Hey guys,

This is a one-shot of my characters Ally and Jake from 'The Missing Piece' and I thought it would be cute so review and tell me what you think! =)


Note: This is not part of 'The Missing Piece' it is just for some fun and I thought it would be cute. I know that in TMP it says that Ally has green eyes not brown but you will understand later on in that story.



My lip trembled; this was my first time out of that hell hole that the big men in white coats called a 'learning facility'. I had never managed to escape from the 'learning facility' of torture but Jakey and I had.

I'm Ally and my best friend in the whole wide world is Jakey. The world was bigger than I could have imagined and more beautiful as well. Jakey and I were four years old and had been together since we were born; only separated to have experiments done on us. Only being four, our wings couldn't carry us for too long so we just managed to make it up to a small cliff in the side of a mountain; it was pretty safe as it was covered in trees and bushes.

Silently we sat outside of the cave on the ledge and stared up at the shining beacons in the darkness above us.

"Jakey?" I asked, my innocent brown eyes looked up to my best friend as we watched the stars for the first time in our life.

"Yeah Al?" his voice was hushed like he thought someone might hear us. His deep brown eyes looked into mine as I shivered from the cold wind that surrounded us.

"I'm scared." My voice whispered into the cool night air, I looked down at my lap ashamed because admitting fear was a weakness and you could never show weakness cause that's when the big scary dog men get you.

A hand slightly bigger then mine grabbed my left hand suddenly causing me to look up surprised, right into Jakey's eyes. Jakey's eyes had softened and he smiled at me making me feel like I was flying.

(AN: Oh, the pun!)

"I'll always keep you safe, you're my best fwend." His calm words had made me feel better, like my heart had started floating.

"I tired." My mouth slurred the words as I yawned and my eyes started to droop in the dull light of the moon.

I watched with tired curiosity as Jakey took off his jacket and lay down pulling me with him so that my head lay comfortably on his chest like a pillow. Carefully he laid his jacket over me to keep me warm. A warm hand stroked my hair as my eyes fluttered shut and I snuggled in his side. Right now I didn't care what would happen because I knew I would always be safe in Jakey's arms.

"Seep, I wuv you Al."

"I wuv you too Jakey."

Did ya like it? Was it cute because I think it was. =)