A/N: I just wanted to write a little something different from more of Ino's point of view instead. I guess I was feeling a little depressed while writing this but still Enjoy. Don't know if it will be a multi-chapter or a one shot yet.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto in any way, shape or form.
She knew that he didn't love her in the same way that she loved him, and that he probably never would. But that didn't mean that she would stop loving him. She was completely 100 percent in love with him. She couldn't remember a time where she didn't love him. It was hard on her loving someone so deeply, especially when said person didn't understand the depth of that love.
"He'll never understand how much I love him."
The young woman sat in the mirror brushing her long platinum-blonde locks. Her mind was on the man that she had loved for years. It seemed her thoughts would always find their way to him. She looked to a picture on her nightstand table. It was a photo of her and the handsome spiky-haired, blond, cerulean-blue eyed man she loved. His name was Naruto Uzumaki, hearing that name would send a fire burning through her. No one made those feelings stir up inside of her but him. Only he of course had no idea just how he made her feel.
The simple truth was that Naruto had been in love with someone else. He cared for her but Ino knew that he wasn't in love with her. His heart belonged to another. He would probably never love her in the same way.
"It's okay that you don't love me back." She continued to lie to herself. "Because I still love you Naruto, no matter what."
Ino would have these feelings forever nothing could change them. He meant everything to her, even if he loved another woman. Her feelings would not be changing. Once she finished brushing her hair she made her way into the bedroom, all of her thoughts focused solely on Naruto. She lay down on her bed and gazed up into the ceiling. She wished more than anything to have him right besides her. Only she knew he would not be coming. Ino would be on her own tonight. Just like every other night. He wasn't her boyfriend so why would he have a reason to come over to see her.
The truth had been that he had only seen her as a friend. Naruto most likely would always see her as a friend. But she could accept it as long as he was still in her life, or at least she tried to convince herself of this. She would be content with being just his friend. Ino soon closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
(Ino's Dream)
It was a recurring dream that she had very often. In the dream she'd be in the bed with Naruto holding her close. He sent a warm, bright smile before taking a hold of her lips.
"Naruto?" She moaned into his mouth.
He always deepened their kiss by wrapping his arms around her tighter and by slipping his tongue into her mouth. Once they broke away from the kiss he whispered.
"Ino-chan I want you."
He didn't wait for her to respond as he kissed her again. The blond male lifted her shirt over her head and threw it to the side. He broke off the kiss and began to attack her neck with soft, passion-filled kisses. Ino wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer to her. She was positive that he would leave a mark somewhere on her neck by the way he was kissing her, but she didn't care. The platinum-blonde wanted this moment more than anything. His hands found their way to her bra and he removed it, placing that on the ground with her shirt.
"You are so beautiful." He whispered to her.
A slight blush covered her cheeks as she put her hand to his face.
"Naruto I want you so much."
The blond male nodded and then laid her down on the bed. He positioned himself above her. Naruto took a hold of her mouth again.
"You can have me."
Another moan escaped her lips as she felt his hands wander on to her breasts.
And just like that she awoke from her dream. She found that it would often end just before the really good parts happened. Unfortunately the dream had always left her wanting more. She wanted to be with him right this very moment. Ino slid under the covers. She could literally feel the moistness between her legs. The blonde slowly put a finger inside of her womanhood.
"Mm…" She moaned out. "Naruto I need you so badly.
She ran two fingers in soft, circular motions. Ino wished it had been Naruto's fingers instead of her own. It would have no doubt felt much better. The other hand grabbed a hold of her breast while she massaged it. She began to apply more force to her lower regions as she fingered herself slightly harder. Ino had nothing but thoughts of Naruto on her mind. She thought of him touching her, holding her, kissing her, and making love to her.
"I just want you."
Ino rubbed at her clit, letting out pleasurable sounds while touching her self.
"Naruto I wish it was you doing this."
She closed her eyes and envisioned him exploring every inch of her body. She thought of his tongue and fingers darting in and out of her womanhood. The idea of him doing this to her only making her grow wetter.
"Oh god,"
Her nipples were now hard and very erect. She then focused solely on her womanhood. Ino wanted to cum and she wanted to do so now. She wouldn't feel any better until she came to that final release. The blue-eyed female caressed and rubbed her clit, stroking her outer pussy lips as well.
"Naruto I wish to god you were here."
She lightly pinched her swelling clit and screamed out his name.
