Hi. I am new to this whole thing so help is appreciated. Thanks! If I didn't catch something please tell me.

Warnings- blood, mild gore, language, violence, and vampire-ism

Worse in later chapters.

Disclaimer I do not own Detective Conan or the saying "Eat or be Eaten."

He waited quietly in the alley. His breathing ragged and uneven. He peeked out only to be met by an empty street. Again.

He pulled back into the ally and leaned heavily against the wall with a sigh.

'Come on,' he thought, 'Some one has to be out.'

His ears perked up at the sound of shoes hitting pavement.

He licked his lips in anticipation.

His panting started growing heavier.

He gulped quite loudly and hoped no one heard. The footsteps stopped and he immediately stilled. The footsteps started moments later after the bang of a trash lid closing. He relaxed but made no movement to show it except to relax his tense shoulders.

Who ever was out this late was getting closer. 'Come on,' he thought desperately. Each step was as if time was slowing down and, to the one hiding, it felt like an eternity. He wanted to peek out but didn't want to give away his location so stayed put and tried to keep his breathing as calm as possible.

The footsteps were so close now. 'Just a little more,' he thought. He leaned his head against the wall and looked at the dark night sky. He closed his eyes and panted through parted lips. The pain was starting to become unbearable.

He closed his eyes and lips as tightly as possible. His hands turned to fists at his sides so tight, he thought he could draw blood.

The footsteps were closer now.

'So close.'


'Just a little more.'

The foot was just about to step onto the pavement to the mouth of the alley.

It only took seconds to do what happened next. The foot touched down and as the person came into full view, the man reached out and grabbed the right upper arm with his right hand and pulled slightly so he could grab the left shoulder with his left hand and threw his captive into the alley. He turned around just as his captive spun around to face him and gain his balance. He launched forward and forced his still unbalanced victim down easily. His left hand covered his victim's mouth, his right hand on the victim's left shoulder, and his crouching knees were on his victim's thighs. His victim was immobile except for the flailing arms that were trying unsuccessfully to push him off.

He had unwillingly thrown his victim into a lit part of the alley and, for the first time, got a good look at his victim, at least from the neck up. His victim was young, dark skinned, had green eyes, currently wide with fright, a baseball cap on backwards, which was dislocated, black hair, and, from lack of hair and feeling no bra strap under his right hand, male.

He chuckled lightly at his victim's fear. "Relax," he said calmly, "I'm not going to do anything funny or any thing of that sort."

His victim didn't calm down in the slightest. Instead he just flailed more and his breathing increased.

'Damn it,' he thought, 'He's just a kid.' But he could hear his stomach growl in anticipation. He felt the usual pain behind his canines when he was this hungry. He closed his eyes and bit his lip. He didn't want to do this, he really didn't want to do this.

The pain was starting to spread from behind his canines to the whole top row of his teeth. The pain was so bad he didn't even notice when he punctured his lip and drew blood.

His victim, who noticed he wasn't paying attention, took the chance and punched his attacker with a right hook.

That brought him out of his musings and he unintentionally tightened his grip. He heard his victim whimper and go still. He eased up on his grip slightly and looked down at his victim. He took a better look at the boy who now had his eyes shut tightly and they were slightly watering with the start of tears.

'Probably not much older than seventeen,' he mused to himself. He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. He really didn't want to do this.

He opened his eyes when he felt a hand on his wrist. His victim still had his eyes closed, and he noticed that tears were starting to escape, but had grabbed on to his wrists and was trying to pry him off.

'Heh, kid's still got some fight left in him.' "Sorry kid, but as the saying goes, 'Eat or be eaten.' " He watched as the kid snapped his eyes open. "I really wish I didn't have to do this, but as I said 'Eat or be eaten.' " He gave the kid a small smile which showed off a gleaming set of fangs. He could only imagine what he looked like as he watched the kid's eyes widen with fear. An unshaved man, shoulder length, unkept hair, a bucket hat, dark eyes, and a set of fangs, who was about to do who knows what. But he didn't imagine that his fangs were currently covered in his own blood.

He hooked his right thumb into the kid's shirt and jacket and pulled to reveal more neck. He felt the kid pull harder on his wrists. He moved his right hand to grab the kid's upper arm to break the kid's grip and keep the jacket and shirt away. He turned the kid's head away and bit into the jugular. He felt the kid squirm desperately but he just kept drinking. Soon he felt the kid go limp, then the heartbeat faded. When he was done, he removed his fangs and looked at the kid again.

The kid's dark skin was paler and his eyes were wide open. He closed his eyes then covered them with his hands. He swallowed and he could still taste the blood. He opened his eyes again and looked back at the kid. He sighed and reached out to the kid and closed the kid's eyes. He stood up and looked around. He found a tarp covering a dumpster and pulled it off. He took a whiff and realized it didn't smell too bad. 'Probably put out here recently.' he thought. He laid the tarp down on one side of the alley where it was fairly clean and then picked up the kid and laid him on it. He lifted the kid half way up so he could remove his jacket. He crossed the kid's wrists over the kid's chest like one would an ancient mummy. He looked around the alley and saw the kid's hat. He picked it up and brushed it off before placing it under the kid's head like a makeshift pillow.

He stood back and admired his work. The kid was lying on a blue tarp that left a foot border on all sides, arms crossed like a child playing dead, on an uncomfortable pillow. 'A flower would make this seem like an official funeral,' he thought as he laid the kid's jacket over his victim's hands and face.

He left the alley and when he came to the mouth of the alley he turned around to look back. The kid was out of sight, hidden by the dumpster. "I really am sorry kid," he said before he turned and left.

Like I said I'm new so help please. What can I say, turning Heiji into something supernatural is fun. I'm not the first one to do it.