Hey you guys! Seems like late updates are turning into the norm here in Rainbow land... ^^; We're sorry for that. BUT! We hope you'll all enjoy this chapter. We're getting increasingly closer to the 200 review mark... soooo, gay as we are, we encourage you all to review (be it old reviewers or new ones- you'll all get soft, cuddly hugs from Skye and James ^^) so that we might get past it and aim for the next mark ;)

Oh, and as I write this, my wonderful girlfriend is sitting and drawing *dundundundun*... SPASHLEY! Which made me think of how cool it would be if you guys did they same (if you are of the artsy type of person who can draw, or at least pretend to, unlike me *sad puppy pout*), and then sent us the links :) It could be related to this story, or just be Spashley in general. The important (and interesting) thing would be to simply see how many other SoN talents there are hiding around out there. Remember, writing isn't the only talent we should value and encourage.

Warning: Yes, yes, yes. It's gay. I think we all know that by now. That's why we keep reading, isn't it? ;)

Disclaimer: Own nothing but the cheeky Brit characters, possibly a Lesbian Sex Spot Book, and the rest of this colorful mix of witty and laughable comments.

Cross-Continental Kisses

Chapter 9

Ashley's POV

You know how you become so used to your surroundings that you don't really pay much attention to them anymore? Well, I realized that as I was walking in to our flat with our two guests following close behind.

"Oh wow," Spencer breathed and looked around with big eyes as I turned the light on.

Emma turned her head to Kyla. "How rich are you guys anyway?" Her face showed the same as Spencer's did – a mixture of awe, disbelief and surprise.

"Rich enough," Kyla replied, blushing slightly.

She was still not too used to having this much money. I, on the other hand, had lived like this pretty much all my life, so I'd grown accustomed.

"So, Carlin," I smirked. "Want me to show you around our F for flat?"

"What about you show the girls around while I call Chelsea and try to find out when we have to be at school tomorrow?" Kyla yawned and started dialing on her phone.

I nodded. Sure, why not? Wait a sec…

"School tomorrow?! Isn't it Saturday tomorrow?" I looked bewildered. I usually had a good grip on the days. After all, weekends were pretty much the highlight of the week.

She nodded, holding her phone next to her ear.

"Yeah, but we're supposed to meet up in the morning just for a short briefing, making sure that everyone is okay with their hosts/guests, and for general information, I guess," she said.

I looked over at Spencer and pouted.

"You're not planning on stealing more of my weekend days, are you?"

She chuckled. "Hey, that's no fair! It's not my fault, after all."

"Yeah, well… whatever. Come, let me show you around. Maybe we'll find some other interesting spots," I winked and grabbed her hand. "You too, Johnson. No matter how hilarious it can be to watch Ky on the phone," I nodded my head towards my sister who was flailing her arms as she chatted animatedly on the phone, "it gets tiring after a while. Besides, it would be too stupid showing up tomorrow with a black eye just because of my sister's poor lack of coordination."

I grinned as Kyla stopped up for a second to stick her tongue out at me.

"Right," I said, "let's go on this rainbowy tour to check out the flat of the hottest lesbian in L.A." I winked, emphasizing the word "hottest".

"Ok, so this is the living room." The room was decent enough, I suppose. Big enough to house hot parties, yet another one of my specialties, but not too big- it still had a comfortable feeling about it.

"Oh my goodness!" Spencer exclaimed, her eyes glued to one of the walls. Or rather, the shelves covering the wall. "Is that films?"

I nodded. "Yup. You see," I lowered my voice and looked around for the effect of it, then leaned closer to the two girls with a wide grin on my face, "I'm a closeted geek."

I chuckled at their bemused expressions.

"Check it out," I said and went up to the shelves. "They're categorized alphabetically. I've got categories like… Anime," I pointed to said category. "There are both whole series, and independent films there. Then I've got Comedy, and…" I continued pointing around.

"Disney!" Spencer chuckled.

I grinned. "I am completely in love with Disney. Especially the old classics. I mean, come on, The Aristocats, anyone? I love it, the cats are adorable! Then again, I'm lesbian, so it shouldn't come as a big surprise."

I continued going through some of the categories till we came to my definite favorite.

"Gay," I smirked and looked at them.

Emma just rolled her eyes and continued skimming through the Feel Good category. Straight girls are so predictable. Spencer on the other hand had tilted her head slightly to the side and was eyeing the films in the category I'd just pointed out.

