Disclaimer: you know all this by now I think

Summary: A twenty year old Harry Potter finds himself in the time of the Marauders after recieving an unusal box...

An Unusual Journey

by S. L

Harry Potter leaned back in his chair and studied the box on his desk. It was rather plain looking, but he wasn't to be fooled by that. He was in his office, and was expecting a class any minute now, but first he wanted to find out more about this thing before him.

He'd tried to talk to Dumbledore, but he was no where to be found.

Perhaps, Harry thought, it wouldn't hurt just to open it... Normally Harry wouldn't even dare think of such of thing. Especially after all of his experiences with the Dark Lord. But there was something about that box... something that called to him... that clouded his mind and willed him to open it.

So before he even knew what he was doing he'd knocked the top off and peered inside.

Everything went black.


Harry awoke to find two eyes identical to his own staring back at him. Slowly the picture of a concerned looking girl with long straight red hair came into place. He knew he was in the hospital wing, but he didn't recognize the girl.

"Who're you?" He asked once he was sure he'd gotten his self out of the drained sleep.

She jumped slightly, Harry noticed her eyes had not been on him, but on his scar. "Don't ask silly questions Mr. James Potter. We've been worried sick about you! Where have you been anyways!"

Harry sighed, what was this girl playing at. "My name's not James. It's Harry, now will you please tell me who you are?"

"Honestly Potter do you care that we've been worried sick over you this past day? Disappearing without a trace, not even Sirius knew where you were exactly though I'm sure he knew more than he let on. Then you show up half battered with this nasty scar..."

Now, Harry was starting to get annoyed. "I've had this 'nasty scar' since I was a baby!" Harry tried to think straight, but he simply couldn't piece anything together. His head was all muddled.

The strange girl looked as if she too was getting angry. "Listen Potter don't think I'm going to fall for another one of your dumb tricks. I may not like you, but I have known you since our first year and I think I would notice something like a long lightening shaped scar!"

"I have no idea who you are and I have had this scar since I was a baby!" Harry rubbed his head to wake him self up a bit. There was something a little more than odd about this encounter. He just could think clearly. "Listen just get Dumbledore for me, if you know who he is."

The strange girl jumped from her seat next to Harry's bed. "Fine just forget that I spent all day waiting for you to wake up. Never mind that McGonagal told me too, but I didn't even try to sneak out of it like you would!" She continued ranting until she was well out of the ward. "Never mind that I care you've got some nasty scar running down your head. Never mind that I care at all!" Her voice continued on, but Harry just blocked it out hoping Dumbledore would come and explain things soon.

Luckily for him the girl did know of Dumbledore for he showed up no more than fifteen minutes later. He was not smiling though the familiar twinkle in his eye was still there. "Now Mr. Potter I would like you to explain where you've been this past day and how you came to fall on Ms. Evans out of nowhere with that nice scar there."

Harry struggled with the sentence. What was he talking about? "Sir, I'm a little confused. I didn't go anywhere. I was in my office preparing the day's lesson when I got this strange package. I tried to show it to you because there was no card of who it was from anywhere and you've told me to be careful about such things."

"Yes, I try." Dumbledore said smiling.

"Of course, but see you were a bit busy with the Order of the Phoenix at the moment so you sent me to your office..."

The Headmaster sat up immediately. "Order of the Phoenix? You know about that?"

Harry struggled again. This was all nonsense. "Yes of course I do, remember Fawkes gave me one of the first feathers after the Triwizard Tournament. We've been working on that together since my sixth year. What's wrong with everyone today? It's like no one can get anything straight."

The twinkle was gone and now replaced with suspicion, but the Headmaster urged Harry on.

"Yes well I was a bit curious about the package and I didn't think it would hurt to just open the box and then... I don't know what happened I just sort of lost it... Like with a port key I suppose, but harder..." Harry concentrated. "All I knew was that I was sort of falling- oh yes and the pain, there was a lot of that. Then I woke up here and there was this strange girl looking at me telling me my name was James! She wouldn't even tell me who she was! Have we got any new students?"

