Author's note: Hi, I'm glad you enjoyed my last Brick/Blossom fic, this is another one I thought of today, I hope it's ok. I don't know whether to carry on with the story or finish it here, I'll decide soon.

Don't like, don't read, Blossom is 18

Bubbles was jealous, Buttercup was acting as if she couldn't care less.

Blossom had been invited to the coolest girl, Sammy Mitchell's 15th birthday party.

Since she started high school, Blossom had been accepted into the popular girls. Why wouldn't she? Beautiful ginger hair, gorgeous pink eyes and the most perfect figure.

Bubbles struggled from the start. She was seen as an easy target for the popular children because of her wimpy ways and since then was seen as a geek and a pushover.

Buttercup started off pretty popular, actually, Sammy clung to her for a few months, but lost interest when Buttercup would refuse to go shopping with her and her boyfriend. Sammy then made Buttercup's life a living hell by spreading rumors about Buttercup and Mitch getting overfriendly in the gym.

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The day of the party came and all three girls were in their room.

Blossom was fretting about what to wear and what pyjamas to take.

Bubbles was trying to help Blossom, agreeing and disagreeing with her choices.

Buttercup was sulking on the bed, muttering about how Sammy would just Bitch about her behind her back, or about how shit Sammy's sleepovers actually were.

After about an hour of looking, Blossom chose to wear a strapless pink dress, it was hot pink, with black spots covering it. On top of it, she wore a black belt, and wore a silver locket on her neck.

"You look beautiful Blossom!" Bubbles squealed. Blossom smiled, pleased with this compliment.

She turned and looked at Buttercup then gave a twirl.

Buttercup gave a half smile and gave a nod on her head.

"Well, I'd better go." Blossom said, checking her watch, then giving her sisters a hug.

She walked out of her house, it was chilly, but Sammy's house was only a few blocks away.

When she arrived at the house she knocked on the door and waited, through the door, she heard pumping music, loud and blasting.

Sammy opened the door and smiled.

"Hey Bloss!" She smiled.

Blossom saw Sammy as the most beautiful girl. She knew. She had long, blonde hair that reached her waist, a round, young face, and a lovely button nose.

"Hi Sammy" She said, giving her friend a hug.

"Wow, you look great!" Sammy said looking at her dress.

"Thanks." Blossom absolutely loved getting compliments.

"I think somebody's going to get a boy or two tonight." Sammy said, stepping aside for Blossom to step in.

Blossom smiled at this remark, but didn't really believe it. She'd never really been hooked on boys, she'd always been to busy thinking about protecting Townsville.

They entered a large room, where about eighteen people were dancing to pumping music. Blossom tagged along with Sammy as she went around to speak to her guests.

"Are all of these people staying over tonight?" Blossom asked, looking around the room.

"Na, only a few of them" Sammy replied, handing her a drink.

Blossom scoped the room to see two Rowdyruff boys laughing in the corner.

"You know Butch and Brick?" She asked.

"Yeah, you do too? They're so dreamy, it's a shame that they're other brother's so dorky." Sammy replied, gazing at them.

Sammy looked at Blossom, who was gazing at the two boys.

"Hey, Bloss, you're actually checking a boy out! Here, you have the redhead, I'll have the dark haired one!" She said excitedly.

Blossom looked at her in shock and shook her head.

"I wasn't checking him out! I don't thin…" She was interrupted by Sammy.

"Oh whatever, come on anyway, I've heard they are sex gods!" Sammy said.

That was one thing that Blossom didn't understand about Sammy, she was such a slut. She'd slept with half of the boys in their school. Blossom hadn't even kissed a boy, (well apart from Brick, but that didn't really count.).

They both walked over to the boys. Brick and Butch turned as they got closer to them.

"Hey guys!" Sammy said, beaming at them.

They saw her and both grunted in return.

"Hey Blossom," Brick mumbled.

Blossom nodded in acknowledgement. The Powerpuffs and the Rowdyruffs didn't often speak. In fact, they only ever communicated when cursing each other through battle.

Sammy gave Blossom a nudge and smirked at her.

