If Teddy Bears had a language, that would be what we'd be writing in now. Unfortunately, neither Skye nor James (see profile for more info) are efficient Teddy Bear language teachers - they just sit on our beds and smile nicely.
I guess this presentation will have to be in English then. Welcome to the first chapter of Cross-Continental Kisses, one of those nice Spashley fics that don't mess up with your brain too much. You know, the plot isn't too complicated :p
We hope you enjoy it. For those who think they've heard this style of writing before, I'm Jonz, the author of The Power of Rainbows. The co-writer of this story, and of this account, is BehindTheWords. She controls Ashley in this story, as for me, I control Spencer (cuz I'm just soooo blonde and innocent, right?). [BehindTheWords: 'Yeah right...'] Go ahead and review if you want more or enjoy the story, and want to see more of it :)
Disclaimer: Spashley is not ours. Skames is. ..You're all so jealous, right? This is also our first fic together, and we've got most of it planned out. It should go well ;)
Warning: Oh my god guys, this fiction is gay! So if you're not okay with RainbowLand, head for the little x top right. If, however, you're a regular resident, then welcome on board :D
Cross-Continental Kisses
Chapter 1
"Victoria! I swear, if you have taken my sweater again this time, I'll…"
Emma stomped from her bunk bed to the one I shared with Victoria, glaring at the St George's student suitcase on the sheets. I leant against the bunk ladder: the eternal banters between my two friends had long since been part of our daily routine.
But I was bored, and watching them had the merit of being entertaining. My suitcase had been finished ages ago that morning and I was left to observe the mess of clothes my dorm mates had thrown our room into, at 11pm the night before we departed. For girls who wore uniforms for the 2/3rds of the year, those two sure had a loft of civilian clothes.
Being in the St George's boarding school since I was four, I didn't care much about how many pairs of jeans or tops I had. All that counted was that I liked wearing them whenever we were allowed to change out of our uniforms.
"Spencer! Help me, this is unfair," whined Emma.
"Does it really matter which one of you brings the sweater to America? The important thing is that it gets there, right?"
Emma pouted and slumped onto one of the bunks.
"Whose side are you on anyway?"
"I'm not on anyone's side, Em. I just think you guys could have packed a little earlier than six hours before we have to leave, and I…"
I sighed and looked away. Instantly, Emma was by my side, a concerned look on her face. We pretty much knew each other by heart – growing up together does that to people.
"Are you alright, Spence? Is it the trip? …You know it'll go fine."
I shook my head from side to side, my eyes still trained to the pair of shorts that lay discarded on the floor.
"What is it then? I thought you were happy to go to America."
And I was, really. My mum was American, but had married my father, an Englishman, and had moved to England. I had never been to the States before, so when we were told that St George was in a school exchange program with a high school in L.A. and that we would be going there at the end of the year, I could only be excited. But there was one little problem..
"Oh, don't tell me." Realisation dawned on her face as she rolled her eyes. "Kirsty again?"
Kirsty indeed. I nodded, a sorry look on my face.
"Has she been bothering you? Cuz you know Vic and I can go and bust her pretty little ass, if you want."
"No, Em, there's no need to get in a fight. She's just been… catching me in corridors and leaving mails on the school intranet and just… following me again."
"Goodness. I know you're hot and all, but she's really struggling to get over you, eh…"
I nodded again, embarrassed. I really didn't know what to do about Kirsty. She was… my first girlfriend after I realised I was gay; we dated for four months before she broke up because I refused to come out to my family. She hadn't seemed to be worth the risk. And now she was being clingy and wanted me back and was just a...pain in general. Getting over her was much easier than I thought it would be, though it looked like it hadn't been the same on her side.
That had been a couple of months ago.
"She's requested to share a room with me, over in America. And then asked me if I was happy about it." I sighed.
"What! Are you serious?"
Emma groaned and slipped a hand through her hair.
"Even Thomas wasn't that clingy..." she muttered.