Harry noticed Dumbledore as if for the first time. The man looked just as confused as he felt, though slightly angry too. Harry was a bit frightened. He had seen Dumbledore mad, but never at him!

"What is your name?" What an odd question thought Harry.

He decided to answer nevertheless. "Harry Potter, sir- you know that though so why are you asking?"

Dumbledore licked his lips as if to stall. "You're not James Potter then?"

Harry felt like laughing. This was just a great day wasn't it? "Oh yes I'm the reincarnated spirit of my father who died fifteen years ago as if you wouldn't remember!" Harry stopped and put the pieces together. "Wait- no, no, no, no... I'm not- it wasn't- it couldn't be..."

The Headmaster rose shakily and strode across the room and shut the door. "You say your the son of James Potter, Harry Potter and that James died fifteen years ago?"

Harry just put his head in his hands. "Oh god... this cannot be happening."

Dumbledore seemed persistent. "Harry tell me how you got here again."

"I-I told you I received a package, it had to be Voldemort, only he would want to do something like this to me. He's at full power here, he'll kill me for sure. I'm as good as dead." Harry's words were muffled as his head was still buried in his hands.

"Voldemort? What would he want with you?"

"To kill me, he's wanted me dead for year. Can't seem to do it though. He came to my house when I was one and killed my parents. Tried to kill me too, but the curse rebound and hit him instead. I became famous as The-Boy-Who-Lived though I didn't know it until I was eleven.

"There wasn't enough human left in him to die, he was just a shadow. He searched for a way to return to power. He didn't find his way until my last year as a Hogwarts student. He kidnapped me and used my blood to resurrect himself. I escaped, but he's been after me since. After that Voldemort began to return to his power and the destruction of the wizarding world. I spent the next year in hiding from him and his Death Eaters. Once I returned to school I spent most of my time working with you on the Order of the Phoenix. I was tutored at night and took my N.E.W.T.'s at the end of what should have been my sixth year. I spent the next two years mainly at Hogwarts, but traveling a bit around the world in the fight against the Dark Lord. It's only been this past year that We've been able to get his power down. We've nearly got him beat. I took the Defense Against the Dark Arts job two years after I graduated so I would be able to stay in the castle."

Dumbledore had been silent through the entire retelling. Harry knew he had to give it. This was Dumbledore after all. In the past or the future he could still trust him. He had to know.

"Don't say anything more. If you are Harry Potter... from the future you shouldn't let on too much. This information is good news. Any period of time without Voldemort is something to look forward too."

"Sir," Harry looked up from his hands there were tears in his eyes. "My parents... are they- alive?"

The Headmaster leaned back. "James Potter is at this moment missing though I'm sure he will return. Your mother on the other hand... I do not know who that could be."

"Lily Potter, I'm afraid I don't know her maiden name."

The twinkle returned. "Lily Evans... ah, what an unusual pairing. Never would have guessed myself..."

"Sir?" Harry asked after the man retreated to his daydreams. It was good to know Dumbledore hadn't changed even after the change in time. "Can I meet them- I won't tell them who I am! But until I have to leave, could I just be with them? Please? What year are they in? Can I return to school?"

"So many questions! Yes, we will have to figure something out to return you to your time..." The Headmaster stood. "Until then you will be a seventh year Gryffinor. May I ask what house did you used to be in?"

Harry smiled. "Gryffidor through and through sir."

"Wonderful," The old grandfather like man smiled. "I believe we will need to get you some new things?"

"Probably sir. I haven't got a thing with me."

Dumbledore smiled. "Good then, I will take care of that. You can start classes tomorrow."

James sauntered in to the Gryffidor common room late that night. He had decided to skip classes that day and go to Hogsmede on his own. A day off, away from Hogwarts troubles. After all he was a seventh year and Head Boy.

He had thought the common room would be empty, and had left the Invisibility Cloak behind the witches hump. He hadn't counted on Lily Evans being there.

