A/N: I'm sorry this is so long in coming. My muse completely abandoned me. Luckily it returned, although I'm not sure I'm overly pleased with the result. This is probably my least favorite chapter so far, so I apologize if it sucks. L I'm really looking forward to the fifth and final chapter. Why, you ask? Well, re-read the synopsis and maybe you'll understand better. Haha.

Once again, thank you so much for all of the wonderful reviews. I love hearing from everyone and if it weren't for you guys, I probably would have abandoned this fic when my muse jumped ship. So thank you so much for encouraging me to continue through your lovely notes of feedback. You have no idea how appreciative I am of them.

Now on to chapter 4. . . .


"She's not here."


"She's not here."



Blair Waldorf stepped fully into the darker room, a towel in her arms as she glanced around, trying to locate the source of the shout. She frowned when she saw the dark-haired boy in his swim trunks and t-shirt, a towel wrapped around his neck. "Oh, it's you."

"Don't look so heartbroken, Waldorf," Chuck Bass replied as he made his way over to her.

"Where's Serena?" she demanded.

"She wanted to go get some drinks, and she knew we'd have trouble, considering the fake ID she got keeps failing us, so she went home to get some from her mom's liquor cabinet." He looked behind her. "Where's Nathaniel?"

She shrugged, trying to seem casual even as the nervous feelings traitorously rose up inside of her the way they always seemed to when she and Chuck Bass were alone together-- ever since the night of Georgina Sparks' birthday party. "He said he was going to come by in a little while. I thought it was just going to be me and Serena anyway."

Chuck took a step back in faux offense, his hands held up. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to intrude. I can just go."

"That's not what I meant. I mean, I thought that . . . Where did Serena get the key anyway?" She quickly changed the subject, unwilling to even come close to a discussion about why she was reluctant to be near Chuck Bass.

Chuck shrugged, stepping back and letting her pass him, walking towards the pool, which made the dark room shimmer with reflection. "Some guy from the swim team brought her here awhile ago. She kept the key."

Blair said nothing, simply nodded her head, facing the pool.

Chuck watched her from behind. He wasn't sure how to act. She avoided him now. There was a time, despite how much time she had spent hating him over the years for his many offenses, that Blair Waldorf occasionally liked to hang out with Charles Bartholomew Bass-- spend time in his company-- not a Nathaniel or Serena in sight. Since the night of Georgina's party two years ago, she went out of her way to make sure that either Serena or Nate was present at all times when the two of them were together.

He knew why she must feel like this. It made smile.

It was also the reason he had sent Serena out for drinks when she had told him that Nate wouldn't be attending their little pool party that evening. It was the perfect opportunity to get her alone. Of course, Nate was his best friend and he would never steal his girlfriend-- his girlfriend of two years, he thought with a grim smile-- but he wouldn't mind having a better idea of where her head was.

"Come on Waldorf," he said to her, as she continued to gaze into the water silently. He removed his shirt, dropping it on the ground beside him and swung his towel down to his feet. He smiled at her. "Let's go for a swim."


Blair felt her jaw drop to the ground. When did they all swim together last? In fourth grade, the four of them spent the entire summer at Nate's parents pool, when they lived in that amazing apartment building. Then there was the summer after fifth grade in the Hamptons. That was the last time.

She felt her gaze travel over the eighth grade boy standing in front of her. Times had definitely changed.

"I can lose the shorts, too, if you'd like," Chuck teased, smirking as he caught her gaze.

Blair frowned, even as she felt the heat rise in her cheeks. "You most certainly cannot, you cretin!" she replied with all of the anger sheer mortification could offer.

She looked down at her sundress, which she had worn over her new bathing suit. She suddenly felt nervous. She hesitated, he arms at her sides, half drawn up to pull off the cover.

Chuck waited, arms folded. "Let's go Waldorf. Time's wasting." He snapped his fingers, but turned and walked to the pool, sensing her discomfort and needing to give her some privacy. He felt her move and caught the faint sounds of fabric brushing with the ground. He turned.

Now it was Chuck's turn to lose his jaw.

Three years had been good to this girl. She had filled in in all the right places. She was absolutely stunning. Chuck wondered briefly what it was about Serena Van Der Woodsen that made all the boys love her so much-- including Nate. How could anyone prefer that blonde when the brunette always beside her was so unbelievably gorgeous.

"I-- uh, do you-- I mean," Chuck sighed heavily, irritated at his stuttering. Since when did he get tongue-tied around girls? "Just come on, Waldorf!" he finished with a bit more force than necessary.

Blair frowned at him, stomping past where Chuck had held out his hand. He watched as she stepped on to the steps, one by one, down into the water. When she turned back, she smiled at him, clearly enjoying the water as much as he was enjoying the sight of her in the water. She looked like a mermaid.

He grinned back and ran, flinging himself from the edge and diving in with a giant splash. He heard her shriek as he went under. When he surfaced, he hadn't even opened his eyes when he felt the smack on his arm.

"CHUCK! You got my hair wet!"

