Author's note: Ok guys, I'm attempting a real tearjerker, not that I'll succeed, but, just a warning for you.

The day of the funeral had come, Blossom and Bubbles wore Buttercup's black clothing as neither of them owned anything black.

Blossom wore Buttercup's black sweater, with long black trousers and her plain black shoes.

Bubbles wore Buttercup's simple black dress, she put a coat that covered it over and also wore plain black shoes.

They were all silent in the morning, making all of the last minute checks on the service and wake-party. The hearse arrived and what seemed like half of Townsville had gathered outside the house to pay their respect.

Blossom walked out of her house, arm in arm with Bubbles, who was by now crying her eyes out.

She felt as if everyone was looking at her, judging her. Bubbles clutched tightly onto her arm as they got inside the car and followed Buttercup's coffin. The car drove slow, Blossom looked out of the window. There were hundreds of people, standing with respect. Even villains lined up in the streets and bowed their heads.

Mojo and Blossom met eyes, Mojo nodded to her slowly. Showing respect and sympathy. She returned the nod.

The car pulled up outside the church and they remained in the car and watched the coffin be lifted out of the hearse. Stepping out, they looked around to see the faces of all of the people present. There, in the crowd, Blossom saw the faces of the mayor, Miss Bellum, Miss Keane and The Rowdyruff boys.

When she saw Brick, she wanted to go and talk to him but was urged by the professor to carry on and follow into the church. She did so.

People watched the two of them as they walked in. She heard Bubbles sobbing as they walked and gripped onto her hand.

She felt Bubbles squeeze her back and they both walked to the front, where they sat in the pews.

The vicar stood up in front of the congregation and held the service. Bubbles and the professor sat bawling throughout it. Blossom sat reassuring them and looking around, in a world of her own. Gazing at the people who had come to say goodbye to their heroine.

The service ended and all of the people in the church, and what seemed like all of Townsville met outside the town centre, where a grave had been buried for her coffin.

Blossom held the hands of Bubbles and the professor as they watched the coffin lowered deeper, and deeper into the ground.

"This is a day that all of us will remember." The Mayor stated loudly to everyone.

"Blossom was not only a great hero to our town. But also a great friend. Her along with her other two sisters were always happy to push aside their fun, their education and their to help this town. She will be greatly missed and fully respected."

Sobs and wails could be head everywhere. Cement was poured into the grave. Followed by Blossom and Bubbles placing a huge statue of Buttercup in place. The crowd cheered and clapped.

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Most of the crowds had now gone. Only selected citizens were remaining when they all went back to the town hall for the wake party.

Blossom was walking around, talking to Miss Keane, The Mayor and Miss Bellum and offering food and drinks. She looked around and noticed the three Rowdyruff boys, sitting and chatting in a corner. She slowly walked towards them with the plate of sausage rolls that she was holding.

Brick was the first to notice her making her way towards them and smiled softly. The other two boys then looked and mimicked.

Brick stood up when she got close to them and hugged her.

"Thankyou so much for coming." She whispered into his ear.

"Hey, it's the least we could do." Brick whispered back as they broke the hug.

Blossom offered the sausage rolls to the three of them, Boomer decided to take the whole plate of them and sit munching on them while Blossom, Brick and Butch talked.

Butch was pretty quiet, he would only slightly contribute in conversation if talked to or adding one or two words in.

Blossom started to walk away to talk to other guests, Brick followed.

She stood at the bar to get more refreshments. While waiting, she felt hands rest on her shoulders and move around in a circular motion. Massaging her.

She glanced around to see that the hands belonged to Brick.

"You okay?" He said to her.

"'Bout as okay as I'm gonna' be." Blossom giggled back.

The hands stopped around her shoulders and wrapped around her neck.

"Wow," Blossom said. Brick just chuckled.

"Hey, my hands have more uses than just punching." He replied.

She giggled then turned around to face him.

Then, just to ruin the moment, Brick's phone went off.


"Oh, hi,"

"I'm at the wake, where do you think I am?"

"Yeah, they're here too."

"What? No! Why?"

"Ah, great!"

"Well, that's nice of you."

"Okay, we're coming."

He cut off his phone and then looked at her.

"Bloss, I'm so sorry. Mojo needs us to help him move in his new machine thing. We've got to go."

Blossom nodded.

"But if you need me," He said, taking her phone from her pocket and swapping numbers. "There's my cell ok?"

She smiled and nodded again, then watched him zoom away to round up his brothers.

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She sat quietly on the seat with Bubbles and some of their other friends when she noticed Mitch Mitchelson sitting on the step in the fire exit, looking sad and lonely.

She went over and sat by him.

"She's really gone." He said, when he noticed that she had sat by him.

"I know." Blossom said softly.

He remained silent then quietly chuckled.

"You know, those rumors about me and Buttercup were always true. We'd always meet in the gym or music block or somewhere on free periods and make out."