"Naruto, oh fuck!"
And with that she came to her much needed release. Once her breathing had calmed down she removed her hand. Ino went straight to the bathroom to wash her hand of the mess that had been left there. Yes it felt good to cum but it had been really bittersweet, mainly because Naruto hadn't been here with her. She knew it was all a fantasy. Naruto would not be sharing her bed anytime soon. He loved somebody else. His thoughts and feelings were with another woman, a woman that was not her. It hurt like hell but it was something that she dared not forget. How could she begin to forget? A sad sigh escaped the blue-eyed female and she went back to bed.
"I'll never be anything more than his friend." She whispered as a tear strolled down her eyes.
"Hey Ino," She heard her name as she was on her way home one day. She turned around to see her friend Tenten.
"Hey Ten," She gave a smile.
The brown-haired young woman named Tenten had been her friend for many years. She had been more than aware of Ino's feelings for Naruto. She knew how much she really loved him.
"What's up?"
"Nothing, I'm just on my way home. How are you Tenten?"
"I'm good. How are you Ino?"
"Oh you know nothing new to report."
"Nothing huh, anything new with you and Naruto yet?"
Ino became silent at Tenten's question. Of course there was nothing going on between the two of them. Truth be told she hadn't spoken to him for at least a few weeks. Ino had no idea how or what he was doing.
"Tenten you know that we're just friends."
"Yeah, but that can change can't it? No one said you guys had to stay just friends."
Ino sighed slightly. Tenten had always been such a hopeless romantic. She was rooting for Naruto and Ino to become an official couple for a long time now. She had hope for them even if the platinum-blonde didn't.
"Well things won't be changing, not when he still loves her."
She didn't say it with bitterness, if anything she just appeared really sad. Tenten hugged her friend.
"Feelings can change Ino, don't feel too bad. It'll be okay."
Ino nodded and forced a brave smile.
"Yeah, you're right Tenten, thank you."
"Cheer up okay Ino who knows maybe Naruto will come to you."
Somehow Ino doubted if that would be happening. If Naruto went to anyone it would be the woman he truly loved, not her. But she appreciated Tenten's kind words. It was nice to have a friend as good as her.
"I'M going to go now okay Tenten. I'll see you."
"Right," The brunette nodded. "I'll see you Ino."
She waved goodbye to her friend and continued home. She wished that she could be as optimistic as Tenten, but it was just hard to be. Especially when she remembered how Naruto spoke of her.
Ino and Naruto sat having lunch together one afternoon. The blond wasn't paying much attention to anything that Ino had been saying. He had a far-away look on his face, like he was off in another world.
"Naruto, Naruto are you listening?"
"Hm, oh what is it Ino-chan?"
She frowned slightly. She knew he hadn't heard a single word she said.
"It's nothing, never mind."
He went back to staring into space with that same look on his face.
"Isn't she just beautiful Ino-chan?"
The platinum-blonde already knew who he was referring to.
"She's so perfect in so many ways." Naruto sighed.
Ino rolled her eyes at his comment which went completely unnoticed by the other blond.
"Naruto I…."
"She's just the most amazing woman ever Ino-chan. I…" He paused.
She couldn't bear to hear him say those three words. Ino quickly stood up.
"I have to go."
"What," he wondered. "Why?" Naruto asked.
"I forgot there's somewhere I need to be. I'll see you later okay."
He didn't say anything at first but appeared very confused by her sudden actions.
"Um, okay Ino-chan, bye."
"Bye." She managed to force a smile.
The only thing he could do was watch as she hurried away leaving him more confused than ever.
"What was that about?" he wondered.
Ino never could handle it when he started talking about how wonderful and perfect she was. It made her feel like she would never be half as good as she was. Ino just made herself a cup of tea. She sat on her couch and began to fantasize about Naruto again. She loved that man more than and anyone and he was completely immune to that love. She often wondered what it would be like if she just confessed. What if deep down her feelings might be returned? Yet the fear always took over and she never said anything.
"I love you Naruto. I always have and I always will." She imagined herself saying this to him.
And she would always imagine a look of guilt on his face as he slowly tried to turn her down.
'Oh, I'm sorry Ino-chan but I just don't love you. I'm sorry."
She closed her eyes as a tear slowly strolled down her cheek. It never stopped hurting her feelings when she thought of receiving a reaction like that.
"Maybe I'll just go to be early." She decided.