I winced, smiling lightly. Thomas, Emma's on-and-off boyfriend, had decided to climb over St George's walls last time they "broke up", a bouquet of flowers in between his teeth. He had ended up with a broken leg. And had written love declarations to her all over his cast.
He was quite cute, though not my type. Considering my type was girls...
"Have you gone to see the principal about it?" she asked, sitting back down on the bunk and pulling me down next to her.
"Oh, yeah, sure. Telling Mrs White that Kirsty is actually my ex, that there are lesbians in her amazing all-girl school, and that I can't possibly share a room with her without standing the risk of getting raped?"
Emma leant down on her arms, looking at me and raising her eyebrow.
"Eh, honey, everyone knows all-girl schools end up having quite a few lezzies running around. White probably knows that all of her perfect little girls have been playing in the showers..."
I smirked. I loved being in this school, really.
"So anyway. What are you going to do?"
"Going to do about what?" came a voice from the other end of the room.
We both turned to find Victoria standing in the doorway, wearing nothing but a towel. I swallowed and turned away.
Yeah, loved being in this school, but every now and then it could get quite hot. Err, I mean, hard.
"The Wade-girl has made a request to sleep with Spencer, in America."
"What, you have to put in requests to fuck people now?"
She looked at us pseudo-innocently. Emma groaned.
"Stop playing dumb. We have to get her out of Spencer's room."
"I didn't even know we had assigned rooms. How does that work?"
Victoria walked past us, drying her hair with a towel as she stepped over to our mirror.
"Have you seriously not been listening? ..You do know we're going to America, right?" Emma inquired.
Victoria just rolled her eyes to the mirror, looking at us absently.
"We've got this big..house thing over there, and all of the girls are staying in there throughout the trip. And apparently you can chose who you want to be with," I explained.
"How many girls per room?"
"No idea."
"Well... just go to White and tell her you have no intention of being with Wade. Or...I can do it if you like."
Victoria was one of the brightest students in school, was head of the Heads, captain of our Rounders team, and had won several scholar prizes. Surprisingly, White liked her...
"Would you do that for me?"
"Yeah, sure."
She grinned at me and I breathed in. Glad I didn't have to worry about that anymore...
Emma struggled to her feet, putting her hands on her hips as she stepped closer to Victoria.
"By the way, Evans. Where have you been?"
"Just showering. Wanted to clean up before we left. Why?"
"You wouldn't know where my sweater is, would you?"
Victoria froze, putting a fake smile on her face seconds too late.
"Err, no?"
"Oh my god, you do! Thief! Get back here!"
"Geez, Em, calm do-"
I laughed, watching as Emma launched herself onto the barely dressed girl. Victoria yelped and I grinned, pulling my legs under me on the bed. I was going to enjoy watching the two of them pack...
"Ok, so I have an announcement to make."
Sure, don't they all? I rolled my eyes and put my headphones on again before leaning down on my desk with closed eyes.
"Davies, pay attention! Headphones off and straighten up."
I looked at him with a blank expression. "I'm gay, Mr. Brown, so I'm afraid that's impossible."
He just sighed and massaged his temples. "Whatever. Now please, will you all just calm down and let me talk?"
"Good." He took a deep breath and continued. "So, as you all know we'll have quite an interesting time the following weeks."
Mutual agreement. As I turned my head, I saw several of the other students nod, most sticking their heads together, whispering excitedly. What the hell is going on? I turned to the other side, looking confused at Kyla who was sitting next to me.
"Oh God, Ash, can you be any more oblivious?" She poked the side of my head.
"I'm not oblivious, I'm just… not good at paying attention to the old, almost extinguished race of humanity which still claims the chalk to be the greatest invention of all."
She snorted. "Sure. Care to elaborate on what you are good at then?"
I looked at her and grinned. "Sure you want to know, baby sis? It involves a lot of tongue and finger activity. But nah, you're right," I continued, smirk growing wider at her grimace, "I'm not really into the whole sis on sis action. Besides, I saw your tongue being stuck into some yucky boy's throat this morning. I wouldn't dare running the chance of indirectly making out with a boy."
