A/N: Okay so here's the next chap of iMystere. Sorry it took so long. Tests kept me busy and then Assassin's creed 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 came out. I didn't have time to think. lol. But as many gamers would ask, no I don't play modern warfare 2. I just never got into it. Well anyway, enjoy.
Disclaimer: I do not own iCarly. ( I just realised I never put a disclaimer for this entire story. Well, better late then never. )
"Get back at me? For what?" Philip asked.
"What do you mean for what?" Pierre said, standing up so he was eye level with Philip. "Everything. You make my life miserable." Pierre said, before falling back onto the bench.
Philip was kind of shocked and angry at the same time. He always took care of his brother, ever since they were young. Even though they were only minutes apart from each other, Philip always took the responsible role. He acted way older than he actually was around his brother, wanting to be a good role model. So he was kind of angry when Pierre blamed him for something he didn't do.
"What do you mean I make your life miserable. You were always getting into trouble, I always tried to protect you." Philip said.
"Hmm protect me. Sure, but you always had to be Mr goody two shoes. Mom and Dad loves you. You always had the best things. You got to study overseas. Everything. And what do I get. I got to stay home and be a snail farmer." Pierre said.
"Snail farmer?" Sam said.
"Yeah, my parents are snail farmers in France. Since I went overseas to study, My parents wanted Pierre to take over the family business." Philip said.
"Oh what an honor." Pierre said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "I've always wanted to pick up filthy snails in a field."
"Look Pierre. I..." Philip started but was cut off by Pierre.
"No you look. I was always in your shadow, and I'm sick of it. I am sick of being the lesser child. I mean it's obvious Mom and Dad love you more. I'm nothing more than a boy to them." Pierre said, his tone changing. He looked down, a tear falling from his face.
Philip suddenly felt very guilty. He never meant for his brother to feel that way. He sat down beside his brother and put an arm around him.
"Pierre, Mom and Dad don't love me more. They love us the same. I just they are more protective of you. I mean, if I was the younger one, I'm sure you would have been the one to study overseas while I was stuck picking snails." Philip said.
"Whatever." Pierre said.
"So that's why you hardly talk to me. You hate me?" Philip said.
"I never said I hated you. I just strongly dislike you." Pierre said.
"Okay then why go through all this trouble?" Philip said.
"I wanted you o feel how I felt. With no one. Absolutely alone." Pierre said.
Philip then recalled the horrible feeling when Carly broke up with him and Sam and Freddie stopped talking to him. He hated the feeling.
"Pierre, I'm so sorry. I never wanted you to feel like that. I now know how hard that feeling is and if that's how you felt that I'm am truly very sorry." Philip said.
"I mean it's just that I just wanted some friends you know. And not those stupid friends I have at home. I mean friends like the ones you have." Pierre said looking towards Sam and Freddie. "I just wished I knew people like you guys." Pierre said.
Sam and Freddie couldn't help but feel sorry for Pierre.
"Oh Pierre, you just need to be yourself. I mean, if people knew who you really are they would like you. Be yourself, not some thief." Philip said.
"Really?" Pierre said. He was never this vulnerable towards his brother. They hardly talked when they were younger.
"Come on. Would I lie to you?" Philip said.
"Um yes." Pierre said.
"Oh shut up." Philip laughed and ruffled up his brother's hair, making him laugh. "So we cool?" Philip asked.
"Yeah we cool." Pierre said.
"Good." Philip said.
"So aren't we going?" Pierre asked. Philip looked at his brother and to Sam and Freddie, who simply shrugged.
"Um go where?" Philip asked confused.
"Oh my god. You are dumb. To get back your girlfriend of course." Pierre said. Philip's eyes went wide. He just remembered that this meant that Carly wouldn't be mad at him anymore.
"Well come on." He said as he ran to his car. He could hardly contain his excitement. Sam and Freddie laughed.
"He's lucky to have friends like you." Pierre said and he looked at his brother happily run to his car.
"He's lucky to have a brother like you." Sam said.
"Thanks." Pierre said and walked in the direction of his brother.
Philip ran up the stairs of Bushwell and finally stopped when he reached the eighth floor. After catching his breath a little, he stood in front of the shay's Apartment door. Sam, Freddie and Pierre soon came up the stairs panting too.
"Wow you can run." Freddie said in between pants. Philip simply smiled and turned to face the door. He raised his hand and stopped, looking towards Sam and Freddie.