"Oh, come off it, Blair," he laughed as she splashed water in his face in rage. He held up his hands, shielding himself as he moved forward, grabbing her around the waist and swinging her about in the water, careful not to let her go under. He felt her begin to give in, her screams dissolving into laughter under his assault.

As he continued to twist, splashing about and feeling her kick, trying to escape his clutches amongst her fit of giggles, he suddenly became very aware of how close she was to him. He felt the slippery smoothness of her legs as they wrapped around his, her arms clutching tightly at his neck so she wouldn't fall under the water. Her increasingly wet hair slapped him in the face and he turned his head, seeing her face-- and her lips-- only inches away.

His movements slowed and he fought the urge to tug her closer to him, feeling almost nervous. He hadn't been this close to her since the night of Georgina's party-- the night he lost her to his best friend and his hidden hope of ever being able to call her his own had died.

Feeling the change in Chuck's demeanor, Blair looked down, seeing how close they were, her arms wrapped around him now, him holding her slightly above him, his hands so close to her backside, pressing her towards his own body, cradling her against his-- oh my god, what was that?!

He dropped her just as she pushed back, both embarrassed, both confused and both not knowing what to say next. She walked through the shallow water to the steps, climbing to the first and sitting down, slightly emerged in the pool, looking up at Chuck, who had yet to move from his spot.

He was completely frozen, staring at her. She didn't know how to read his expression. It was so-- dark.

She felt her face flush as he moved, wading slowly through the water towards her, never speaking, never changing his expression, just moving towards her, the water almost seeming to part for him. He stopped about four feet away, letting the water settle around his now still body, before his face finally changed. He opened his mouth, a smirk on his face as he raked his eyes over her once.

"What's the matter, Waldorf? Little too rough for you?"


Blair's flush deepened to a crimson as her face turned to utter outrage. "How dare you-- you-- you-- paw me like that! Don't you have any regard for Nate at all?"

Chuck's smirk tightened into a frown as she threw his near betrayal of Nate in his face. She was right, after all. He had absolutely no claim over Blair Waldorf and he never had. She belonged to Nate and she had since the night of Georgina's party. Hell, Blair had belonged to Nate since that very first day in the playground. He had seen it in her eyes. She loved him and she didn't have anymore room in her heart for those that may just love her.

His head fell slightly, the cockiness gone from his face and it was Chuck's turn to blush. "I didn't mean it like that, Blair. I was just playing around. I'm sorry."

Blair felt a sob rise in her throat. She had to get out. She turned, water dripping and quickly exited the pool, walking along the edge as quickly as the slippery floor would allow.

"Blair! Wait!"

She felt his hand reach out and touch her shoulder. She spun around, anger in her eyes. "Don't touch me!" As the heat crept into her face, she wondered how much longer she could hold back the tears.

"Blair. . . " The look on Chuck's face told her it wasn't long and she felt the hot moisture slip down her cheek.

She brushed it away and pursed her lips to stay strong. Having Eleanor Waldorf as your mother gave you plenty of practice at steeling your emotions. "It's nothing. It's fine. I'm fine." She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just being stupid and emotional."

Chuck stared at her, watching how her eyes seemed to have trouble matching her mouth. Hm. It seemed a lot like a lie.

"What?" Blair gave him her best ice queen gaze. "I am!"

She let her gaze drift to the water next to her. "I guess, I just love Nate so much that I get really upset when some other guy tries to attack me!" She grinned and stuck her tongue out at him.

So that's how she wanted to play it, huh? Okay, fine Waldorf. You win.

He let his concerned gaze melt into an easy smirk. "What can I say Waldorf? You naturally bring out the animal side of me. I just can't help it."

Blair laughed now, feeling comfortable with Chuck Bass for the first time in two years. "You are such a perv, Bass! No wonder all the society mothers are so determined to keep you away. You'd corrupt every last one of their daughters!"

"Oh, you have no idea, Miss Waldorf. In fact, I'm feeling a little. . . corruptive right now."

He stepped toward her with a leer, hands outstretched, excited to feel her smooth flesh one more time, even if it was only in jest.


He came up coughing and shook the water from his eyes to gaze up at an hysterical Blair Waldorf doubled over in laughter.

"You pushed me!"

She could only nod as the giggles threatened to overcome her senses.


It was how Nate and Serena, with champagne and flutes in hand, found them less than a minute later.

"What on earth is going on?" Serena asked, a grin stretched across her face. It had been so long since she had seen Blair laughing in the presence of Chuck.

"He-- he-- I-- then he-- SPLOOSH!" Blair threw her arms up in an explosive manner, still not able to get the words out.

"I think you're gonna have to explain this one, man," Nate said, turning towards Chuck, who was still staring at Blair from the pool, his gaze narrowed in mock anger.

He turned towards Nate, as he made his way to the pool steps once again. "You know Nathaniel," he began as he climbed the steps and made his way out of the pool, "you really should learn to control your girlfriend."

He turned to face the boy as he walked, stepping backwards with ease towards the restrooms.

"She might get herself in trouble one day."

Blair never saw it coming and could barely get in a scream as Chuck shoved her in the pool on his way past.