I shivered.
"...So, seeing as there was a rather unfortunate problem with the plumbing at the place they were supposed to stay, that means you'll each have to house one student each."
The teacher's voice made it impossible for Kyla to reply, and made my eyes go wide.
"What is he talking about?" I whispered and looked over at her again.
"You know that exchange program we have with that school in England?"
I nodded slowly. I think I did remember something among the lines, yes.
"Well, a group of their students are coming over to visit us for a period of time."
I stared at her. "You're kidding, right?"
She shook her head. "Nope, am not."
"Oh great. So I'm going to have to share my room with some ugly, acne and spotty British teenager, with greasy hair and no taste in music, who just wants to smoke American joints?"
"Actually, it's an all girls' school."
"…oh. Oh. …do they have uniforms?" I suddenly smirked. I did like DEBS for another reason than just Lucy Diamonds, after all. "Ouch!" I stared at her before lowering my gaze to my arm and pouted. "That's going to leave a bruise. What was that for anyway?"
She shrugged. "Just thought I'd remind you that you're a girl, not a boy. Even though you're definitely worse than any other guy I know."
I rolled my eyes. "If someone was to be confused about their gender, it would have to be you, Ky. You hit like a guy, it's really not attractive, you know."
"What's not attractive?"
My best friend, Chelsea, suddenly popped up next to me, before sitting down on the table in front of us. I smiled. No one ever got our friendship or how we could be friends at all, seeing how different we are. Neither could I really, but I loved it, and I loved her as only best friends can do.
"Chelsea!" I grinned and hugged her knees, which were right in front of me, and leaned my head down, resting it on one of them. "Haven't seen you in ages! How's my favorite girl?"
She chuckled and patted me gently on the head. "Dramatic as always, Ash. It's only been…what? Last time I saw you was in History, which was two hours ago."
I pouted. "Well… anyway, that means two hours with only her." I nodded towards Kyla who grinned sheepishly.
"Here goes again, the undying sisterly love between the Davies sisters. You guys should get married; you're acting like a married couple anyway."
My eyes widened as I stared at my best friend who was chuckling as she found her bag and started to rummage through it. "You so did not say that! I'm going to ignore it. …..Pft! Me, Ashley Davies, married?"
Kyla laughed and raised an eyebrow, grinning at Chelsea who mimicked her actions. "Didn't she just say she would ignore what you said?"
"Uh huh."
I rolled my eyes.
"Anyway," I said. "Have you heard the news? All those Union Jacks coming over here?"
Chelsea stopped all previous actions and stared at me. "Honestly, Ashley, how dense are you?"
I pouted. "What have I done now?"
"You can hardly call that "news". We've known about it for months now."
I raised my eyebrows. "Really? How come I just got informed, then?"
She shrugged. "You tell me."
"But wait! Does that mean you actually knew that some strangers from the other side of the Atlantic would come and sleep in our beds?"
She tapped her note book with her pen, shaking her head. "Nope, that's the only new thing about it, really. They were supposed to stay at this old campus building or whatever, but after what our teacher said, apparently there was something wrong with the plumbing, making the whole place wet and whatnot."
I nodded slowly. "Ok…, but that doesn't change the fact that I'll have to open my door to some strangers." I pouted.
"Oh come on, your flat is huge! You could almost get lost in that place."
I snickered. "And you call me the drama queen? Ok, I admit it, we've got quite a lot of space, but it's not like the mansion you're describing now."
She nodded. "Still, you'd probably be able to house all of the English students at once, if you had to."
I choked. "What?"
She smiled. "Don't worry. You only have to house one, we get one each, remember? Yours is some "Spencer Carlin" if I recall correctly."
I tilted my head and repeated the name. "Spencer Carlin, huh? I wonder what she'll be like…" Oh, if I only knew…
Any idea as to what's going to happen next? You're very welcome to review -cute smile- Reviews are answered, either by BehindTheWords or by myself, Jonz.
Go have a look on our profile if you haven't done so already, you'll get to know us a little better :)