A/N: HOLY CRAP. This place needs more Love Handel, y'all. Also, more post-reunion!Love Handel. This is mainly being written for a contest on dA, so it'll be cross-posted there. The theme, as posited by Surfer-Draik (dudes, go check out her stuff, it's awesome), is Nostalgia. Also, this is like, WAY longer than the other stories here. SO HOLD ON TIGHT.



Usually, when the three of them gathered together in the backroom of Danny's music shop, it was to smoke pot, trade stories, and reminisce. They all thought this was great, and were especially enthused when it was decided they'd do it again.

However, Danny was usually the one to invite them there, not Bobbi. But for some reason, the hairdresser had called an urgent meeting for the three of them, and had decided that it would be held in the dimly-lit storage room. Sherman, now practically living in the former bassist's condo (it wasn't official yet), made his way to the shop after his shift at the library to find a TV set up amongst the boxes of magazines and sheet music.

"Wh-what's the TV for?" he asked, sitting down on an amp. Once Danny shooed him off of it - "That thing's worth more than your apartment, dude!" - he sat down on the floor. The linoleum was hard and uncomfortable, but it would have to do.

"It," Bobbi said, making a grand gesture with the hand that wasn't behind his back, "is for this." He pulled out a fairly unassuming video tape in a plain white box. The only thing that was notable was the writing along the sides: "MTV Love Handel Interview #11."

"Oh, my God. Th-that's not-" The librarian adjusted his glasses to get a better look.

Sliding it out of the case, he grinned deviously. "Oh, it is. The banned interview." The hairdresser slipped it into the VCR without a second thought.

"Uh, it's not plugged in yet." Danny stood now, having finished rolling himself a joint. He left the spliff on a nearby box and moved around the back of the stand, fiddling with the wires until he'd gotten it all set up. Bobbi took a seat beside the drummer, still beaming.

"I thought we agreed that this was, um, f-for our eyes only?" Obviously embarrassed by the fact he'd have to watch that tape with Danny there, Sherman toyed with the end of his tie.

"Well, it is. Considering Danny was also involved, it would only be fair if his eyes counted as well." His smile was becoming more and more predatory, like that of a cat after a canary. "C'mon, Swampy. It'll be a blast."

Stepping out from behind the set, the guitarist sat down beside his bandmates. "Okay, we should be good! So, what're we watching, anyway?"

His answer came about 5 minutes into the video.

Dumbstruck, he glanced over at Bobbi, who was sighing gently to himself as he pawed at the librarian's thigh- not unlike his twenty-years-younger self in the video. Sherman looked just as uptight and upset as he did when he was a scrawny strawberry blonde trying to give a good interview. Lighting his blunt, the shop's owner hoped to be just as trashed as his past self was if there was any hope he'd get through it.

"I thought Manager had these tapes destroyed," he mumbled after exhaling.

"He did, but they missed one." It was Sherman who spoke this time, a little bashful. "Bobbi bought it off the guy who'd stolen it from

The scene that played out on the TV was fairly formulaic, as far as their interviews went: Danny spent a few moments hitting on the VJ before she asked her first question, directed at Swampy. The drummer, grinning nervously at her, tried to ignore the fingers resting on his knee as he answered. More questions were asked, all very routine, before the VJ noticed the hand squeezing Swampy's leg- it served as the perfect lead in to her next set of inquiries, regarding Bobbi's sexuality and his relationship with the scrawny kid. The guitarist deflected the question with the finesse of an expert. However, the interview took a turn for the worst once the very coked-up Bobbi kissed the drummer.

It all went down a very predictable hill from there.

"Shit, I-I thought I said no more... o-of this in my store!" He groaned, taking another puff off the spliff. "Seriously, guys, y-you couldn't just keep this to yourself?"

Bobbi looked up from kissing the librarian's neck, smirking at him. "Killjoy. I thought you were always the nostalgic one."

Slowly mellowing out, Danny realized that he couldn't really fight it. "Yeah, I guess. Whatever." He leaned back and laughed. "God, you two never change."