Chapter One-The Announcement
Lily Evans walked through the corridor to where her best friend Jamie Stevenson was sitting at the Gryffindor table. She was tapping her fork on the table, and looking longingly at the other fifth years that were her friends. It was dinner time, and Lily had just finished an extremely difficult lesson in her study of ancient runes class. Her bright red hair went down her back and her green eyes looked somewhat tired. Jamie had Muggle Studies, but her class had been canceled due to the fact that Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew had "accidentally" started the room on fire trying to light Snape's hair on fire. Lily watched as they went through the door to the Great Hall now, and came to sit right next to her. James was Lily's other best friend, they had met in their first year. Lily turned to Jamie, who had short, blonde hair framing her face and ice blue eyes.
"Lil, I am going to get away from here. I promised that I would sit with the rest of my friends this week," said Jamie. Lily looked at her in suprise. "Here is the book, write me back." Jamie passed her a small book where they wrote notes back and forth to each other. Lily pocketed it.
"Oh, please stay and sit with me!" exclaimed Lily.
"You have the boys to keep you company," said Jamie, who then grabbed her tray and walked around to the other end of the table. Lily didn't feel that bad. She and Jamie had grown up together, and were terribly excited when they both got a letter to go to Hogwarts. However, each of the girls had made their own friends at Hogwarts, and the two groups were not very fond of each other. Jamie thought that Lily and her friends joked around too much, and Lily found Jamie's friends stuck up and rude.
"Hey Lil, snap out of that trance you are in and start eating!" said James as he slid in on one side of her.
"Yeah, you know we just made these pastries, they are fabulous," said Remus, offering her some. Lily laughed.
"You know I know better than to eat anything that you give me," said Lily. "Although, you know, Snape doesn't know who it is from. Why don't you kindly go leave it on his plate?"
Sirius laughed and picked up the pastry. He slyly ran over to the Slytherin table and put it on Snape's plate when he wasn't looking. A minute later there was a loud explosion as Snape turned into a donkey and then, a minute later as he turned back into a human.
"He lookes better as a donkey," said Sirius. "Shame someone had to change him back."
"And you guys were going to make me eat that." said Lily, in a dramatic voice full of suprise. "I'm shocked."
"Attention students," said Professor Dumbledore. Everyone turned their head to see what he was saying, and the hall was suddenly quiet. "As you may know, there is a welcome back dance every year for those stundets in the fourth year and above. Younger students may come if they are invited by the older ones. The dance will be held next Saturday. There will be a Hogsmede trip this weekend if anyone would like to buy dress robes for this occasion. This trip is only for students attending the dance. If you are coming to the dance, make sure to be in the great hall no later than 7:00." As the Professor finished there were many conversations started in the hall, and the noise level became very loud.
"Hey Lily, do you still like Sirius?" James whispered. Lily blushed. She had had a crush on him since they were fourth years, and she had told James. He looked over at her and smiled. "I'll take that as a yes. You should ask him to the dance before the other girls have a chance to through themselves at him. Tonight. Ask him tonight."
Lily and the boys walked out of the great hall and up towards the Gryffindor common room. They gave the fat lady the password (brussel sprouts) and walked in.
"Who's up for a game of exploding snap?" asked Remus. Everybody quickly sat down at one of the tables as Remus passed out the cards. They played for a few games, and then James got up from the table.
"Man, I have a lot of homework to do. Remus, Peter, why don't we go back up to the dorm." said James. Remus got up from the table.
"James, I am not taking...oh, right that homework. Oh, ok. Bye." said Peter.
"Sirius, do you want to play wizard chess," said Lily, seeing the perfect situation to ask Sirius to the dance.
"Sure," he said, and then set up the chess pieces. They played a few games, and then Lily opened her mouth.
"Wannagodanceme?" she said quickly.
"What?" Sirius asked.
"I mean, I was just wondering, that is if you want to, would you possibly go to the dance with me. But only if you want to." said Lily. Sirius smiled.
"Of course I will. I'm going to get to the dorm. I actually have more homework than James does. 'Night Lily." he said.
"'Night Sirius," Lily said, then went back to her dorm room. Jamie was not in there, so she got out the book and started writing.
Dear Jamie,
Hey girlie what's up? Are you excited about the dance. I sure am. You will never in a hundred thousand years guess what I did. I asked Sirius to go to the dance with me. And he said yes! I can't believe it. You are going, right? You better. Who are you going with? Remus is most definatly going to ask Sara, she is his girlfriend. And James told me that he was going with Nancy, but only as a friend. I don't know who you could go with. I doubt that you want to go with Peter.
Well, it is getting late and I have to do my charms homework. I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow. Oh, and can you help me get my dress robes? I want to borrow your Simply Magical robe shop catolog. They have a store in Hogsmede.
Lily out down her pen and pulled out her homework. When she got into bed that night a smile went from ear to ear.
A/N-Hey everyone. Hope that you like my second fan fic. There will be more coming very, very soon (I already have the whole thing written in my head!) As always, please read and review. Send me you ideas, I want to have some things to juice it up a bit.
I know that there was not a welcome back dance for the whole time that Harry went to Hogwarts. This is because the dance brought back such horrible memories for Snape that he bribed the people in charge to stop it.
Disclaimer- I am a very poor girl that owns nothing, except the idea. If you want to sue someone, find someone who is rich.