"What are you waiting for?" Sam asked.
"I'm just scared. What if Carly doesn't forgive me?" Philip said.
"Oh my god. You are seriously dumb." Pierre said. Philip was kinda taken back. That was the second time that day Pierre called him stupid. "What's there to forgive you for? You didn't do anything wrong."
"Oh right." Philip said before taking a deep breath and knocking on the door.
"Coming!" Carly's voice came from the other side of the door. The other three moved to the side so Carly couldn't see them when she opened the door. Philip was getting nervous. The short wait felt like hours. Finally the door opened. "Philip?" Carly asked when she saw her ex boyfriend standing at her door.
"Hi Carly, can I talk to you?" Philip asked. Carly looked hesitant, shuffling at the doorway.
"Okay fine." Carly said.
"Thank you. Well first of all, I know why you broke up with me now." Philip said.
"Yeah why did you do it?" Cary asked. That question was always on her mind the past few days.
"The thing is I didn't. It was my twin brother who was a little mad at me." Philip said.
"Twin brother. Come on Philip, don't bother lying to me." Carly said. Philip wanted to say something but Pierre cut him off.
"Actually, he isn't lying." Pierre said as he stepped beside Philip. Carly's mouth hung open. "I really did those things. Philip is totally innocent."
"But..." Carly said. Finally Sam and Freddie stepped out from their hiding spot.
"It's true." Sam said.
"Guys?" Carly said. "Are there anymore people going to pop out or is this it?" Carly asked.
"It's just us. But please believe Philip, he's really sorry." Freddie said.
"Wait, you guys were the ones who convinced me that it was Philip." Carly said.
Sam and Freddie smiled sheepishly at Philip. "Yeah sorry about that. So after the mess we created, we have to get you two back together." Sam said.
"So, will you take me back?" Philip asked, looking hopefully at Carly.
Carly leapt into Philip's arms. "YES!" she shouted. Philip Carried her inside and dropped her on the couch. Everyone followed. Then Spencer came down and they explained everything to him. He too start jumping around.
Among all the happiness, Pierre however felt left out. Like he didn't belong there. He felt guilty for what he had done. He walked to his brother. "Hey, I'm going to get some fresh air." He said and Philip nodded.
Pierre walked out of the apartment and stood there. He was about to walk to the elevator when he saw the fire escape. He walked towards it and looked out. He saw the lawn chair there and decided to sit there. He simply stared out into the city, thinking.
Just then there was a knock on the window. He turned around and saw someone he had never seen before.
"Hey Philip, what are you doing here?" The person said. Pierre then knew that the girl, was from Philip's school, seeing that she knew his brother's name.
"Um I'm not Philip. I'm his twin." Pierre said.
"Oh, um can I sit?" The girl asked.
"Sure but you believe me? Most people wouldn't even believe that Philip has a brother." Pierre said.
"I don't believe you but I can pretend so it makes you feel better." The girls said, causing Philip to laugh. This girl was really making him feel better.
"So, I'm Pierre. What's yours?" Pierre asked.
"I'm Wendy." Wendy said and put out her hand. Pierre extended his hand too and shook it.
"Pleasure to meet you." Pierre said.
"So why are you out here alone?" Wendy asked.
"Oh Carly and Philip just got back together and a little too happy for my liking." Pierre said with a chuckle. "How did you even know anyone was here?"
"Oh I was actually going to see Carly but then, something compelled me to come to the fire escape." Wendy said.
"Well I'm glad you did." Pierre said. "Shall we go back inside?"
"Yeah, it's getting a little cold." Wendy said before stepping back into the hallway. Pierre didn't know why but he knew him and Wendy were going to be great friends.
The End
A/N: Okay, that was it. Totally done. No more sequel. Lol. I think this last chap saved the story. Lol. I was going to dub it 'worst story ever' but this chap I think pulls it up a little. I don't know I just like this chap. Oh and, I am not shipping Wendy and Pierre. I just added that cuz I felt that if Pierre felt so alone, he should get a good friend, like what Philip has in Carly, Sam and Freddie.
Okay so now that this story is complete, I will be writing many oneshots. I will write a few more chaps for my story 'iHate Tension' then like 4/5 oneshots coming. So if you like my stories and don't want to miss any of them, then put me on author's alert. So enough babbling, please review. For the last time in this story.