"Ooh Potter what do you think you're doing?" Damn he was caught, by what had to be the biggest suck up in Hogwarts.

"None of your business Evans. Leave me alone."

Lily moved from the girls stairs to block James. "You didn't have to be so snippy to me earlier I was only doing what McGonagal told me to- hey what happened to that scar?"

She was defiantly loosing it. Too much homework James thought. "I have no idea what your talking about Evans, now move out of my way."

"That scar though- you had one running right down your forehead. When I asked about it in the hospital wing you got all moody with me. Just tell me what happened to it!"

Little nosey body. "I haven't got a scar, and I haven't been to the hospital wing all day now move!"

Lily frowned. "Yes you were after you landed on my on the Quidditch pitch you passed out. Dumbledore was afraid the Death Eaters had gotten you. I was supposed to watch after you until Madam Pomfrey returned from fetching Dumbledore, but I left after you kept babbling nonsense!"

"I assure you Evans I have no idea what you're talking about." The girl was defiantly crazy. "Now I'm going to bed and with the stories your coming up with I recommended that you do the same!"

James pushed himself away from the Head Girl and ran the rest of the way to his dorm. Damn Evans, why oh why did she have to bother him so?

"James, how was it?" Sirius asked from his bed. All three of his other dorm mates were awake lying in bed over the covers talking.

"Yeah we heard about Dumbledore. Was in a right huff about you all day. Did he give you detention?" Remus said as he picked through a pile of Berrie Botts Every Flavored Beans.

"Nah, I haven't even seen him. Though Evans is down there ranting about me being in the hospital wing."

Remus looked up. "You were though, we saw you."

James screwed up his face. What a weird day. "No I wasn't I was at Hogsmede like I told you. Only just got back. Now I'm quite tired so if you all don't mind I think I'm going to go to bed."

Ignoring their complaints and ranting James changed and hurried into his four poster bed. The last thing he heard before he drifted off to sleep was Sirius's bored "Whatever."

There were no stares, as Harry made his way into Great Hall the next morning. Though several calls of 'hey James' followed him. It was quite a strange feeling to be a student again. Harry even caught himself from making his way up to the teacher's high table on his way to the Gryffinor tables.

Something had been done about his appearance. His hair had been cut quite short so his scar was now more than visible. Harry didn't mind that though, he was used to the stares and it was nice not having hair in his eyes anymore. His eyes had also been changed to a startling blue. This combined with the fact that he was also (or so he had been told) smaller and shorter than the real James would set him apart once he met his father.

"Whoa James, nice haircut." Harry nearly chocked as he recognized a younger version of Sirius smiling down at him.

Harry forced himself to smile. "I'm afraid you've got the wrong person. I'm Harry Burke, a new exchange student. Just arrived last night."

Sirius blinked. "Okay... weird you look so much like my friend James. Now that I look though you are a bit different. Especially the eyes. You have funny eyes."

"Thanks... I think. Who're you?" He asked remembering he was supposed to be new.

His younger godfather held out his hand. "Sirius Black." Harry shock the offered hand trying not to laugh. Sirius just looked so comical.

"There's something very familiar about you Sirius, I feel as if I've met you before."

Sirius smiled then sat down at the table soon followed by Harry.

"You'll love Hogwarts, best thing though is the food!" Harry laughed as Sirius pilled his plate high with all sorts of dishes. He reminded him strangely of Ron.

James never showed up for breakfast, though Harry did meet Remius Lupin again. His mother and Peter Pettigrew he noticed were conversing with a group of girls at the other end of the table. Otherwise he was just surrounded by second years.

"That's Lily Evans. She's an okay sort, though a bit bossy." Sirius went on once he noticed where Harry was looking. "James and her hate each other. You should see the wars they get into!"

"Hate each other?" Harry asked losing his voice slightly. His parents hated each other?

"Yup," Remus chimed in. "The rest of us are friends with her though. Sirius is her foster brother I might add."

