Here, I present to you probably the most fast paced chapter in my little Fic. But it is also the most crucial in setting the scene for the up coming chapters.

My proof reader gave criticism that it was a cheap way to go about it, but I stand adamant in my reasoning that it was a suitable way to justify the sheer power of the Evas.

Shout outs to my long time readers, and espcially starburst98, whom showed me the interest in the piece I needed to keep going, and also The Immortal Firo and dcarnoc77, whom favored my Fic on my birthday =D

Without any further adieu...

Emergence – 9

"What's the situation?" Misato called as she entered the command post, pulling on her red jacket, something that had gradually become so iconic of her.

But no response came immediately. Misato looked around, to see all of the employees eyes completely fixated on their respective monitors, analyzing madly. A focus she had never encountered before. Had the angel attacks really become so much a 'routine'?

No, this would never become routine, there was something far more captivating about this attack.

"Two angels, classified as the 15th and 16th angels, have emerged simultaneously, both from the Old Tokyo lake" Fuyutsuki replied finally to her question. Despite this immense occurrence, he was still as composed as ever, posture straight, and arms at his back, at the right hand side of Genduo Ikari.

'Two angels? They almost seem like they were prepared' Misato thought to herself. It had become painfully obvious that NERV was pulling the strings of fate, and Genduo was the puppet master. His intentions seem to be to either push the pilots to their limit, or to betray mankind and overpower them with two angels at once.

Either way, Misato's job didn't change.

"Prepare all 3 EVAs for combat, have Unit~00 equipped with the JSSDF Positron Sniper Rifle and station all Units on the edge of the bay!" Misato called out, and thankfully all personnel reacted, instead of completely ignoring her like before.

"What do we know about each angel so far?" She continued, facing Makoto.

Makoto Hyuga looked over his monitor, before turning back to Misato.

"Both seem to be able to maneuver exceptionally well in an aquatic environment, so we could assume that neither are able to move well on land, similar to the sixth angel that attacked whilst transporting Unit~02." He replied before return to staring his screen.

"Her command skills should be recognized, commander" Fuyutsuki stated quietly.

"In the current situation, yes, but this does not help our cause" Genduo replied, hands folded, eyes looking over the main 3 layer holographic monitor. "Have her promoted to Lieutenant Colonel should the proceedings follow favorably".

Fuyutsuki's eyes fixated on Genduo for a moment, surprised at his most recent comment. Misato being promoted again would allow her to outrank himself, but also have her word rival that of Genduo's. Her rank would also now carry over the JSSDF, effectively making her the most influential women in existence.

"Don't you think that would be a little drastic?" Fuyutsuki questioned, taking his eyes off Genduo, composing himself, and then returning his thoughts to the angels.

Genduo didn't reply.

"What's the current status on the pilots?" Misato asked, taking up stance beside Maya.

"Asuka and Rei are ready to be launched, and Shinji is going through a quick harmonics test"

"A harmonics test? Why now?" Misato responded. Though it had been a while since any of the pilots had their synchronization ratios tested, this was certainly not the time to be altering combat settings.

"He was showing abnormally high synchronization ratios on the launch deck. We assumed this was a display error, so I decided to take all precautions and we began to recalibrate the neural connections" Maya responded, feeling justified in her decisions.

"What was her preliminary synchronization rate?"

Ritsuko walked in from behind Misato, and onto the 2nd layer of the command post. A prevalent smile was spread across her face, and her stance was strong.

"Shinji was, and still is synchronizing with Unit~02 at above 116%, and we are going to launch with his Entry plug at the lowest possible depth; just above the T3 cervical vertebrae" Ritsuko stated, as if she had suddenly become the highest ranking officer within the complex.

"116%? How is that even possible, is she going berserk already?" Aoba questioned, swinging around his seat.

"We aren't sure, but he is both mentally and physically stable inside the cockpit" Ritsuko reassured, coming to stand beside Misato. "One theory is a meta~biological take on Plato's three soul philosophy, although..."

"Are we ready?" Genduo interrupted. After receiving a nod and "sir!" from both Maya and Makoto;

"Launch the Evangelions"

All three EVAs shot up the launch shafts, making drastic angle changes toward the closest launch pad to Old Tokyo.

Shinji sat in his entry plug, head high, clutching his triggers. The adrenaline rushing through his veins was nothing compared to his new, empowered vigor. Every part of him felt stronger, every one of his senses felt more tuned than ever. Sensations like he had never felt before inside the EVA had suddenly become real. He could feel the safety lock holding him back, the weight of the EVA's armor and the rush of wind whispering past as he shot up the launch shaft.