"Hey Butch, want to come get a drink or something?" Sammy said, tugging on Butch's arm.

"Uh, yeah, whatever." Butch said, in his normal, grumpy way.

Sammy grabbed his arm and pulled him away then glanced back at Blossom and mentioned to Brick.

"Get in there!" She mouthed.

Blossom looked back at Brick, who was looking at the floor.

"Sooo, how do you know Sammy? You don't go to our school." Blossom said.

"We don't, she saw us in the street and invited us." Brick said back, still not making eye contact.

"Oh," Blossom replied, she was attempting to be nice, but nope, Brick obviously wasn't interested.

Blossom decided that she was sick of trying to get along with Brick and went to socialize with people who actually could give a toss.

She danced with full enthusiasm on the dance floor, getting the attention of many different boys who she did, and didn't know. She wasn't really interested in any of their attention though.

When she was talking to some of her friends from school, she was sure that she saw Brick looking her way, not the horrid glare that he usually does, just a natural, friendly glance.

It was 11:00pm; People were starting to go home. Sammy was at the door saying goodbye, Blossom sat in the living room with some others that were staying the night.

She sat on the arm of the sofa chatting to Amber. There were seven of them sleeping over: Herself, Amber, Brick, Butch, Princess Morebucks and two other boys.

"Great," Blossom thought "I'm in here with three villains. I'll just hang with Sammy and Amber tonight."

While they waited for Sammy, they all decided to get changed into their pyjamas; Blossom went into the downstairs bathroom to change. She wore a baby pink vest top with silky, pink leopard print crops.

"I'm bored already!" Sammy stated, "I think we should play a game or something."

"We could play hide and seek." Blossom said, remembering that it was Bubbles' favorite game.

Sammy, Brick, Butch and Princess looked at her and laughed harshly. Amber just sat next to her saying nothing.

"You're still playing stupid games like that?" Princess said. "What a looser!"

"Hey, she's not a looser; she's just not been to a proper sleepover before, right Blossom?" Amber said, rushing to her defense.

Blossom nodded. The other four got back to talking and playing around.

"What are we supposed to do at sleepovers then?" Blossom whispered to Amber.

"You'll see, you'll either love it, or hate it." Amber replied, knowing Blossom too well.

"Ok Prank Calls!" Sammy giggled immaturely as they all crowded in a huddle.

"I'll go first, I rock at these!" Butch said. "Who shall I call?"

Princess cackled loudly and dialed a number on the phone, Butch held the receiver to his ear.

"Hello, Miss Bellum's office?" A familiar voice came from down the phone.

"Hello, we're doing a survey and I was wondering if you can help us," Butch said, in a smart, polite tone.


"Please tell me, when was the last time you had sexual intercourse?" It was actually amazing that Butch knew a politer word than the one he usually used.

"Excuse me?"

"We're only asking for a rough estimation. A month, two weeks, a week, a day?"

"I'm afraid I don't feel com…"

"May I ask what positions you use?"


All except for Blossom burst out laughing.

"What was so funny about that? That may have really insulted Miss Bellum" Blossom said to Amber.

"Just play along!" Amber hissed back, knowing that Blossom would be humiliated if she stood up and spoke.

They made a few prank calls to Miss Keane, The Amoeba boys and Boomer, then decided they were bored and went for a new game.

"Ok, time for Max Truth or Dare!" Sammy said with a grin.

She went and grabbed a bottle and then placed it on the floor and spun it. It landed on Princess.

"Dare!" Princess stated proudly.

"Ok Princess, I dare you…" Sammy reached over to the snacks next to her and took out a marshmallow. She then forced Butch to lie down and placed the marshmallow in his bellybutton, she then took different snacks and placed them around his bear chest.

"To clear it all up!"

Princess grinned vainly and started picking the food with her mouth and tongue.

Blossom cringed, "Eeew!" She thought.

Princess then got to the marshmallow, she placed her lips over it and then sucked it out. Then, she turned and looked triumphantly at Sammy, who nodded her head in amusement.

"Clear" Sammy said.

