Suzy Lu

How I love you

You gorgeous green eyes

The make all the blizzarian boys feel something specal near their thighs

Your so kind-hearted and nice

Do you live in a big home made of ice?

I'd sure love to come down to your terra and see you

Yet know you and Billy already make two

So I love from affair

In terra Sahar

Man it's hott, whew.

Yet don't worry my dear

I don't live here

I'm just getting you a gift

A big pack of bubble gum

I bet you're going "yum yum"

I know it's something you love

I leave at your house

But I'll be quite as a mouse

For I wish not to be discovered yet

It's okay I am no threat

Just a crazy blizzarian who's found that love is true

And it's name is...

Suzy Lu