"Shinji, how do you feel?" Misato asked, appearing on Shinji's heads up display.

Shinji smiled.

"Misato I feel amazing! Did you do something to the EVA?" He asked, wanting nothing more than to escape from the shaft.

"No, it's all you" She replied, but her tone brought her concern to the surface. "But we weren't sure whether it was an error, so we placed Unit~01 in a launch shaft that lead to the surface faster, so you could have time to get a feel for it."

Shinji nodded, and Misato's image disappeared from his HUD. He felt his body jerk as Unit~01 was shot up through the shaft exit, and released from the final safety lock bolts.

"What do you want me do do Misato?"

He waited, only a few seconds, but for what seemed like an hour.

"Shinji! We have a problem!" Came Misato's voice, but no image on his display.

"Asuka's launch shaft exit and magnetic breaks are malfunctioning!" Maya screamed out, turning to Misato slightly. "Unit~02's spinal column will shatter from the impact!"

"How much time do we have until then?" Misato called out, to which Makoto quickly looked over his monitor.

"Shes got 0:48 seconds until the impact!"

"Argghh... Fuck!" Misato yelled at herself. "Asuka, you need to slow down your ascent in any way possible or you are going to crash into the shaft exit!"

0:43 seconds remaining.

"I can't! The shaft is too wide!" Asuka screamed out, her terror prominent in her tone. "I can't do anything!"

Asuka curled up inside the entry plug. She had no idea what was going to happen. How thick was the shaft exit? What would happen to her EVA? What would happen to Mama? Would she die? Will she be safe in the entry plug? Will she die from the impact?

Malicious images swept through Asuka's mind. She pictured her limp body slumping to the floor, her skull crushed, her spine shattered. She could hear her bones breaking, and Mama's whispers fading. Was she really going to be done in by something so medial? Her breathing intensified as she buried her head is her hands, her tears swallowed up by the blood LCL encompassing all space in her metal tomb.

"NO! I can't die! I'm an elite!" Asuka screamed out to herself, her voice echoing in Central Dogma, and through Rei's and Shinji's cockpit.

0:37 seconds remaining.

"What's wrong with Miss Sohryu?" Rei asked through the visual intercom, appearing on the command post main screen.

Her question licked at Misato's breaking point like a flame.

"She's going to crash into the shaft exit" Misato replied, her voice soft, and tone dull.

Misato's hope was waining, and her anger was filling the void as she picked up her chair and flung in against the near platform wall, breaking into multiple pieces. A shard of plastic broken off the base of the chain flew up, and caught her just above her left eye. Her vision blurred slightly as a small stream of blood flowed into her eye.

"What?" Maya screamed in amazement of an event occurring on her monitor. "Shinji's eternal power supply has been cut!"

Misato turned her head to the side, leaving her ear for the First Lieutenant to scream at.

"He's running off towards the 17th shaft exit, the cable had reached is maximum length!" Aoba exclaimed, loud only as to announce it to his still stable superiors.

0:26 seconds remaining.

Genduo sat up in his chair as Fuyutsuki leaned over, bringing them both eye level.

"He intends to prevent Unit~02's imminent fate" Fuyutsuki stated. "Do you think it is possible for him to travel that far?"

Genduo Ikari let a feint smile appear across his face.

"An EVA with unlimited power is a God"

At his reply, it became painfully clear to Fuyutsuki what had been emerging. Genduo had caused Asuka's shaft mechanism to malfunction, with the only hopes to further his 'Berserker Complex'.

0:19 seconds remaining.

"How far away is he?" Misato asked, her voice still soft.

"Still just over 10 kilometers away" Hyuga replied, matching her tone and despair.

Asuka brought her hands out from her face, and on top of her head. She knew it could never help her, but her fear was compelling. Running her hands through her hair, she felt the still tender bruise where she had threw herself at the NERV private ward wall, a wound only Shinji did notice. Rei simply sat in her entry plug, face down, fully aware of the futility of any action she could take.

Unit~01 was sprinting off towards the lake bay of Old Tokyo, desolating the landscape in his path. It's massive greaves leveled the old ruins on the far outskirts of New Tokyo, not stopping in the adversity of buildings still standing, but rather crashing through them shoulder first. The metal and concrete were nothing to the work of God that it bore witness to. Shinji was determined like no man. Like an apex beast before it's prey, nothing could stop his wake or differ his course. He said nothing and thought of nothing else. His eyes were void of the natural impulse to blink. Massive shock waves burst out from Unit~01, condensing water vapor, and spreading massive clouds of dust on his trail.

