- EDIT 8/9/09 -

i made some changes, like switching to first person (Sakura's POV) and added a bit more details. but anyways, keep reading :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.



x. chapter one:looks can be deceiving



"So Naruto, you're step-sister's moving to town?"

Naruto slurps some ramen into his mouth while looking at one of his close friends, Shikamaru Nara. They are sitting in Naruto's favorite restaurant, Ichiraku Ramen. He swallows the ramen in his mouth and grins. "Yup! And I can't wait!" He pumps his fist in the air. "She's going to start school here tomorrow and she should be arriving at my house in an hour or two!"

Shikamaru leans back in his seat and yawns. "Troublesome."

"What do you mean 'Troublesome'?!" Naruto asks while digging into his ramen once again.

Before Shikamaru can open his mouth to explain himself Kiba interrupts. "Is she hot?"

Naruto eyes Kiba. "There is NO WAY I'd let you get a chance with my sister!" He sticks his tongue out.

Kiba grins, his unique fangs showing. "So she is!"

"I never said that!" Naruto finishes off the rest of his ramen. "She's like my sister, I can't call her 'hot', that's just weird!"

"Well is she ugly?" Kiba asks eagerly.

Naruto thinks for second. "Nope, actually in her old town, a lot of boys were all over her." He covers his mouth as he realizes how stupid he is to tell Kiba that.

Kiba's grin grows bigger. "Nice!"


Kiba and Naruto look at their good ol' pal Sasuke Uchiha. (Note the sarcasm) Kiba growls at him. Naruto narrows his eyes at the Uchiha prodigy. "Don't tell me YOU think you're getting a chance with MY sister!"

Sasuke snorts. "Not interested, she may not be blood related to you, but shes still your sister, which mean there's something very wrong with her."

Naruto clenches his fists. "WHAT WAS THAT BASTARD?!"

Before this fight can go any further, Neji interrupts. "What's her name?"

Naruto spins around to face him and happily replies with a big smile, "Sakura."



"Looks like somebody is thinking or talking about you, Sakura!" My mother, Ayaka Haruno, laughs.

Whenever I look at my mother, it's like looking into a mirror. Sometimes it scares me how much we look alike. The pink hair, the emerald eyes, oh and let's not forget the huge forehead.

"Probably Naruto." I say with a smile while looking out of the window of my mother's car. We drive past a sign that said 'Welcome to Konoha!' I smile at the thought of something new.

My old town was ok. Nothing really interesting happens. Everybody knew each other's business, which was pretty damn annoying at times, but whatever.

Anyways, allow me to introduce myself: Haruno Sakura is my name. Cherry Blossom spring field, pretty, huh? Fits my appearance perfect. I'm seventeen years old, going into my junior year in high school.

Why I'm moving to Konoha, you ask? Well my mother is engaged to Minato Uzumaki. He's pretty cool. He's been more of a father to me than my actual father. I'm really happy for my mom and him. Along with Minato, comes his son, Naruto Uzumaki, now my soon to be step brother. At first, I thought of Naruto as an annoying pain in the ass, but he's the best! He's really caring and I love him to death.

My mom shouts, "We're here!"

I look up at my new home as we pull into the driveway. It's a fairly big house. Definitely bigger than our old two bedroom apartment, that's for sure! The front door opens and out comes Minato. He has a wide cheeky grin placed on his lips. (Like father like son.) My mom shuts the car off and walks over to greet her fiance.

I step out of the car and stretch my arms out while yawning. It was a long ride and my butt was in some serious pain.


Oh jeeze...

Before I know it, I'm being engulfed in a HUGE hug and being swung around. When I'm finally put down, I laugh. "Nice to see you too, Naruto." I ruffle his spikey blonde hair.

Naruto grins.. "I'm so happy you're here now, Sakura!" He pulls me into another quick hug. "Oh, by the way, these are my friends," He turns around and points at the four boys standing at the end of the driveway. "That's Kiba," He points to a boy with wild brown hair, black eyes, red triangles, tattooed somehow I guess, on his cheeks, with a small white dog at his feet. "Neji," The boy has coffee brown long hair and pearl, pupiless eyes, he was kind of pale. "Shikamaru," He has black hair pulled back in a spiked ponytail and black eyes. "And last and definitely least, Sasuke!" This one, I have to admit, was gorgeous. The other boys are pretty good looking too, but, damn, this boy beat them by A LOT. He has silky raven hair and onyx eyes, he was pale as well, but still gorgeous.

Someone pinch me, 'cause I think I'm in heaven!

Said boy rolls his eyes at Naruto's comment. "Loser." He says but Naruto doesn't quiet catch it and continues on with the introduction. "And this is my dearest sister Sakura!" Naruto announces to them. I just smile at them, don't really know what else to say. I suck at introductions. But they smile back, well except for Sasuke. Maybe this is the 'Mr. Stick-Up-His-Ass' Naruto always yaps to me about about.He sure as hell doesn't look like it!

"So, teme, what do you think of my step sister?" Naruto asks suspiciously, raising a blonde eye brow.

Sasuke looks at me then looks back at Naruto. "She looks like a freak."

"WHAT'D YOU SAY?!" Naruto growled.

I want to rip that pretty boy in half.

But all I can do is glare at him, and from this moment on I promise to hate Uchiha Sasuke for the rest of my life.

Looks can be deceiving.



A/N: should I continue? please let me know what you think & review! :)