Chapter One-The Announcement
Lily Evans walked through the corridor to where her best friend Jamie Stevenson was sitting at the Gryffindor table. She was tapping her fork on the table, and looking longingly at the other fifth years that were her friends. It was dinner time, and Lily had just finished an extremely difficult lesson in her study of ancient runes class. Her bright red hair went down her back and her green eyes looked somewhat tired. Jamie had Muggle Studies, but her class had been canceled due to the fact that Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew had "accidentally" started the room on fire trying to light Snape's hair on fire. Lily watched as they went through the door to the Great Hall now, and came to sit right next to her. James was Lily's other best friend, they had met in their first year. Lily turned to Jamie, who had short, blonde hair framing her face and ice blue eyes.
"Lil, I am going to get away from here. I promised that I would sit with the rest of my friends this week," said Jamie. Lily looked at her in suprise. "Here is the book, write me back." Jamie passed her a small book where they wrote notes back and forth to each other. Lily pocketed it.
"Oh, please stay and sit with me!" exclaimed Lily.
"You have the boys to keep you company," said Jamie, who then grabbed her tray and walked around to the other end of the table. Lily didn't feel that bad. She and Jamie had grown up together, and were terribly excited when they both got a letter to go to Hogwarts. However, each of the girls had made their own friends at Hogwarts, and the two groups were not very fond of each other. Jamie thought that Lily and her friends joked around too much, and Lily found Jamie's friends stuck up and rude.
"Hey Lil, snap out of that trance you are in and start eating!" said James as he slid in on one side of her.
"Yeah, you know we just made these pastries, they are fabulous," said Remus, offering her some. Lily laughed.
"You know I know better than to eat anything that you give me," said Lily. "Although, you know, Snape doesn't know who it is from. Why don't you kindly go leave it on his plate?"
Sirius laughed and picked up the pastry. He slyly ran over to the Slytherin table and put it on Snape's plate when he wasn't looking. A minute later there was a loud explosion as Snape turned into a donkey and then, a minute later as he turned back into a human.
"He lookes better as a donkey," said Sirius. "Shame someone had to change him back."
"And you guys were going to make me eat that." said Lily, in a dramatic voice full of suprise. "I'm shocked."
"Attention students," said Professor Dumbledore. Everyone turned their head to see what he was saying, and the hall was suddenly quiet. "As you may know, there is a welcome back dance every year for those stundets in the fourth year and above. Younger students may come if they are invited by the older ones. The dance will be held next Saturday. There will be a Hogsmede trip this weekend if anyone would like to buy dress robes for this occasion. This trip is only for students attending the dance. If you are coming to the dance, make sure to be in the great hall no later than 7:00." As the Professor finished there were many conversations started in the hall, and the noise level became very loud.
"Hey Lily, do you still like Sirius?" James whispered. Lily blushed. She had had a crush on him since they were fourth years, and she had told James. He looked over at her and smiled. "I'll take that as a yes. You should ask him to the dance before the other girls have a chance to through themselves at him. Tonight. Ask him tonight."
Lily and the boys walked out of the great hall and up towards the Gryffindor common room. They gave the fat lady the password (brussel sprouts) and walked in.
"Who's up for a game of exploding snap?" asked Remus. Everybody quickly sat down at one of the tables as Remus passed out the cards. They played for a few games, and then James got up from the table.
"Man, I have a lot of homework to do. Remus, Peter, why don't we go back up to the dorm." said James. Remus got up from the table.
"James, I am not taking...oh, right that homework. Oh, ok. Bye." said Peter.
"Sirius, do you want to play wizard chess," said Lily, seeing the perfect situation to ask Sirius to the dance.
"Sure," he said, and then set up the chess pieces. They played a few games, and then Lily opened her mouth.
"Wannagodanceme?" she said quickly.
"What?" Sirius asked.
"I mean, I was just wondering, that is if you want to, would you possibly go to the dance with me. But only if you want to." said Lily. Sirius smiled.
"Of course I will. I'm going to get to the dorm. I actually have more homework than James does. 'Night Lily." he said.
"'Night Sirius," Lily said, then went back to her dorm room. Jamie was not in there, so she got out the book and started writing.
Dear Jamie,
Hey girlie what's up? Are you excited about the dance. I sure am. You will never in a hundred thousand years guess what I did. I asked Sirius to go to the dance with me. And he said yes! I can't believe it. You are going, right? You better. Who are you going with? Remus is most definatly going to ask Sara, she is his girlfriend. And James told me that he was going with Nancy, but only as a friend. I don't know who you could go with. I doubt that you want to go with Peter.
Well, it is getting late and I have to do my charms homework. I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow. Oh, and can you help me get my dress robes? I want to borrow your Simply Magical robe shop catolog. They have a store in Hogsmede.
Lily out down her pen and pulled out her homework. When she got into bed that night a smile went from ear to ear.
A/N-Hey everyone. Hope that you like my second fan fic. There will be more coming very, very soon (I already have the whole thing written in my head!) As always, please read and review. Send me you ideas, I want to have some things to juice it up a bit.
I know that there was not a welcome back dance for the whole time that Harry went to Hogwarts. This is because the dance brought back such horrible memories for Snape that he bribed the people in charge to stop it.
Disclaimer- I am a very poor girl that owns nothing, except the idea. If you want to sue someone, find someone who is rich.