Title: The Man of the Sea
Author: Surreysmum
E-mail: surreysmum AT gmail DOT com
Type: SLASH AU: LOTR/POTC crossover
Pairing: A/L; eventually A/L/Jack
Rating: M
Beta: the inimitable namarie120
Summary: Jack Sparrow strays out of familiar waters

This story is dedicated to the memory of Cathy Shepard, friend, mentor and bossy She-Elf.

I have placed the story in LOTR rather than in crossovers because (1) it really is a Middle Earth story, despite the fact that Captain Sparrow has wandered in and (2) nobody seems to read from the crossovers section.

Long author's note - please read! This story is presented in a slightly abridged and expurgated version in order to fit within the ratings guidelines of ffnet. Only the first and last chapters are affected, and no plot is lost. If you are a mature teen under 18, or if somewhat explicit descriptions of sex between male characters are not to your taste, please stick to this version. (If you are a child, or if you hate slash completely, go away now!) If you are of legal age in your place of residence, and think you would enjoy the more complete version, you can find it at my livejournal (see my profile for a link). I have only one request - if you read the LiveJournal version, please drop me a comment, if only to say that you have visited, because otherwise I have no way of knowing whether people are reading there. Thank you!

Chapter 1

The cry of the gulls was making Legolas' heart ache and his stomach churn, though he did his best to ignore it. After all, it was a small price to pay if this trip - ostensibly an official inspection of the local government in the port town of Edhellond - managed to break Estel out of the deep sadness in which he had been immersed for much too long now.

Legolas had been most reluctant to come along on this journey. Aragorn had argued in vain that Edhellond was once an elf-haven and he needed an Elf's understanding; Legolas had retorted that the town was now as mixed in population, humans, elves, and all other races, as any port you could imagine. The King had claimed that he needed an extra pair of keen eyes while he was caught up in all the ceremonials they would inflict upon him; Legolas had pointed out that as Consort, he would be as entrapped by the ceremonials as his King. But then Aragorn had turned weary eyes upon him and said simply, "Meleth, I need you." And Legolas had consented without another word.

Now as Legolas stared out of the window of the best apartment in the best inn in Edhellond, he felt arms slip around him from behind, and the well-loved voice said in his ear, "Thank you. I know this is not easy for you."

The Elf turned his back on the view of the enticing grey waters, and wrapped his own arms around his lover, touching their foreheads. "It is not so bad," he murmured. "Are you enjoying the trip?"

"Yes, for the most part," replied Aragorn. He smiled wryly. "Though I could have done without the last two and a half hours of the Lord Mayor's speech this afternoon." Legolas smiled in agreement. "Especially the part about Arwen," added Aragorn, pulling away and walking back over to the over-sumptuous bed.

Legolas watched him in silence. It was good, at least, to hear her name on his lips. Aragorn had spoken so little of his late beloved Queen. On the first anniversary of her untimely passing, just the week before, he had walked around all day with a thunderous look on his face, but sternly rebuffed all of Legolas' efforts to bring up the subject, finally walking out of the room when the Elf had the temerity to actually mention the Queen.

Aragorn wept for her only in his sleep.

Legolas turned to the window again and emphatically closed the shutters. Sitting on the bed beside his lover, he began to fiddle with the ties upon the man's shirt. "I need some distraction," he murmured to Aragorn. "You're it."

Aragorn felt a familiar surge of love, knowing full well who was really being distracted. He reciprocated eagerly in the undressing, pulling off Legolas' tunic in one fell swoop, then chuckling as he had to disentangle it from the long blond locks. His lips were drawn irresistibly to the smooth skin of the Elf's shoulder and neck.

Legolas snuggled closer into the caresses, but his hands were still busy disrobing his lord. After a lot of wriggling and some soft, amused cursing, they both finally fell naked on the bed, kissing hungrily.

Some time later…

"Are you all right, love?" whispered Aragorn to the drowsy Elf on the pillow. For answer, Legolas merely stretched out an arm and drew him back into his embrace.

"Sleep a bit," muttered the Elf. "More speeches to sit through tomorrow."
