Disclaimer: FMA isn't mine.

Song: Unhappy - Thriving Ivory

And maybe, just maybe, you won't end up like him...

Alchemy consumed his life.

After his wife died, he gave himself completely over to the research.

He missed seeing his daughter grow up.

He cuts off all contact with the rest of his family.

He spends the last years of his life locked in the study with just his dusty alchemy books for comfort.

He only ever took one apprentice.

He is more of a father to that boy that he is to his own daughter, because this boy understands the addiction that comes from alchemy.

When he dies, only a handful of people attend his funeral. His daughter and his apprentice are among them.

They are the only ones who mourn his passing, and even their grief is accompanied by relief.


She thinks that all alchemists must be like her father. That they all waste their lives chasing after research they will never make use of.

She knows that is an unreasonable assumption to make, but she finds it hard to imagine alchemists any other way.

Plus, this way she can justify her fathers actions.

At first when her father takes an apprentice, she in envious of the boy.

He shares something with her father that she never will.

Once she has gotten to know him, she beings to wonder.

Was her father once like this?

Did he once aim to help people with his alchemy too?

She hopes that this boy will not end up like he did, lost and alone.


When he first becomes the apprentice of Master Hawkeye, he is introduced to his daughter.

At first, he dismisses her as shy, of no interest or consequence to him.

He is quickly proven wrong.

He knows she harbors some bitterness and resentment towards him for being her fathers favorite.

Still, when you spend so much time with one person, it's hard not to form some sort of friendship.

Even so, he knows so little about her after living with her for years.

This mystery is part of what attracts him to her in the first place.

When he returns the that old, crumbling house once more, he isn't expecting to attend a funeral.

He isn't expecting to find her fathers secrets tattooed on her back.

He isn't expecting to find their lives are still intertwined, after so many years.

He isn't expecting the relief they both feel when her father is gone.

After so many years, she still manages to surprise him without even trying.

Hmmm...not exactly what I was going for, but that's fine with me, because I kind of like it. *shrugs*