Beep! Beep! Beep!

Hermione rolled over to see her mobile phone flashing and blearing at her.

"Urghhh…" she moaned as she picked it up and saw the called I.D; Ron.

"Mmmmm?"Hermione groaned, still half asleep.

"Oh, good, you're up!" He said, all too cheery for 8 am. "Just checking. I'll see you soon then Hermione!" and he hung up.

She shut the phone and rolled back over, thinking she deserved at least another 5 minutes sleep before she faced the evil sunlight pouring through her window. She lay there she tried to remember why on earth anyone would ever leave the comfort of their bed. Then she remembered her reason.

She sat bolt upright. Today was Monday. She flipped open her phone to double check. Yep, it was Monday alright. She jumped out of bed, and suddenly, she was excited. Today would be the day that she got to see everyone again. Not just Harry and Ron, but everyone! It was her school reunion!

And of course, Dumbledore could never do things the normal way. You see, in the muggle world a high school reunion involves a dinner, a night of catching up, and a few drinks. Then it's all over, everyone goes home and gets on with their lives. However, as they all knew from experience, normal was just not Dumbledore's style. So, almost 5 years after she graduated from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, Hermione Granger received a letter, by owl, informing her that she was invited to spend 2 weeks in the Hogwarts castle, along with her ex fellow classmates. They would be provided with uniforms, meals and accommodation, in their old dorms. "Revisiting the golden days" as the letter stated. The only difference would be, their old teachers wouldn't be teaching them, instead they would be taking them through a series of planned activities to remind them all of the time they had spent in that castle, and Hermione couldn't wait. She hoped everyone would turn up, and couldn't wait to see what people had done with their lives, how they could have changed.

She got out of bed and jumped into the shower, think of how people might be different. She wondered if Malfoy was still a git, if Neville was still as clumsy as ever, if Lavender was still so boy crazy. And she wondered if Hogwarts had changed at all. Did myrtle still haunt the girls' bath room? Did Dobby still work in the kitchens alongside the other house-elves? Did Hagrid's old garden still hold the world's largest pumpkins? She couldn't wait to find out.

Once she was out of the shower she finished her packing. She had pulled her bags out to pack the two months ago, the day she got the letter. Then, two weeks later, she sorted through all her old school stuff and found scarves, ties, badges, everything she had from Hogwarts and put them in it. Slowly over the past month it had been beginning to fill with everything she would take with her, and today, all Hermione had left to put in there was her tooth brush. As soon as she had her bags done up and ready to go, she quickly tidied her already spotless apartment, put Crookshanks in his traveling cage, gathered up his things and put them in a bag. She was meeting Ginny and the boys at the platform before they left, and she was going to give Crookshanks to Ginny to take care of. Yes, they were even taking the Hogwarts express, just like the old days.

As Hermione locked up the house, she felt the same buzz of excitement she felt when she received that letter two months ago, the very same one she received when she got her very first Hogwarts letter. And as she jumped into her car, she knew, she was going back to the place where her life really began. For some, it ended this day 5 years ago, when they had graduated, but Hermione knew that, even for just a while, she was going back home. And her, Harry and Ron were going to get up to just as much mischief as they did the first time round. She couldn't wait!