Chapter 10

The next few hours were filled with Rogue going around and locating everyone. Those who weren't in bed, she moved into bed, (borrowing Pete's powers to do so). She supplied water and sure that everyone drank. Those who were stronger she sent down to the kitchen to eat and drink before enlisting them to help her.

Gambit kept the soup coming, although he was mildly annoyed that his first foray in a kitchen in weeks was to make large batches of bland food he felt wasn't really worthy of the name. Nevertheless, he was sensible to realise that this probably wasn't the time for one of his more elaborate meals. Besides, whoever stocked the kitchen clearly had no idea how to cook, and he couldn't have anyway.

As day moved into night and everyone retired, Rogue finally joined Gambit in the kitchen for something to eat herself.

"Ah made up one of the guest rooms for ya," she told him. "Thanks fo' your help t'day."

"Not a problem, chérie. Yo' staying in yo' old room?"


"Yo' seen Stormy at all?"

"Yeah, Ah think she was number three on his list, or something like that. She's not doing too well right now."

"Anyt'ing I can do?" Gambit asked, frowning.

"Nothin' more than we're doin' already Ah think," Rogue replied forlornly, and shook her head. "Ah just can't imagine goin' through all of that for two days. That's just... just... insane. But they've all eaten now. Hopefully everyone will be feeling better in the mornin'."

"I sense I shall be camped out in the kitchen again."

"Ya don't mind? Ah can't really cook."

"Yeah? What happens when it's your turn on the roster?"

"Two minute noodles."

Gambit laughed.

The kitchen/dining was rather full by the time Rogue arrived the next day for breakfast. Just as she hoped, everyone was doing much better for a good night's sleep. The Professor had woken up from his coma overnight and had been busy revisiting everyone's minds to repair what damage his dark self may have caused.

"Hey Remy," she greeted.

"Chére. Took yo' long enough t' get up. Been awake for hours."

Rogue giggled and picked up a tray to raid the food Gambit had prepared.

"Rogue!" called Jubilee. "Over here."

Rogue looked over and waved.

"Had much of a chance t' catch up yet, chérie?"

"No, not really."

"Well, I shan't keep yo' from your friends," he said, taking her hand and kissing it.

"So good of ya. Why, it's not like ya had me all ta your lonesome for over four days straight or anything."

He chuckled, she grinned at him, then turned and headed to Jubilee's table. With her was Kitty, Pete and Bobby.

"Hey ya'll," Rogue greeted, taking the final seat next to Bobby. "Feelin' better?"

"Oh I'm just fine," Jubilee said, then gestured to Gambit with her head. "So's he. Where'd you pick him up?"

"He picked me up, at a bar a few days ago," Rogue replied. "Both headin' here so decided ta make a road trip outta it."

She decided they didn't really need to know that Gambit hadn't decided to go to New York until after she'd told him that was where she was headed. They didn't need to know a few other details either.

"Wow, a road trip with a random stranger?" Pete inquired with raised eyebrows. "Isn't that a little dangerous?"

"Ya realise ya are talkin' ta the gal who hitchhiked from Mississippi ta Canada, right?"

"Point taken."

Rogue chuckled.

"He often kiss your hand?" Bobby asked quietly.

"Frequently," Rogue nodded. "Personally, Ah think it's his favourite hobby. Y'know, next ta checkin' out every woman who walks by, stealin' and poker."

Jubilee giggled.

"He check you out much?"

"Yeah, Ah even got a wolf whistle out of him."

"That's just gross," Kitty said, turning up her nose. "I mean, yeah he's kinda cute, but isn't he like, old enough to be your father?"

"Aww, but we all know Roguey loves older men," Jublilee giggled. "Crush on Logan much?"

"Actually, Remy's only seventeen years older," Rogue pointed out with a grin. "Therefore, that actually makes him ten years younger than muh father."

"Details, details," Kitty dismissed.

Rogue giggled.

"He's just playin' around anyway. Besides, even if he were serious, it's not like anything could come of it," she said, waving her hand in dismissal.

Then Rogue spotted someone come through the door. A grin crossed her face and she raised her voice, looking pointedly in Storm's direction.

"Besides, Ah think he's more interested in catchin' up with Stormy!"

Storm locked eyes with Rogue, opening her mouth to admonish her for the hated nickname when she saw the mischievous expression on her face and her finger pointing to Gambit.

"Remy LeBeau, you little sneak thief!"

Gambit turned at the sound of his name coming from a most familiar voice.


He swung himself over the counter to join Storm. As opposed to going around like any normal person would have done.

"Don't call me that," Storm glared at him.

"Yo' never call. Yo' never write," Gambit grinned at her.

"You never leave a forwarding address."

Gambit chuckled and the two hugged.

"It's been years," Storm said. "What brings you here, of all places?"

Gambit pointed towards Rogue.

"Ma chérie, Rogue over there. Crossed paths in Mississippi."

"Rogue?" Storm called.

"Yeah Storm?"

"If you've picked up any bad habits from him, it'll be double danger room sessions for a month."

Rogue giggled. She started to stand, then changed her mind and partially sat on the edge of the table. She put one foot up on the seat, dangling her arm over her leg. The other hand she hooked into the belt loop of her pants, pulling it down just enough to see some of her skin.

"Ah dunno Storm. He sure comes up with some good ideas," she said, winking at Gambit.

Gambits' eyes flickered over her, a slight grin crossing his face.

"I was only joking about dat, chérie."

"Just like ya were joking about the moonlight swim, swamp rat?"

"Oh hell, it's too late isn't it?" Storm groaned. "You've already corrupted the poor child."

"Me?" Gambit said indignantly. "Stormy, the night we met, skunkhead here absorbed a mutant hater by kissing him, and told him that he should go wash his mouth out with soap."

Jubilee cracked up.

"Trust me, she was already corrupted."

"Remy, no one in their right might should trust you. Ever."

"Yo' wound me, chérie."

"Ha! I should give you double time in the danger room."

"What makes yo' t'ink I'm stayin'?"

Storm made a point of looking the food over.

"Right," she snorted. "Like you're really going to leave before exposing us to one of your culinary masterpieces."

"Well, if yo' going t' appeal to my ego like dat chére, I have heard about dis pirate sim..."

Kitty giggled.

"You told him about that?"

"Hell yes," Rogue grinned.

"Even the bit about Johnny Depp?"

"Oh yeah."

"There wouldn't happen t' be a Kira Knightly?" Gambit asked mischievously.

"That is not what the danger room is for," Storm scolded.

"No, but one day we will talk Kitty into programming one for us," Bobby piped up.

"I am not going to appeal to your sick, twisted little fantasies, Bobby," Kitty told him firmly.

"What about mine, petite?" Gambit inquired.

"Program her yourselves. Deviants, the pair of you."

"On second thoughts, maybe you should leave, Remy. You'll just be a bad influence on all the students," Storm sighed.

"Well den, in dat case I'll just take Roguey wit' me," Gambit decided with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Ya will?" Rogue asked in surprise.

"Oui. Partners in crime, remember?"

Rogue laughed.

END: If you liked this, I hope you also enjoy the sequel "This is a Battle, not a Tango"