I have had MAJOR writers block. It's been weeks since I updated but today, finally, I wrote this. It's incredibly short, but hopefully it'll make it up to you guys a little bit. It was fun to imagine this scene happening in my head, anyway. Thanks in advance for reading! (:

It's silver.

The ring doesn't seem to glint like it used to as he rolls it around in his fingers. The expression on his face is somewhere between a grimace and a smile but there's nobody there to see so it doesn't matter anyway. The waves crash against the pier and he watches the tide roll in and out over and over again. She's at home, their home, but he gave it to her even though he rightfully deserved it. It's his house, after all. And it was her that slept with his best friend, right?

He starts throwing the ring up and down, catching it every time though it's so tempting to accidently move his hand out the way.

He smiles, because isn't it normally the husband that cheats on the wife? Or that's what he normally hears, anyway. Apparently his life is so screwed that God wanted to play with him once again. It worked.

Nothing is happening in slow motion, and he half expected it too because isn't that what happens in the movies? He throws the ring up in the air one final time and watches it spin almost gracefully. This time, when gravity acts, he shoves his hands in his pockets and leans forwards slightly to watch the ring drop into the sea. He sees the splash but the wind makes it impossible to hear. He laughs bitterly and keeps his eyes in the same spot for a few seconds before turning.

"Goodbye." He whispers, but his voice is carried away by the wind.