FASH: This is one is short, but oh well, at least I'm writing a pairing I've never done before.

Disclaimer: Still don't own it.

I is for: Intertwine


Taka was a man of few words. He preferred to say things only once, and he favoured being straightforward when talking to people, even if the subjects he was discussing were complex, or something that he should apparently; as a devout reader of a variety of books and a lover of literature, be able to eloquently talk about for hours.

So, if asked, he would put it simply; Karin's hands were beautiful.

Her fingers were long, tapering towards the ends with her short, evenly clipped fingernails. They were a female artist's hands no matter how you looked at them, soft and smooth, virtually no calluses, elegant. It was amazing how much those hands were capable of, so much more than Karin even planned on using them for.

Perhaps that was why he had, not a fascination per se, but an appreciation for them, and, of course, for the owner of those lovely hands.

Not that he would say all that.

But whether drawing, playing piano or even passing, Taka always liked it best when his and Karin's fingers intertwined, binding them together, and he knew from Karin's shy smile that the way he clasped her hand back told her everything he didn't say.