To The Death

Alec and Max huddled close together in their cramped cell. They knew they had been captured by White. But why they were being kept alive was a question they kept asking themselves.

"What do you think they will do with us?" asked Alec as he placed his chin on Max's head.

"I don't know. But its something bad, I can feel it." Replied Max as she took Alec's hand in hers.

A few weeks ago and that movement would have felt alien to her. She always thought that she would only ever love Logan. But the day Alec had told her his true feelings was the day she realised. It wasn't Logan she loved.

"What ever happens, I want you to know that I love you." she Alec as he took in the sweet smell of Max's hair.

A single tear rolled down Max's perfect cheek, followed by more as she squeezed her eyes shut.

"I love you to." She said as she choked on her tears.

Foot Steps sounded in the hall. A man dressed in black Combats stood in front of the barred doors, a sickening smile on his face. He unlocked the cell door, gun and tazer in hand. White had discovered that transgenics could not take tazers at their highest setting. So that's what he set them all to, knowing it hurt the tranies like hell.

"Get up!" he demanded, anger flared in his eyes.

"Why?" said Alec as he started to get on his feet, his hand no longer in Max's grip.

"Did I say you could talk?" he said as he fired the tazer at Alec.

Alec fell to floor. His body convulsed as the electricity coursed through his body.

"ALEC!" Max shouted as she fell to her mate's side.

Alec body slowly stopped to convulse. He cracked open his eyes as a wave of pain washed over him.

"Get up!" the man cursed "and no talking!"

The pair of transgenics did as they were told and followed the man through the dark damp halls of their prison. Cheering could be heard from the room at the end of the hall.

This wasn't good. The feeling that something horrible was about to happen gnawed away at Alec's brain.

He held Max close as they walked through the battered doors. The sudden change of lighting burned at their eyes, causing them to squint as their eyes adjusted.

A fighting cage was centred in the middle of the room. This definitely wasn't good.

White stood next to the entrance of the cage. A sly smile plastered across his face.

"494, 452. So glad you could join us." He said coldly as he motion the guard to throw them in the cage "You are our entertainment for tonight. My men haven't seen a good fight in a long time."

Max shot Alec a worried look. Alec just scowled at White, his eyes flared with pure hate.

White smirked at the through the wire sides of the cage.

"This is how the rules work" he paused as a roar erupted from the audience "this is a fight to the death. If one of you doesn't kill the other then I will kill one of you. Not saying who, just whoever I fell like."

Alec's heart dropped, he could never hurt Max. He loved her too much.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I will never fight for you pleasure." Spat Max as she scowled at White.

"Then 494 dies!" said White as he pointed his gun at Alec.

"Wait, kill me. Not him. Please I am begging you. Don't hurt him."

"Then fight."

"Then he may die anyway."

"Would you rather he die by your hand or mine?"

Max didn't answer. She just stood staring at Alec. He was using the side of the cage for support. His body still weak from the tazer.

He stood up, his body shaking slightly.

"Just do it Max," he said, tears in his eyes "I would rather die by your hand than his."

The crowd shouted and booed as they screamed for the fight to begin.

Max shook her head.

"I don't want to kill you. I already lost Ben. It would be like loosing him all over again."

Max dropped her gaze. She stared at the floor weakly, tears streaming down her face.

White manoeuvred himself behind her. His sense of victory showed in his features.

A shot rang in the hall. Max's gaze soon returned to Alec.

His face paled as his hand moved over the bullet wound on his abdomen. Then a second shot as White aimed the gun higher up Alec's bare and toned torso. The second causing Alec to stumble as the bullet hit its mark.

"ALEC!" Max shouted as she blurred to his side.

The crowd were going wild, chanting and spitting at the fallen X-5.

"Take them back to their cell. Drag him if you have to." Exclaimed White to the man in black as he smiled at Max's reaction.

The man smiled slyly and dragged Alec out of the cage. Amused at the whimpers that escaped the transgenic's mouth as he smacked against the hard steps. Max followed the man. Knowing that if she caused trouble, he would hurt Alec more.

Alec was literally thrown into the cell followed by Max who immediately tried to staunch the constant flow of blood from his wounds.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She said as tear escaped from her dark brown eyes.

"Its ok," Replied Alec as he weakly wiped them away "its all going to be ok." He smiled weakly at her. His green eyes, dulled with pain.

He started to cough violently, blood spilling from his perfect lips. Max stroked his hair and hushed him. Desperately trying to calm Alec down. Blood spilled from his mouth at an alarming rate. Max knew that it meant that there was blood in his lungs. She broke down completely as Alec continued to cough and the blood continued to fall.

Gun shots sounded in the hall way and a man appeared at the cell door. Max did not pay attention at first. All she cared about was the dying man in front of her.

"Max?" said a familiar voice.

Max looked at the man and a small feeling of relief washed over her.

"Logan," she replied, "you have to help. Alec… he's… he's dying."

It was the hardest thing Max had ever had to say. Logan nodded in understanding and unlocked the cell door. He still felt a slight bit jealous of Alec when it came to Max. But he knew that right now. A friend needed him. He took off his jacket and placed it over one of the wounds and he did the same with his jumper.

"We need to get him to a hospital." Said Logan as he felt Alec's pulse.

A young man appeared at the doorway of the cell. He was strongly built but his face was young. His features were strikingly similar to Zack's.

"Sir, do you need help?" he said as he moved further into the cell.

"Yes, we need to get this man out and into the van. Can you carry him?"

"Yes. Sir." The man replied as he moved to pick up Alec.

Max gave Logan a worried glance.

"Its ok, I brought a team of guys to bust you out of here. You can trust Carter." Finished Logan as he placed comforting hand on Max's shoulder.

Max stood and followed Carter out of the building. Never taking her eyes off the now unconscious Alec in his arms. Max's heart began to race.

"Don't die. Please don't die." She said to herself as she got into the back of the black van. Carter gently placed Alec on the floor and worked on clearing off the table in the back of the black van. He placed three thick jackets on the metal surface as a makeshift mattress. Gently and swiftly he lifted Alec into his arms again and then placed him on the makeshift bed.

He began to put pressure on the wounds again as he noticed the blood begin to pool on the floor.

"Help me. Put pressure on his other wound." He said to one of the other so-called rescuers. This man too was quite young, but not as strongly built as Carter. Max stood and watched as the men tried to slow the bleeding. She couldn't move. Her limbs felt like lead. She felt like she was glued to the spot.

"Get the medical supplies." Said Carter to his helper.

Not three minutes later the man came back with a portable heart monitor, and other equipment that Max couldn't quite make out.

"You seem to know what your doing." Said Max as she watched him hook Alec up to the heart monitor.

"I'm a doctor." He replied, "That's why we have all this equipment. Logan is a good friend of mine. I was happy to help when he asked me for help on a rescue mission.

Alec's heart was weak and erratic. Carter sighed as he checked Alec's vitals. He began hooking other equipment up, using the plugs scattered across the walls.

A single note began to ring out as Alec's heart stopped. Max found it hard to breath as she heard the noise.

"Pass me the paddles." Said Carter to the other man.

He placed the paddles on Alec's chest. A slight noise sounded as they charged up.

"Clear," said Carter as he made sure that his fellow man stood back. Alec's body jumped as the shock ran through his body.

"Still no pulse," he said to himself as he placed the paddles on Alec's chest again.

His body jumped again as another shock ran through 494's broken body.

"Don Die, Please don't die."

Well here is the first part. This is my first Dark Angel fanfic so please review and tell me what you think XD