Perfect opportunity. I sneaked my way closer to her, placing both of my hands on her hips as I breathed into her ear. "See anything you like, then?"

She gasped lightly and swallowed. "Uh, you've got Fingersmith."

I nodded. "Yes. It's hot. I especially like the sex scene." I grinned into her neck, feeling her shiver.

"Have you read it then? You know it's based on a novel, right?"

I nodded again. "Of course, Carlin. I know my lesbian culture, after all. Yes, I've read it, and other of Waters' books as well."

She chuckled. "For some reason, I'd never pictured you as the reading type, Davies."

Her eyes widened short after when I quickly covered her mouth with my hand.

"Sssh!" I hissed out dramatically. "You can't have my name in the same sentence as "reading type", you know. What will people think?"

"Afraid of ruining your reputation as party girl nb.1?" She snickered.

I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Rainbows aren't afraid of anything!"

"Sure they're not," Kyla had suddenly entered the room and heard the last statement, "so why is it that every time you see a spider, you shriek like a penguin in desperate need of a clean pair of socks?"

Everyone stared at her.

"What kind of simile is that, Ky? Penguin in need of clean socks?! It's ridiculous!"

"Ah, well," she blushed, "my drama teacher said that we all needed to try to create original literary devices, not only copy the old and known ones."

I nodded. "Well… you've still got a long way, then."

I grinned at her sulky expression.

"You're in a drama group?" Emma tilted her head and looked at my sister, almost like she was in love with the girl or something.

Oh god, please don't tell me she likes theatre as well! Drama people are too weird- I can tell for sure after having lived with Kyla for the last couple of years. There is just too much…well, drama.

So, that's it. The two girls immediately started bonding over yet another thing, completely forgetting about the other people in the room.

I looked over at Spencer, who just looked after our friends as they left the room, with a cheeky grin on her face. As the voices became more and more distant, she also became aware of my gaze at her and looked right at me.

"It's kind of cute, don't you think? To see them together like that. I mean, they're really different, but at the same time, they have so much in common."

I pretended to look shocked [*author laughs loudly* I managed to write "socked"- just the perfect typo after Ky's simile XD].

"Spencer Carlin, did you just call my sister cute? In an indirect way, but still…" I grinned at her.

"What, do you want me to?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Well, that's really up to you, but I'd make sure to think things over. Like the fact that you'll miss out on…" I ran my fingers down my sides, swinging my hips slowly, the last word coming out in a husky whisper as I looked at her, "this."

Man, did I love the effect I had on this girl. She had lowered her lashes slightly, but was still looking at me with a hazed expression, her cheeks glowing like…like…a rose in the morning light. Ok, that was crap. I've never been good with similes or the like. That's more Kyla's thing. Then again, it seems it isn't really Kyla's thing either. Ah, whatever.

She licked her lips. "So tell me, Davies, do you do this to all the girls?"

"Do what, Carlin?"

"Work your charms on every girl you meet?"

I set up a thoughtful expression. "Pretty much, yes."

I chuckled.

"Wow, talk about making a girl feel special," she answered dryly.

"But you are special, Carlin," I said and stepped closer, my fingers stroking her neck gently, "I'm letting you stay in my house, after all." I winked.

"That line could almost have worked, if it wasn't for the fact that you don't have much of a choice. Every one of you guys needs to house one of us," she grinned.

I trailed my fingers slowly down her neck, past her pulse point, inching closer and closer to her collarbone.

"If I sincerely didn't want you here, I would have no problem convincing the teachers," I breathed hotly on her neck, following the same path as my fingers. "But," I continued in the same hushed voice, "I quite like you, so I don't mind you staying."

I stepped back, smirking slightly as she swayed dangerously without me supporting her.

It took her a few seconds to regain her composure before answering me.

"You quite like me, eh?"

I nodded.

"Yes, quite. But I have to admit that pancakes with chocolate, and a dash of whipped cream still manage to outweigh you."

"Oh really? Is that so?" The playful hint in her voice should be warning enough, but her lips were suddenly a tad bit too distracting. So distracting, in fact, that I didn't realize that she had pushed me against the wall and kissed my cheek until she had run out of the room, laughing softly.

"Cheek, Carlin, is that the best you can do?" I yelled and took off after her.

Well, guys. That's all there is for now! Remember what we said in the AN above. ^^ Peace out, and of course.... GO TEAM RAINBOW!