After spending the first two hours walking up and down the length of the Hogwarts express catching up with friends, not only was Hermione very grateful for the coffee that the boys had gotten her but she also decided it was time for a sit down. She found and empty compartment, which was notably easier to locate without the entire school on the train. As she flopped herself down onto the seat of a compartment and shut her eyes for a moment, to get her head around everything, and she heard a knock on the compartment door. "Just 5 minutes!" She thought to herself, but reluctantly she opened her eyes with a smile anyway. She was only going to see these people for another two weeks, "might as well make the most of it", she though, inwardly sighing.

"Mind if I come in?" Harry asked her.

"'Course not" she said, smiling properly. He was probably the only person she wouldn't have had to fake a smile for. As much as she hated it, she loved what he did to her. How he made her smile, just by him being around.

"You know, I think you are the only person on this train that I haven't had a full blown conversation with yet today." he said to her, with a glint in his eye.

"Same here," she sighed. "Honestly, I think I have spoken more works to Pansy Parkinson today than I have you, and that's worrying" she said, hoping that he would continue the conversation, and not leave and say something like, "but that's ok, I see you everyday 'Mione".

Luckily, for her sake he didn't.

"Well, it's about time we start then, isn't it? You're probably the one person on this train who means the most to me, and yet we haven't even caught up yet! Oh Hermione, it's been so long!" He said, with plenty of sarcasm towards the end. She couldn't describe how it made her heart jump when he said silly little things like that though.

"Harry, we went for lunch on Saturday." She said, rolling her eyes, but still cracking a smile. This, however, only encouraged him.

"Oh, but that was so long ago!" He said, raising his hand to his forehead in a mock dramatic tone.

"It's Monday." She said, giggling. Harry couldn't hold it any longer and burst out laughing at this point, realizing how stupid he must have looked.

"Oh, fine you win, gosh. I only wanted an excuse to talk to you. Honestly, maybe I'll go back and see Padma again, at least she appreciates me!" He said teasingly.

"Oh, my apologies, I didn't realize you wanted me to follow you around like a lost puppy like she does" Do forgive me!" She said, teasing back.

"I wouldn't mind so much if it were you stalking me…" Harry murmured under his breath.

"Hmm?' Hermione looking up at him quizzically.

"Huh? I didn't say anything" said Harry, going slightly pink in the cheeks.

"Righto then. Anyway, how are you Harry? How did your date go the other night, with uhhh….what's her name? Brianna?"

"Bianca," He said, chuckling, "and not so well. I thought we should do a romantic walk on the beach, get to know each other, you know?" He asked her, hoping for the reassurance this was defiantly a normal date normal in the muggle world. He may have been living in it for 23 years, but he had only been dating in it for about 3.

"Mmm" she said, telling him to go on.

"Well, it was kind of a surprise you see, and, well, she decided to wear those god forsaken things you women call stilettos. Designer stilettos. And she refused to take them off for a walk, so I couldn't put up with someone acting like a two year old, and decided to take her home. Needless to say, I'm not expecting a call back anytime soon."

Hermione laughed at this. "She sounds like too much of a princess for you, Harry." She told him. Hermione couldn't help but analyze every one of Harry's dates, and was so happy that none of them had worked out for him yet. They were just, not right for Harry. She knew that sounded mean, but she tried to convince herself that she just wants him to be happy.

"Far too much of an air head too, I have to say." Harry said. Then he sighed, ""Mione, do you reckon I'll ever find the right girl?" he asked her, looking deep into her chocolate coloured eyes. He loved the way that the ting golden specks in her eyes seemed to glimmer when she was thinking really hard.

"Why not try me?" She whispered, under her breath.

"Pardon?" Said Harry, looking at her in surprise at what he had thought she might have just said. Then he shook himself, mentally of course. Hermione wouldn't never say that.

"Oh, nothing" she said, blushing furiously. But the curiosity was killing him.

"Hermione, did you just say…"

"I was wondering where you two got to!" Ron exclaimed, barging into the compartment. "Lavender has been hanging off me like a…well, like a very hanging thing. And you two weren't even there to save me! You know how scary she gets!" But Harry was still staring at Hermione in shock, did she really say that? Nahh, Hermione wouldn't have. But then again, he could have sworn…

"Harry, are you ok, mate? You look a bit, well, lost or something." Ron asked him.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"Cool, hey, I was thinking, lets go find the trolley lady, see if she is still here, overcharging students for liquorish wands, yeah?" Ron asked Harry.

"Sure, sounds good" said Harry, not really caring about what he was agreeing to.

"Coming Hermione?" Asked Ron, as him and Harry stood up to go.

"Uhh, I think I'll pass" she said, not looking up. "I really want to finish this book before we get there"

"Some things never change!" said Ron with a grin."Alright, have fun with your book, c'mon Harry"

Of course, Harry was the only one who had noticed that Hermione's eyes had not moved an inch on the page she was reading since Ron had walked in. And she was still very pink. Harry knew they needed to talk, and for once, with out Ron. But when?