Me: Allo readers! Welcome to meh story! In case you didn't already know, this is based on meh other fanfic, Where's Jeanette I guess it's like a separate chapter. WARNING: THERE COULD BE SOME POSSIBLE FLAMES HERE. I WROTE THIS BEFORE THE REST OF MY STORY SO I HAVE NO IDEA. FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT DON'T LIKE JEALOSY, I SUGGEST YOU CLICK THAT LITTLE BACK BUTTON IN THE CORNER OF YOUR WINDOW AND GO FIND ANOTHER STORY TO WASTE YOUR YIME WITH. OH! And thank you Readers that said you liked meh story! Thank you so much! And if you want to find more of my stories, well, they aren't exactly AatC. Go to meh page and scroll to the bottom. That's where meh other stories are for those that don't know. Now, enough of my pointless babble and on with the story! ONWARD!
(BTW this takes place four months after meh other story!)
Jeanette woke up and walked over to her window yawning and stretching. She looked outside and saw that it looked a LOT chillier today. Hm, well, I really don't want to wear my skirt in this weather…She thought as she headed to her closet. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a cute looking purple t-shirt and put it on before heading downstairs. (Remember, they live in L.A. I live sorta close to there and I'm sure you can wear a t-shirt in the middle of winter. I've done it before and it's not that bad.)
"Wow, Jeanette. You look nice." Brittany said as she watched her sister enter the kitchen. Eleanor nodded with a piece of toast in her mouth. Jeanette smiled.
"Thanks. I didn't want to wear my skirt because it looks a little chilly out there today." Jeanette said pouring herself a bowl of cereal.
"Girls, hurry! If you don't, you will be a little late to school and won't be able to get to your classes!" Ms. Miller said. Jeanette and Eleanor grew wide-eyed and shoveled down their breakfast as fast as they could. Brittany sighed and wiped her mouth and put her finished breakfast in the sink. The girls put their dishes in the sink with Brittany's, grabbed their packs, and ran out the door to see the boys speed-walking up to their front gate. They were a little late too.
"Hey! Jeanette what are you wearing?" Alvin asked as they rounded the gate and kept walking at their steady pace.
"I'll explain later." Jeanette said. Alvin nodded as they started panting a little as they neared the school. They ran to their lockers, grabbed the necessary books, and headed off to class before the final bell had rung.
"Phew, we made it." Simon said, as he and Jeanette sat down in their chairs. Jeanette smiled and tried to slow down her heart rate. And class began.
After class, the group all made it back to their lockers before the next class. Jeanette sat her pack on the ground to fix a strap when she heard her locker bang shut. She looked up and saw…Jessica. She had on her fake smile. (Ya know, it's weird. When I explained the locker positions in my last story, Jeanette's locker is like, right in the middle of the group. How does anyone fit there when she's there already?)
"Hey, Jeanie. What's up? I like your top." Jessica said as Jeanette straightened up.
"Um, hi Jessica. Is there something you need?" Jeanette said politely. Jessica pulled her over to the other side of the hall and Jeanette saw her siblings and friends all watching.
"As a matter of fact, there is something I need. I just wanted you to know that I forgive you for quitting the team." Jessica said. Jeanette was confused. It had been over four months since she quit it and she hadn't really been a part of it in the first place.
"Um, thank you?" Jeanette said uncertainly.
"There's one other thing." Jessica said holding Jeanette back. "I kinda like Simon. And I want YOU to help me get him. That's ok right?" Jeanette looked over at Simon who was putting a few things into his locker and watching her at the same time. She was very confused. Jessica like Simon? That was a little strange. She knew Jessica well enough to know that she would more likely go for Alvin, not science-geek Simon. (REMEMBER: Being a science-geek is a GOOD THING!!)
"Um, I don't really know. I'm not too good with relationships. You better ask someone else." Jeanette said. This wasn't entirely true. She loved reading romance books and knew the perfect ways to get almost any boy to like almost any girl.
"Oh, ok then. Fine. I guess I'll look for someone else's help." Jessica said with a slightly defeated look on her face. She walked away and Jeanette walked back over to the others.
"What was that about? Was she threatening you?" Brittany said. Jeanette shook her head.
"No, she wanted to tell me she forgives me for quitting the team. Though, I don't know why. I was never really on." Jeanette said picking up her pack off the floor. The others looked at each other and then back to Jeanette.
"Um, anything other than that? It looked like that conversation lasted longer than that…" Alvin said. Jeanette froze and stared at her pack. She didn't want to lie, but…
"Um, I need to talk to Brittany
and Ellie real quick." Jeanette said pulling her sisters away from
the boys.
"What was that all about?" Brittany said crossing
her arms. Jeanette looked at her and Eleanor for a second.
"Jessica also told me something because she wanted my help." Jeanette said. She looked around before telling her sisters. "She said she liked Simon and wanted my help to get him to like her." She whispered. The other two gasped.
"Really? She likes Simon? But he's such a science geek! She looks like she would more likely go for jocks…"Brittany said.
"And she said she wanted your help?" Eleanor asked looking at Jeanette with wide eyes. Jeanette nodded. The looked up as the bell rang for the next class. They agreed to talk during P.E. and lunch and ran to their classes with a different Chipmunk each.
Me: oooooooooo…not much of a cliffie, but it's still good, right? Idk. But you do! Go ahead and review this chapter! Yes, I'm going to make it a chapter story this time. I'm never good at staying with one thing for too long……..