Sirius smiled. "I used to live next door to her before we attended Hogwarts. We've been friends for ages. Never thought a muggle like her would make it here! Head Girl at that."

"Yes I know..." Harry looked up when he realized the two Marauders were looking at him strangely. "Dumbledore told me." That explanation seemed to do.

Just then the man at question rose from his seat at the teachers table and cleared his throat several times until he had full attention. "As some of you may know by now we have a new student among our mists. Harry Burke a transfer student from Ireland. Now many of you may notice the uncanny resemblance between him and a Mr. James Potter, but I assure you they are in no way related. Unless of course they are both neglecting to tell me something." His eyes sparkled. "I urge you all to make our new student welcome as best you can and show him what a great home Hogwarts can be."

Harry clapped with the others though he was aware of more than a few eye upon him. Thankfully as soon as the small speech was finished Sirius jumped from his seat pulling Harry after him. "C'mon gotta find James!"

James was awaked roughly by Sirius as usual. He pushed away his friend and tried to pull the sheets back over his head.

"Wake up! I've found out who's been impersonating you don't you want to meet your twin?"

James mumbled something and buried his head in his pillow. Then Sirius's hand collided with the back of his head.

"Now see here Sirius- oh hello." James smiled at the man who did look remarkably like him though he did look older. "I though my friend here was just lying. I'm James Potter by the way."

Harry smiled politely as he watched his father rise from the bed. He was fully clothed and just ran his fingers through his hair before grabbing his books and leaving the room.

"Harry Burke," Harry told his father as he followed him down the familiar spiral stair case. "I've heard plenty of you. It even took me ten minutes just to convince Dumbledore I wasn't you playing some kind of trick. You've earned yourself quite a reputation."

James just laughed sleepily as they all hurried on to their first class.

Unfortunately for Harry it was Divination. To his extreme and utter disappointment it was still Professor Trewlany who taught the class. Though this professor looked as if she had just graduated from Hogwarts.

"Urge, we've this old bat again. She was our teacher last year, a real fraud." Sirius whispered in his ear as they went to take their seats.

"Tell me about it," Harry whispered after his new friend as he took a seat next to Remus.

Remus laughed at James and Sirius who sat in front of them. "I wonder who's going to die this year?" The three laughed and Harry tried hard not to join them. "She apparently thinks it's a great joke to predict someone's death for each year. Last year James was going to die a horribly gruesome death by a manticore."

They laughed again, but Harry just felt sick. He forced himself to smile for their sake as the lesson began.

"Some of you may remember me from lessons last year so I'm sure that you remember all of the rules as well." Trewlany went on mistily. "This year we will be studying very advanced forms of trances. Now those of you have made it this far may find it a sever disappointment that you do not hold an inner eye. Only the greatest of seers have the ability to predict the future in this means."

Harry zoned out automatically as the oversized bug went on. It was strange to think of himself as a student again, after being the teacher last year. He hadn't had a normal schedule since his fourth year and was sure he would like it nevertheless.

He turned his attention to his father who was tapping his fingers restlessly upon the desk in a unbalanced rhythm. He couldn't believe he was alive, after all this time. He was finally able to see his father as he once was. When he and Sirius had first gone up into the dorm to wake him Harry was sure he would burst out in tears. It was all too much to handle at once. Only all the lonely years he had spent before kept him under control.

"Oh my dear," Trewlany's voice sang out. Harry looked up into the bug eyes of the professor trying not to laugh. "You young sir I cannot see. You are one who does not belong. You will not last long in this false world. I assure you. You will be gone before the Easter holidays."

Harry yawned, not nearly so impressive as they used to be- or would be. She must have worked on her threats over time. That was absolutely pathetic. Trewlany let out a great angry sigh and marched off leaving Harry and the Marauders struggling to hide their mirth.

"So what's next?" Harry asked as they made their way to the next class. Peter had caught up with them and Harry was trying his best not to strangle the rat.