Just over a rise, the word 'Emergency' and the yellow bands marking the Launch Shaft exit became visible. With his new found senses, Shinji could hear the roar of Asuka's vassal in the shaft, and his eyes became fixated on the barrier. Still so far away.

The Moon passed in front of the Sun at that very moment.

Unit~01's eyes gleamed as all light seemed to be left behind.

"Unit~01 has sprouted wings! It's just like the 14th Angel fight!" Aoba yelled out, more in complete awe and amazement than the purpose to inform. "Is he going Berserk?"

Maya scanned her monitor and her main screen.

"Shinji is still conscious, but his sync ratio is pushing 130%!" She replied with the same tone. "What? I don't know whats going on..."

Misato's mood changed. Her grief was withering away as she listened to what her subordinates exchanged. Hope was slowly returning.

"How fast is Unit~01 traveling?" She asked, her usual tone re~emerging.

"We can't tell, we've lost track of our visual on Unit~01" Hyuga replied, not in spite, but almost as if it was common knowledge. He smiled. "Welcome back, Major".

Genduo stood up, and Fuyutsuki lunged towards the edge of the top level of the command post, both acting with such foreign behavior.

"An eclipse?" Fuyutsuki asked, bearing the question upon himself. "There wasn't another total eclipse predicted for another 20 years..."

0:03 seconds remain.

Asuka held herself tightly, knowing full well it was only seconds away. Insecurity and uncertainty.

"Mama" She uttered to herself as she closed her eyes. "Shinji..."

She heard a loud crash, and felt a heavy jerk. All intercom went silent. No light shone in from her display.

"It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, Mama"

"I missed you, I always did"

"I won't miss anyone else ever again"

Still silence.


Upon calling his name, an overwhelming white light shone in to Asuka's field of view.


"No, it can't be"

She opened her eyes to look up. A white giant of light stood before her. Sound and realization began to return.

"Asuka!" A voice called.

She looked up. She saw her EVA's HUD, she saw Shinji's face amidst the beaming light.

"Shinji!" She cried out, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Above her, Unit~01 stood, bearing over a perfect octagon opening in the Launch Shaft exit doors. Every where else was covered by a blanket of darkness, leaving only the two Evangelions. Shinji invoked his will on the winged giant, tore apart the lock bolts holding Unit~02 in place, and pulled Asuka out of the Shaft. After helping her to her feet in Unit~02, no words were spoken between pilots. No incoming messages from Central Dogma rang inside the entry plugs.

Everything was still, every living entity seemed to be struck with awe of the sanctified being that had emerged from within the unforeseen darkness. All devoid of words at the sight of the angelic halo, glassy white wings and beam of light that extended to the heavens that had emerged from Unit~01.

Nothing remained of the twin angel threat but two completely in~tact cores, that had already begun sinking. No crucifix explosion had marked their death, and both cores still glowed a vivid read, blending well with the red body of water that was the Old Tokyo lake.

The path Unit~01 took left those watching at the command post speechless. The courageous ones would stutter in their attempts to explain it to themselves. It was one of destruction, following for miles, until that all ceased to be. Dense vegetation seem to have erupted from the location at which Unit~01 disappeared.

The three First Lieutenant simply stared at the main screen, that still flickered now no longer pertinent statistics. Those standing had all dropped to their knees, Misato, Ritsuko, Fuyutsuki and Genduo were no exception.

The first to regain his composure was Genduo Ikari, who returned to his feet, and readjusted his glasses.

"The Light of Dawn"

The twelve SEELE monoliths were silent as their respective puppet masters swallowed the information that Genduo had just recited for them. It was the longest time the black figures had ever been quiet during an interrogation.

"What of the 3rd and 2nd Children?" Came the voice from SEELE 1.

"Ikari Shinji and Sohryu Asuka Langley are both mentally and physically stable, and have re~began their day to day lives." Genduo replied, with no need to hide his hidden agenda. "They seen to have brushed it off as just an event the EVA's are capable of producing."

Again the monoliths were silent for a long period of time. Their plans had been shaken to their foundations.

"And you say the final angel has also degenerated?" SEELE 9 questioned, the only other to have a British accent.

"Yes, there seems to be no trace of any of the remaining angels, spare the inactive cores they left behind." Genduo again replied, this time with a grin on his face.

"This was out of your control Ikari, and will stay that way." Came the concluding words from SEELE 1. "It seems it is up to man to undo it's failures."