Princess spun the bottle which landed on Amber.


Princess pointed at Brick.

"Lap dance!" She almost sang.

"Oh, why do all these dares have to be about the guys? I don't want to do that one!" Amber said blushing.

Sammy tutted. "Forfeit!" she said

Amber sighed and took off her t-shirt to reveal her bra.

Princess spun the bottle again, which landed on Brick.

"I'm not stupid enough to do dare, I want truth!" Brick said.

"Ok, how far have you gone?" Princess asked.

"What a shit question!" Brick exclaimed. They all laughed and then listened for his answer.

"All the way," Brick grinned "It was probably about a year ago, me and a girl called Mandy Lawrence decided to skip gym and do a few exercises of our own."

They all giggled (except for Blossom who found this vile), and Brick spun the bottle, it landed on Blossom.

"What do you want Pinky?" Brick grinned evilly.

Blossom thought hard about her answer. Then decided to be brave and show them what she was made of.

"Dare!" She said confidently.

"You asked for it Pinky!" Brick smirked. "Don't worry, I'll go fairly easy on you, I know you're a beginner."

Blossom found the way he said that quite insulting. But decided not to pick a fight with him.

He reached to the snacks, picked up an Oreo and took the top off, He gave one side to Butch to lick off the creamy part while he stacked cheese, chips, popcorn and other things on top before taking the top of the Oreo back and placing it on top.

"Eat!" He ordered.

Blossom thought this was revolting, but refused to be humiliated and took it from him. She put it in her mouth and chewed and crunched and grinded and swallowed. When she was done, she opened her mouth towards Brick, who checked and then nodded his head.

"Impressive, Clear!"

They played this game a few times round until Princess had been almost fully stripped, the only thing left was her panties, but she refused to take those off.

Sammy looked at Blossom and smiled.

"Ok people, time for seven minutes in heaven!"

Blossom jumped up shocked, although she'd never been to a proper sleepover before, she knew this game all too well from movies and hearing her friends talk about it.

"Since it's my birthday, I get to choose who goes first, I choose Blossom and Brick!"

Blossom looked up in shock and awe.

Sammy dragged her by the arm, followed by Brick slouching behind them.

"You go Bloss." Sammy whispered, pushing her into a closet, Brick also entered and the door closed.

She heard Brick sigh.

"Ok, let's get this over with Pinky." He said.

She felt a hand come around her waist and another on her breast.

She then felt rough his lips on hers. His tongue pushed against her mouth, obviously trying to enter. She allowed it and opened her mouth, after all, the whole idea of the game was that the girl would allow the guy to do anything to her.

The hand moved from her breast down to her bum. Then, she felt him push her against the wall.

"Relax" He whispered. She felt really weird and to her amazement as well as his, she did as she was asked.

His lips took their place back on hers and ran a hand through her hair. Blossom did the same.

The closet door then opened and a bright light and a camera click made Blossom jump.

"Time's up!" Sammy said, pulling them both out.

"You'd better delete that!" Brick threatened her, Sammy just smiled back at him and carried on.

Sammy put herself in with Butch, they certainly made a lot more noise than Blossom and whoever it was and was sure that they spent a lot longer than seven minutes.

Amber refused to play due to already being with someone.

"You can be boring at times you know that?" Sammy said harshly to Amber.

Amber just shrugged.

"I love Jarred more than anything, and I won't do anything to cheat on or hurt him!" She replied sternly.

"Well we'll just play spin the bottle then." Sammy said, ignoring Princess' whines about not having a turn in the closet.

She picked up the bottle again and placed it on the floor as they all made a small circle.

"Anyone who refuses has to do a forfeit!" Sammy said, once again, adding her own rules."

She spun it, fortunately for her, it landed on Adam.

She crawled slightly and met him in the middle, giving him a kiss on the lips.

Adam spun it, unfortunately for him, it landed on Butch.

Adam shook his head, so did Butch.

"I'm not kissing another guy!" Adam said.

"Anything that happens here, stays in these four walls." Sammy said, glaring around the circle.

Adam still shook his head.

"Na, want a forfeit."

