This came to me when I was reading Deathly Hallows. I felt so bad for Snape that I wanted his sad ending to become happy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

"Look at me," Snape whispered softly to Harry. Harry obliged and Snape saw those wonderful green eyes one last time before he took his last breath. Lily's eyes. Lily's green eyes, they were the last thing he saw before everything went black.

And they had been the first things he saw when he opened his eyes. Someone was shaking him slightly. He didn't want to open his eyes. It was peaceful with them closed. He felt like he was floating. He felt soft hands on his forehead and on his wrist, checking his pulse and temperature.


He knew that voice. He loved that voice. And it didn't sound hostile. Snape opened his eyes, there were those green eyes. They were blinking down at him warmly. Lily Potter.

"Lily," Snape murmured. "I'm sorry. I really am—"

"So am I," Lily's expression grew sad. "I wish I would've listened to you. But I didn't. For that I'm so sorry."

"I was a stupid teenager. I said that word before I could think about it. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." Lily shook her head at his words.

"No, you weren't stupid. You were the smartest one there." Lily helped him to his feet. "All those times I told you to back off the Dark Arts…I guess that came in quite handy too, didn't it?" Snape shrugged.

"I suppose. But it came between you and me. And I lost the best friend I ever had." Snape muttered.

"But, you ended up getting her back, didn't you?" Lily wrapped his arms around his neck. Snape, startled, but not wanted to remove them, put his arms around her waist.

"You know I don't dance, right?" Snape pointed out quietly as Lily started to sway a little with the slight breeze.

"That's too bad, dancing is really fun!"

"Yes, but not for me." Was his response.

"Give it a try," Snape sighed and put his hand on her waist and grasped her other hand that wasn't on his shoulder.

"You dance really well," Lily exclaimed after a few minutes of swaying on the lawn. She teased him, "You said you couldn't."

"I had to sometimes, and my mother taught me when I was younger." Snape answered curtly.

"Oh," Lily answered, "There's a full moon tonight."

"Doesn't that mean Lupin's going to turn into a werewolf?"

"Nope, he's completely healthy in this world. The full moon means this," Lily stood on her tip-toes and pressed her lips firmly to cheek. He felt tingles where her lips had been.

"Won't Potter get mad?"

"No, and if he does, I'll remind him what you did for Harry." Lily replied softly. "I think you should've been in Gryffindor. You were so brave…"

Snape didn't know how to respond to this, so he kept watching her bright green eyes. They sparkled as they kept waltzing around the yard.

The scenery changed and now they were in an elaborate ball room. Lily hadn't let go of him but her eyes were looking around. "It's like Beauty and the Beast!" She whispered softly. He still didn't answer. He was content with looking into her beautiful green eyes.

Her green eyes. Lily Potter, once Lily Evans, was dancing with him. He never thought that it would happen. But he got his wish. He was with the one he loved right now and he had never been happier. She stared at him some more. Her green eyes. He loved those green eyes.