"Transfigurations, McGonagal teaches that one. She's real strict, you can't do anything in her class." Sirius looked extremely put out about this.

Harry smiled, thinking of how different she had looked at the head table. She too looked a great deal younger, probably around her forties. Her hair was long and hung loosely over her robes and her once lined face was now almost smooth though still dangerous looking. Her eyes too still had their hard edge. This would be an interesting lesson.

A lesson he would not have however. The moment the group reached the Transfiguration room it was not McGonagal who met them, but Dumbledore.

"Ah, Harry, just the person I wanted to meet," he said with a polite nod to the others. "Why don't you all just pop in for class. I'm sure Professor McGonagal won't want you to be late on account of me. Harry though I'd like to speak with you if I might."

Harry nodded to the others and followed his Headmaster through the familiar halls and past the gargoyle and into his office.

"What was it that you wanted sir?"

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair. "You see Harry, we've a bit of a problem on our hands." He paused. "It seems that you were not the only one to look into that strange box. A rather familiar looking man arrived this morning. He awoke not an hour ago and assured me that his name was Sirius Black."

Harry's eye's widened. Sirius? Here? Both of them?

"Hello Harry." Harry turned and there before him was none other than his godfather and escaped convict Sirius Black.

"Sirius! What're you doing here? I thought you were in Albania?"

Sirius laughed at his godson's welcome and greetings and hurried them both to their seats. "Imagine how surprised I was to wake up in the hospital ward with a Dumbledore I thought I'd never see again staring down at me. I knew what happened immediately."

This wasn't the question Harry wanted answered. "Yes, but how?"

"Well I came home early and snuck into the office," he paused at looked at the questioning Dumbledore. "I was framed after the Potter's death and was sent to Azkaban. I escaped several years ago and have been living in hiding since working with the Phoenix in the fight against Voldemort.

He took another breath. "You see the Headmaster," he inclined his head to Dumbledore, " you- were going to send me on a new mission. We had sightings of the Lord in Scotland and I was just going to discuss some details with you when instead I found that Harry was missing!" He laughed. "We both knew what must be done, we both remembered a certain Harry Burke in my seventh year. I also remembered a Kyle Taylor."

Harry caught on. "So Kyle are you to be a professor here? I do hope you brought my things. At least you had a bit more warning than I did."

Dumbledore was the one to laugh this time. "Indeed he did. I believe I was just looking over what you call the 'Marauder's Map'? No wonder you Marauders were never caught at anything!"

The Headmaster laughed again, but Harry and Sirius exchanged a look of fright. "The Marauder's Map! Our true names show up on it. I'm not Harry Burke, but Potter and you're Sirius Black!"


James Potter watched the head table with a puzzled look upon his face. There sitting between their new Defense Against the Dark Art's teacher and Dumbledore was Harry Burke. What was he doing at the Head table? Worse than that ever was that he seemed to be in a very heated discussion with Dumbledore! Dumbledore that most powerful wizard of their time, and Harry was arguing with him!

"There's something very off about this Burke kid." James told his friends once they caught on where he was looking.

Sirius swallowed his dinner and nodded. "I know what you mean. Did you see the way he was looking at you? Like you'd come back from the dead or something"

"I think he's nice," Remus chipped in. "Just a little unusual is all. Lonely I think."

The leader of the group snorted. "Nice I suppose, but there's still something wrong with him."

"Like the way he just sort of turned up? Dumbledore usually announces exchange students at the beginning of the year. Harry though just... popped out of the sky- literally." Sirius nodded to emphasize his point then turned back to his food. "Just leave the subject we'll see how he is later."

James just nodded.

Hey you guys I dunno whether this is good or not, but I decided to post it anyways. I know it's sort of like my other story right now 'A Time Out of Memory' but this is what I started writing, before I got the idea for that, so they sort of over lap. I'm hoping to add some new chapters, but I think I'll be concentrating on my other story more. Anyways, hope you like it and please review and tell me if you want me to continue.