yep, its the author of "NO! NOT WINNIE THE POOH" here and i izz back with a new pen name but with the same account. and i got bored so i decided to make a lil sequel to it(:


although, i do own socks. yeah random. anyhoo enjooooy.


Emmetts POV.

"Emmett...Bella and i would really appreciate it if you wouldn't hurt bears today, for Renesmee's sake, we all know what happened last time." he glared at me as we walked up to the family meeting point of our hunting trip.

why should I suffer? why shouldn't i taste the glorious...wonderful...juicy bears just because lil nessie will be pissed?! I've did it before, i'll do it again. just because Renesmee was there when i hunted 'winnie the pooh'. Its not MY fault Alice got her that disney DVD collection.

"fine." i grumbled speeding ahead, mumbling Edward's name and the words "took 100 years to get laid." I could hear him grumble behind me.

Once i got there, Bella was holding Renesmee's hand while the others were off to start their hunt. Bella shot me a warning look and went off to join Alice while Edward joined me and Renesmee.

I took a deep breath and inhaled the scent of two? wait, three deers...I got ready to plan my attack when i thought of something...what was in that Disney DVD collection again? Winnie the pooh, snow white, cinderella, sleeping beauty...BAMBI. What was bambi? a horse or something? a deer? A DEER.

"Edward!" i hissed. "You may go first. i caught the sent of 3 deers."

Edward smirked and grabbed Renesmee on his back, even better, they ran off to get the deers. All i had to do was wait.

..."DADDY!!! YOU KILLED BAMBI!!!" i heard Renesmee scream.

I hurried to the scene, Bella was already there, Renesmee climbing onto Bella while crying her eyes out while Edward stood, dropping the deer.

"shh, Renesmee...its ok hunny." Bella said stroking Renesmee's hair.

Edward stood in disbelief while i tried not to collapse laughing.

"She's just a child...look at her!" Bella said cradling her into her chest.

"This is absurd! She's did this before! This is what Vampires do!" Edward said moving closer to Bella.

"Yes, but Edward, she loves Bambi, didn't you know?"

"oh yes, the half human, half vampire child is in love with a deer who a couple of weeks ago would be consider a meal" Edward mumbled as he kicked the dead deer and ran off.

Finally Alice arrived at the scene, "uh, Alice? Any chance you have a copy of 'The Lion King?' I'm sure Renesmee would like it then maybe we should go off to Africa to go Lion hunting!"

mwahaha. enjoyeeerz?

i've ran out of disney films with animals the cullens could hunt and Renesmee would get pissed, any ideas?