being exchanged by Mewtwo and some of the Legendaries, or the fact Mewtwo wasn't answering any of his questions.

Finally, Mewtwo raised his hand, stopping Mew in the middle of its rant to say, : I am here as you have asked, and my reasons to fight are my own. I am also one of the few able to truly communicate with the demons. Besides,:he addedwith a smirk, : don't you still have three more fighters to add?:

"You're right," Mew chirped brightly, before addressing the rest of the Pokemon in the cave. "Ok, who else wishes to fight? We need three others."

A hurried discussion swept through the Legendary Pokemon before the three incarnates, Suicune, Raikou, and Entei of the volcano, stepped forward.

"We shall also fight," the three said in unison.

"Then the team is complete," Lugia said. "We shall tell Koenma about our decision and file the necessary paperwork to register. The tournament is in two months from this date. I'd advise all who are participating to train in that time. These demons are not to be underestimated. Until then, this council is concluded."

Slowly, the cave emptied, leaving only Mew and Mewtwo.

Mew looked around quickly, then asked Mewtwo. "How was it at the construction site?"

: They have already started, only slightly behind schedule. The local Pokemon managed to hold off the workers while some berry trees were uprooted and moved.:

"They have their orders?"

: Yes. The Pokemon will stay out of the way before and during the tournament, and are not to fight unless attacked.:

"Good, good. Now all that's left is to meet Koenma and get our registration papers." Mew giggled and said, "You've never met Koenma, have you?"

: No.:

"Well then, come on!"

And with those words Mew touched Mewtwo's shoulder, and the two disappeared in a rainbow of color.

Koenma was working furiously in his office. The war in the Middle East was creating stacks of paperwork and overworking his ferrygirls. Not only that, but the Dark Tournament was coming up, and his meeting with the Legendary Pokemon Council had been a complete fiasco.

Lugia's parting comments still weighed heavily on his mind. What did he mean when he said that if Koenma didn't do something about the Dark Tournament, he might find matters taken out of his hands?

Koenma was rudely startled out of his thought by the sudden appearance of two figures in his office. His face paled as he realized that the two were the strongest beings on the planet: Mew, the true leader of the Legendary Council; and Mewtwo, Mew's clone.

Koenma gathered up what little courage he had and asked, "S-so wh-what brings you here Mew, Mewtwo?"

"Mew, mew mew mew mew mew. Mew mew."

Mewtwo sighed before translating. : What Mew says is that the council has decided to enter a team into the Dark Tournament.:

"Mew mew mew mew."

: Mew also wishes to know if you could tell us where we can register.:

"Um, yes. Let me see. Gorge!" Koenma called, trying to remain calm.

"Yes, Koenma-sama?" the ogre asked, opening the door.

"Get me the address for the Registration Office for this year's Dark Tournament."

"Yes, sir," Gorge said, closing the door as he left. He returned a few minutes later, holding a sheet of paper that he then handed to Koenma.

As soon as Koenma received the paper, Mewtwo used his powers to take it out of Koenma's hands.

: Now that we have what we came for, we shall take our leave. Farewell.:


And so the two departed. As soon as they were gone, Koenma dropped his calm (coughyeahrightcough) façade and let his panic overtake him.


"Yes, sir?"

"Get me Botan, now!"