"Ok," Sammy replied. "You asked for it! Strip down to undies and stand in the window for five minutes."

Adam smiled cockily and did so, he was only wearing joggers anyway.

Butch took over the turn and it landed on Brick.

They both looked at each other and gulped. Brick shrugged and Butch grinned.

"Get it over and done with bro!" Butch said, moving over and pecking Brick on the lips.

Most of the group found this amusing. The only ones not laughing were Brick and Blossom, who found it disgusting.

It was Brick's turn, he spun the bottle and it landed on Blossom, he gave her a nervous look and moved towards the middle of the circle to meet her.

She was going to refuse, but didn't want to be seen as a prude, anyway, she didn't want to do one of those forfeits.

She moved in and met his lips, then sat back.

She gazed at him.

She was going to say something, then realized everybody gazing at her.

"Oh, yeah" She said, reaching to spin the bottle.

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Most of them had fallen asleep except for Brick, who was setting up pranks for when everybody else woke up, and Blossom, who sat watching him.

"Remind me not to go to sleep tonight, I don't trust you!" Blossom said, joking.

Brick looked up and smiled.

"Well, that makes a change Pinky." He joked back. "Watch this!"

He took the squirty cream from the table and sprayed it onto Jack's hand, then he pulled a string from Blossoms top and used it to tickle Jack's nose. Jack automatically brought his hand full of squirty cream up to his nose to flick it off, covering his face with it.

Blossom burst out laughing as silently as she could.

Brick gave a small bow and went back to more antics.

Butch's snoring was starting to get on Blossom's nerves. She stood up and started to walk outside.

"Hey, where are you going?" Brick whispered to her.

"I can't stand his snoring any longer, I'm going for a walk in the garden." She whispered back.

"Just tell him to put a sock in it." Brick said, finding a sock on the floor and shoving it in Butch's mouth, only for him to spit it back out again.

Blossom giggled and shook her head, then stepped out of the back door.

"Suppose I'll come with you then." Brick said, following her.

"I can look after myself you know Brick." Blossom told him. "I'm a pretty tough girl, I battle monsters of Townsville and everything."

"Yeah, but you never know what's lurking in Sammy's garden." Brick said sarcastically. Placing Blossom's arm in his own, as he began to walk down the garden.

Blossom just shook her head and gave in.

Sammy's garden was pretty big. It had a pool, a gazebo and a swinging bench.

They both decided to sit on the bench, slowly rocking back and forth.

At first, they sat there in silence, until the cold finally got to Blossom and she started shivering.

Brick looked at her and shook his head.

"Why doesn't it ever occur to you girls that you will get cold?" He said, taking off his jacket that he brought out with him and giving it to Blossom, his bare chest now showing.

"Thanks," Blossom said, putting it around her, then looking back at him.

"See, I'm cold now, I hope you're happy!" Brick said in a way that sounded angry, but somehow, Blossom knew it was a joke.

"Why are you being so nice to me? We'd usually be fighting by now."

Brick looked back at her.

"Hey, just cause I'm a villain doesn't mean I can't get along with you now and again. Anyway, I think you're a pretty cool person to talk to."

Blossom blushed slightly at this remark.

"You're actually a really easy person to talk to Brick. Once you get past the bully, you're a really nice guy."

Brick just scoffed and looked away.

Blossom wasn't lying, she really was enjoying the conversation she was having with him. She wanted to talk to him more, she just didn't have a clue what about.

"Sooo, that seven minutes in heaven game was pretty weird." Blossom said, trying to bring up conversation again.

Brick just looked at her and shook his head, grinning.

"You're such a daddy's girl aren't you? You've never lived babe." He reached into his back pocket of his trousers and brought out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter.

"Bet you've never even tasted one of these huh?" He asked, putting one in his mouth and covering it from the wind as he lit it.

Blossom shook her head disapprovingly.

Brick rolled his eyes. He took the cigarette from his mouth and blew smoke into her face, then offered it to her.

She coughed and waved away the smoke, then once again, shook her head.

Brick grunted.


Blossom looked at the floor, feeling hurt by his words.