But just as she was preparing to go to bed early there was a knock at the door. The startled blonde turned around, wondering who it could be at her door.
"I'm coming, hold on."
Ino opened the door to see Naruto standing there. She definitely was surprised. Why would he show up here of all places? Especially when she hadn't seen or heard from him for a few weeks.
"H-hey Ino-chan."
It didn't take long for her to realize that he had been drinking.
"Oh no," She thought.
"C-Can I come in?"
She nodded and helped the blue-eyed man into the apartment. He immediately had a seat on her couch.
"Naruto are you okay?' She was more concerned about him than anything. Why did he show up here intoxicated?"
"Yeah I'm fine. Come sit with me okay."
She reluctantly sat down besides him. He was leaned back against the couch with his arms stretched out.
"Naruto what happened? You've been drinking."
"Yeah," he nodded. "I had a few drinks… I think."
"Why, please tell me what happened?"
She put her hand on to his shoulder which caused him to look over to her.
"T-Thanks for letting me in Ino you didn't have to you know."
"Naruto you know that if there's anything going on with you I want to know about it."
Naruto himself wasn't completely sure why he had decided to come over. Ino was his good friend so she would help him if necessary.
"I didn't mean to have so many drinks normally I could hold my liquor you know."
"Yes." She agreed.
"Man I'm tired." He yawned.
Ino decided that he shouldn't be going anywhere right now. It would be okay if he stayed at least until he was sober. She wasn't even sure how he made it over here in one piece.
"Come on let me help you up." She reached for him and led him to her bedroom.
"Where are we going Ino-chan?" He wondered.
"I'm taking you to go lay down in my room you need to rest."
"Hm," he nodded.
Once inside the bedroom she sat him down on the bed. The young man immediately tried to pull off his shirt.
"I'm sorry it's just so fucking hot."
The blush from her cheeks faded slowly, of course he hadn't noticed anyway. She was about to help Naruto remove his T-shirt but he finally managed to get it off. Ino stared at his beautifully sculpted body. She wanted to take her hand and run it up and down his perfectly chiseled chest. She wished she could feel those strong arms wrapped around her as she made love to him.
""What's wrong?" Naruto asked her.
"N-Nothing," She quickly spoke up.
"Alright," he decided not to ask anymore questions and lay down on Ino's comfortable bed. A relaxed sigh escaped him. He would definitely be able to rest well. Ino watched as he closed those beautiful cerulean-blue pools.
"I'll leave you to sleep okay." She told him.
"Wait," Naruto spoke. "Don't go, stay with me okay."
He slowly opened one eye and reached for her hand.
"Come here."
He took a hold of her hand. They looked at each other for a few moments before he helped her sit down next to him.
"I don't want you to leave Ino."
She smiled slightly at his words. Sure he was drunk but it felt nice to hear it.
"Hey did you know you have really pretty eyes." He whispered.
"Naruto, stop it."
"It's beautiful. You're beautiful."
She put her hand to his forehead and pushed back his bangs at the same time.
"You're drunk." She laughed.
"So, I'm not blind." He slowly put his hand to her cheek. "You're freaking beautiful Ino-chan, anyone can see that."
He removed his hand from her face. She only stared at him with worried eyes.
"She doesn't love me huh Ino-chan?" The blue-eyed male whispered.
She blinked, not really knowing how to answer his question. Ino knew if she told him what she was really thinking it would hurt him, and that was the last thing that she wanted to do.
"Naruto, I…" She started.
He had a blank expression on his face as he stared up into the ceiling.
"It's okay." He sighed. "I know she doesn't."
"But it doesn't change the fact that you love her." Ino thought.
She ran her fingers through his spiky-blond locks.
"It'll be okay Naruto." She tried to comfort him.
The blue-eyed man turned to face her. He slowly sat up, placing his hand back on to her cheek.
"You're always there for me Ino-chan." He pressed his forehead to hers. "Thank you." He whispered.
He put his arms around her shoulders then pulled her lips into a kiss. She sat there in surprise. His breath smelled of liquor but she found herself unable to break the kiss. Naruto ended up ending the kiss first.
"Thank you Ino-chan."
"What are friends for?"
He blinked.
"Friends," He repeated. "Yeah, I guess so."
He kissed her again, pulling her down with him. Her hands fell to his waist and she held on to him. He slipped a little tongue into her mouth. Yet soon her right mind kicked in and she ended the kiss.