Blossom's eyes widened.


Mitch nodded.

"Wow, I never thought Buttercup like that."

"Like what?" Mitch asked.

"I don't know, I mean, into boys, me and her would always spend most of out time together bitching about them." Blossom smiled remembering these memories.

Once again they sat in silence.

"So were you and Buttercup an item?" Blossom asked.

"Not officially, but we were really crazy about each other." Mitch replied. Then he looked at Blossom.

"This must be real hard for you." He said, placing a hand on her arm.

"Yeah, you don't know how horrible it is until you're actually put in those shoes." Blossom replied.

"Well, you've got your friends around you Blossom." Mitch said.

Blossom smiled and looked up at him, only to see his eyes closed, his lips puckered and his head moving towards her.

"Mitch!" She said, pushing him away.

"Oh, my god, I'm so sorry Bloss, I shouldn't have…I mean…Your sisters just an I…I'm sorry." Mitch said, burying his head in his hands.

"It's okay," Blossom replied, placing her hand on his. "We're all going through a hard time."

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The wake finished around 11:00pm. As Blossom said goodbye, she received a text.

Meet me in the park at 11:15

Brick x

She said goodbye to the remaining people and flew off towards the park.

She saw Brick standing by the pond, skimming stones.

He looked and acknowledged her, but turned his attention back to the pond.

Blossom walked over to him and placed her arms around his stomach. Resting her head on his shoulder and watching the pond as the stones he threw bounced a few times then disappeared into them.

"What did you want?" She said quietly, as if she wanted nobody else to hear.

"What, I have to have a reason to see you." He chuckled, turning around and placing his arms around her.

He kissed her on the forehead and they went and sat on the grass under a weeping willow tree.

"Good party?" Brick asked, leaning against the trunk smiling at her.

"It was okay." Blossom replied, snuggling up to his chest.

"Hey!" He said with surprise in his voice, Blossom looked up at him in curiosity. "You're wearing a jacket! I don't have to give you mine!"

Blossom rolled her eyes and cuddled back up to him. Then thought for a moment.

"I didn't cry for one second Brick." She whispered, looking up at him.

He was looking at her with full attention.

"I didn't cry at the funeral, I feel so heartless." Brick then sat up and pulled her even closer to him.

"Blossom, you are anything but heartless. It probably just hasn't hit you yet. Trust me, it will eventually." He muttered into her ear.

She looked up at him with her huge pink eyes.

"Oh, so now I can't be sensitive?" He laughed again.

She shook her head playfully and rested her head on him again. Relaxing, knowing that she had someone to talk to and that he was happy to listen to her. She felt so much better after his few words of wisdom.

"Brick." She said after a few minutes."


"You know what you just said to me?"


"Why are you never that sensible in broad daylight." She giggled.

He tickled her, making her laugh even more.

"Because Pinky, It'll ruin my reputation. And if you tell anyone about it, I will have to take you and lock you away where no-one else can find you." He teased back.

"Ooh, promises promises." Blossom joked, escaping his grasp.

"Okay, okay, al jokes aside." Brick said "I did call you for a reason."

Blossom smiled and listened to what he had to say.

"When Mojo called us away to tell us that, well now one of you Powerpuffs has gone, we have the power to get rid of the other two of you, Mojo, Him, Sedusa and even the Amoeba boys have joined a force to destroy you both."

Blossom looked up in shock.

"But…I don't understand, both Him and Mojo, seemed so sad and…"

"They were at first Blossom, then decided to finish the job of getting rid of the Powerpuffs once and for all. I just had to warn you Bloss."

Blossom thought, then bit her lip and looked up at him.

"Thanks Brick, and don't worry about us, we've beat more villains than that in one time."

Brick smiled then looked at his watch.

"Midnight, come on, I'd better get you home." Brick said, helping her up.

They both flew to Blossom's house and landed at the door.

"You want to come in for a drink?" Blossom asked.

Brick nodded and stepped in.

Blossom turned on the kettle and then joined Brick, who was standing in the living room.

She sat on the sofa and he joined her.

"About the villains Bloss, they asked me and the boys if we'd help them to destroy you, I just want you to know, I said no, and we are with you all the way."

Blossom smiled at him and moved in to kiss him, he did the same.

She felt Bricks fingers run through her hair. She wrapped her arms around him and they sat there until Blossom heard the kettle.

She broke the kiss and stood up.

When she returned with a cup of cocoa in each hand, she handed him one and sat down.

"Did you really mean what you said about Buttercup's death not hitting me, or were you just being nice?"

"I meant it babe, it affects people in different ways. Trust me, something will trigger you off." Brick said, placing his arm around her.

She cuddled up to him and pressed the remote to turn on the television.

With Brick's company, she felt safe. Although she didn't act worried, she really was dreading the villains attack. It was the Powerpuffs first fight without Blossom.

She fell asleep next to him. For the first time since Buttercup died, she slept peacefully all night.