Brick looked back at her and noticed that he'd upset her.

"Come on Pinky, I was just kidding." He said, placing a hand on her shoulder, trying to be reassuring.

She stayed motionless.

He just sighed and sat back on the bench.

"I bet that was your first kiss huh?" He asked casually.

She looked at him, he didn't seem to be mocking her by saying it. He just seemed to be asking her.

"So what if it was?" She said embarrassed and a bit scared that he would tell everybody that she was eightteen and had never been kissed.

"Well, If it was, I was gonna say, you're a fairly good kisser, with a little practice you could be a heartbreaker."

Blossom looked at him in amazement. Was he complimenting her?

He smiled shyly and slowly moved in and kissed her.

She was shocked, it took her a few seconds to return the kiss, she kissed back a few seconds before he pulled away.

"Sorry" He whispered. "You're almost as addictive as these." He held up his cigarette.

Blossom smiled, well, he was trying to be sweet, Brick just wasn't the sweet kind.

He threw the cigarette on the floor. She followed its path, then looked at him and stepped on it.

"Daddy's girl." He tutted.

"Daddy wouldn't exactly approve of this" Blossom replied, placing her arms around his neck and pulling him into another, deeper kiss.

Blossom placed her hand on Brick's face as they played tongue tennis. He placed his hands around her waist.

They broke for air. Blossom was still so cold, steam was coming out of her numb mouth and Goosebumps ran all down her arms. She rubbed her arms, trying to warm up.

"Come on." Brick told her. "Let's get you inside."

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She woke up around seven with a smile on her face. She sat up and looked around, everyone else was still asleep.

She was sitting on the couch, Sammy and Amber were sleeping on the other two. All of the boys were spread out on the floor. Butch by the television. Adam by the fireplace. Jack next to the coffee table and Brick lying next to the sofa she was on.

She beamed and got off the sofa, crawling under the blanket he was covered with and lying right beside him. She gave him a kiss on he cheek and his eyes fluttered and looked at her before going into a glare.

"What the fuck are you doing you crazy Powderpuff?" He hissed, pushing her away.

She didn't understand, she just sat back on her sofa, confused at why he suddenly started treating her like this again.

Brick had obviously gone back to sleep. Blossom just lay there awake, puzzled by Bricks outburst. Everybody started waking up around nine.

Brick ignored her for the rest of the morning.

"Maybe he's just not a morning person." Blossom thought to herself, convincing herself that it was the reason.

He also went without saying goodbye to her. He just glared at her and flew off, saying goodbye to Sammy and following his brother out of the door.

Before she left she asked Sammy one favor.

"Would it be ok, If I had a copy of that picture you took?"

Blossom felt pretty down, she walked home feeling glum and wouldn't speak much to her sisters.

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A few days later, the hotline went off, Buttercup answered it then turned to her sisters.

"Rowdyruff boys, need I say more?"

They all got up and flew towards the town centre, where the Rowdyruff boys were holding many people hostage.

Buttercup and Bubbles flew off to deal with Butch and Boomer, leaving Blossom to find Brick.

She found him with all of the hostages.

She saw this as her chance to talk to him.

"Brick, please let me just ask you…did I do something wrong?" She yelled.

"No Pinky, You're just not my type." Brick said, not amused by the conversation at all.

"But what about…"

"Pinky, It was a bet, Butch bet me that I wouldn't be able to make you fall for me by the end of the night. We had to have something to do at that god forsaken party."


"Forget it Pinky, just move on!"

Blossom's sorrow suddenly changed to rage. Her broken heart suddenly remended itself with stone.

Blossom flew at Brick. Screaming at the top of her lungs, tears in her eyes.

She punched him with all her might. Knocking him out after only a few punches.

The other two Rowdyruffs were beaten easily thanks to their lack of brain cells.

All three girls slowly flew home and Blossom told them everything.

"Forget about it Blossom." Buttercup said reassuringly.

"Yeah, You can do so much better than Brick." Bubbles added.

Blossom smiled weakly.

"Well I know one thing." She said. "Love stinks!"