"N-Naruto," She breathed. "What are we doing?"
"I don't know but I don't want to stop it, so lets not."
He took a hold of her mouth again, pressing her body to his as he deepened their kiss. The young woman struggled slightly but he wouldn't let go and deep down she knew that she didn't really want to stop either.
"You're beautiful." He spoke in between kisses.
The young man broke away and started planting kisses on her neck. Ino let out a light moan at the feel of those soft kisses on her skin.
"Let's get you out of this." Naruto spoke and tried to remove the top she was wearing.
"Naruto," She put her hand on to his arm which caused him to stop.
"What's wrong?"
"We probably shouldn't do this."
He frowned slightly.
"Don't say no Ino-chan." He kissed her forehead. "I want to do this."
He didn't wait for her to respond as he removed her blue top from her. He fumbled with the bra she had on for a few moments until he got that off too. Ino decided she would not stop any of this from happening. It wasn't like how she had imagined it would be. In her fantasy he would not be drunk. But the thing that mattered more was being with him. She wanted him in whatever way she could have him. Naruto stared down at her breasts.
"They're fucking beautiful Ino-chan." He spoke.
He put his mouth to one of her breasts and began to place kisses on it, sucking on the nipple almost hungrily.
He took his hand and began to caress the neglected breast. He licked at her nipple until it became erect. Once it was hard he pulled the nipple out of his mouth. Naruto then put his hands to the pair of shorts she had on.
"Let's get these off now."
She put her hands over his and helped him remove both her shorts and panties. Ino was now completely naked before him. Naruto captured her lips in another kiss before placing himself at her entrance.
"Damn, Ino-chan do you have any condoms?"
Sure he may have been drunk but at least he was still thinking about the importance of safe-sex. She reached into the dresser by her bedside and took out a condom. They had been a party-gift from Tenten. She didn't actually think she would use any of them anytime soon. Naruto immediately took the condom from the platinum-blonde. He placed the condom on to his swollen member.
"Are you ready?" He asked her. "I really want you."
"Yes I'm ready."
He gave a nod and entered his throbbing erection inside of her warmth.
"Mm…shirt Ino it feels so good."
"Naruto," She called out his name.
The blonde female had thought of this moment for as long as she could remember. Ino wanted this so badly she didn't care if it wasn't at all like her fantasy. It was real, she was really with him.
"This is really happening."
Naruto grabbed a hold of her waist and proceeded to slam into her. He sloppily threw one of her legs over his shoulders. He mumbled a few incoherent words as he continued thrusting into her warm cavern.
"I love you so much Naruto."
She did love him it was the reason she had even decided to take it this far. He would no doubt not remember any of this tomorrow. She doubted if she would ever forget. Naruto took a hold of her lips and pulled her into another kiss. She did not hesitate to kiss him back. Even if it was drunken sex she still found herself glad to be with him. She wasn't sure what she would tell him in the morning. Ino figured that she would cross that bridge when she got there. Naruto groaned deeply as he slammed into her warm, tight, womanhood. He was enjoying the feeling of her engulfed around his rock-hard member. He may have been drunk but if sure as hell felt good.
"Put your legs around my waist."
She did as he asked and placed her legs around his waist. She ended up tightening her grip around him and he ended up feeling her even more.
"Fuck, Ino…"
She continuously sucked in his hardened manhood. Naruto was completely enjoying this. With his hand he lightly caressed one of her nipples.
"Jeez your nipples are so hard."
He lowered his mouth to the very swollen bud and gave it a nice hard suck.
"Mm..." she let out a moan.
He spent a few minutes suckling on her nipple; with the other hand he massaged the neglected breasts. He then pulled her closer to him his length completely disappearing within her.
"Naruto!" She screamed out loudly.
The pleasure was soon becoming too much for the drunken male.
"I'm going to cum." He thought.
He sent a few more pumps into her before moaning.
He felt his essence leave him in a few long loops of milky white. His breathing was heavy and erratic. Once he calmed down he opened his eyes.
"Ino." He whispered to her. "I love you."
She could only stare at him with fresh tears in her eyes. She knew he couldn't possibly mean those words.
"No, no you don't."
The young man withdrew from her and immediately collapsed on to his back. He was completely exhausted by now. He hastily placed an arm around her waist.
"Goodnight Ino-chan."
"Goodnight Naruto." She said back. "You won't remember any of this tomorrow. How do I even begin to forget?"