Disclaimer= I do not own Hayate the Combat Butler.

"Why can I not figure this out? I am supposed to be sharp-witted!" Hayate had been acting crabby since his last date. Everything that has gone down thus far is jamming his brain. He is so overloaded that he cannot process even the simplest of clues.



"Damnit Maria!" Hayate was yelling and repeatedly pounded his fists on the ground.

"Oh Maria!" She comes and restrains his arms from pounding it on the ground.

"You called my name Hayate-kun?" Now he felt embarrassed.

"Forgive me Maria-san, I did not realize that my shenanigans would bring you out here."

"It was pretty loud."

"It sounds like you care." Maria playfully slaps Hayate's head.

"You just now noticed?"

"I've been kind of busy lately with three dates..."

"... that I arranged."

"Come again?"

"Hayate-kun, I set up those dates for you."

"I cannot believe it. Why would you do that Maria-san, do you know how bad they went?"

"I can only imagine..." Maria sat down next to Hayate, who still wasn't looking at her.

"Sakuya-san's date was bad because she made fun of me. I was laughing at first, but then I stopped because I realized that her jokes were mean-spirited."

"I'm sorry that happened."

"Where do I begin with Nishizawa-san? She was behaving very weird. On the final hole, I got lucky and made a hole in one."

"Yeah, I've made my fair share of them."

"She made me out with me as well."

"Oh I see. Is she a good kisser?"

"I thought I was going out with her as a friend. It was apparent that she had other plans."

"What about your last date?"

"It actually wasn't all that bad." Maria's eyes suddenly perked up.

"Oh really? I mean, how did that date go?"

"Hinagiku-san and I went rock climbing first and then we had pizza."

"Well, nothing apparently went bad on that date."

"... I don't know where she gets at when she called me obnoxious and sarcastic."

"Why did she call you those things?"

"I did not eat breakfast and the rock climbing made me really hungry. I had already eaten four slices of pizza while she did not eat a single slice."

"Hayate-kun, that's not being obnoxious; that is simply eating."

"That's what I'm saying!"

"As for the sarcasm... everyone I know IS that at some point. I don't understand why she singled me out"

"I do not know why either."

" I don't like where this is going..."

"I do not know why I went out on those dates for Maria-san. There was no purpose behind it. It does not make any sense to me. Whoever pulled the strings did not have a clear goal whatsoever." Maria looked away, face hidden by a shadow. Hayate suddenly gasped and had a flashback about the end of his date with Hinagiku-san.

"I would appreciate a clue."


"That's it!" That was Hayate's loudest shrill yet. It scared Maria.

"Why are you suddenly so happy?"

"I now realize why I went out with those girls."

"Uh huh..."

"It was all set up... EVERYTHING! I've known Sakuya-san, Nishizawa-san and Hinagiku-san for a while and they never go over the top like that. Whoever was pulling the strings wanted me to look at the bigger picture."


"They wanted me to see that they are the person I should be going for."

"You're getting warmer..."

They are not facing each other. Hayate cannot see Maria's face squeal in excitement. Maria cannot compute what Hayate is planning on doing. Hayate is calmer and thus can think clearly. Maria is growing more and more anxious.

"Nagi, do you think that this plan will work?"

"I'm confident that his true feelings will come out." She didn't even notice Hayate turning around and placing his arms around her. Matter of fact, 5 whole minutes passed.


"Huh, what? Hayate-kun?!" Maria started blushing when she realized that he had his arms around her. She tried to move around, but he just held her tighter.

"I care about you too Maria-san."


"Yes. It took me until just now to realize it. I don't just care about you; I really want to be with you."

"As do I."

"Do I even need to say it Maria-san?"

"Say what?"

"You know... when two people like each other, they want to be together, etc."

"Oh haha, there is no need for words Hayate-kun."

Ten years pass by. Hayate and Maria are still working for Nagi at the mansion. Nagi herself is working on her Masters Degree at the University. She called Maria to tell her that she is spending the night at Kazuki's. It is already late into the evening.

"Hayate-kun, we have the house to ourselves."

"Oh okay, we should clean the entire house again." That comment made Maria laugh.

"You are funny, but I was thinking that we should sit down by the lake and drink some champagne."

"That sounds like a plan." So they head out to the lake, with Hayate carrying a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice. The two go to their spot and start sipping. After a couple of glasses, they are buzzing.

"Maria-san, we've been together for 10 years."

"Yes we have. We've kept it together; we've kept our relationship going strong."

"I'm happy that you accepted my feelings Maria-san. Looking back in retrospect, I was going a little bit crazy."

"No you weren't Hayate-kun."

"I'm referring to the blind dates. I was so distraught that who knows what I would've done? You saved me."

"Since you put it that way..."

"No I mean it. I was so enraged that I thought I was going to inflict real harm. You kept me grounded. Such strength at only seventeen! That's why I love you Maria-san."

"I love you too Hayate-kun." They give each other a kiss on the lips. For a while, they stare at the lake holding each other, Hayate occasionally nuzzling Maria's neck. He had that pensive look on his face.

"Maria-san, is that a control box on the shoreline?"

"Why yes, it kind of does look like one."

"Why don't you go and press the button?" She goes to the box and presses the button. Maria presses the button and several hundred candles light up from the darkness of the lake. The candles form a message.


She turns around and sees Hayate down on one knee.


"I love you with all my heart Maria-san. Will you marry me?" She had he hands to her mouth; she was crying.

"Yes yes yes!"

They got married at the chapel in the Sanzenin estate in front of 200 people. Later on during the evening, they cozied up once again at their spot by the lake. The sun was just starting to set.

"We are finally married Maria-san."

"I'm so happy Hayate-kun."

"I am as well. We are going to be together until the day we stop breathing. My life is complete."

"Not quite yet."

"What do you mean?"

"Feel my belly." Hayate did that and immediately took his hands away.

"You're pregnant Maria-san. Oh my god you're pregnant!" Tears were in his eyes.

"I'm pregnant with your daughter Hayate-kun."

"Your life I mean, our life, is now complete."