DISCLAIMER: Characters and Situations of The Dark Knight are the property of [Insert long list of copyright holders].
Produced for the enjoyment of other fans, and not for profit. Please don't sue as I have no money.
However as i am creator of the OC i do own her
Chapter One Chapter 3 Welcome to Paradise…. Not
Olivia woke up, her arms wrapped around her knees tightly as she started to realize that her head felt like it was going too spilt in two. Inwardly groaning she slid her hands up cradling her head, her eyes clenched shut trying to avoid the light that was trying to sneak under her eyelids. Soon she forced herself to open her eyes as she tried to remember where she was and how she got there, she scanned the room, even though it looked more like a cage with the chain link fence in place of the walls. There was a single light bulb dangling from the ceiling, wires hanging out at odd angles, occasionally it flickered on and off…
She wondered where she was for a moment, panic rising in the pit of hers stomach, crawling up her throat. She could feel the scream about to come out but just as her mouth felt like it was going to be ripped apart she shoved her hand over her mouth, and bit down on her lip hard enough so that she felt blood trickling into her mouth.
Her mind flashed back, the joker grabbing her ripping her from her bed forcing a mask over her face and some weird tasting air and then….nothing… it was like someone had erased that part of her mind, like someone had removed all the memories that had happened since the hospital from her brain.
Then it was like the world had caught up with her body, her head ached from whatever he gave her. Her arms….tears streamed down her face, her arms burned, at the hospital she was on pain medication; but here she had nothing. Her eyes scanned the room focusing on the side table where a water bottle was standing, and next to it were two small white pills. Olivia didn't care what they were, if it killed her fine, if it got rid of the pain hallelujah. She forced herself to sit upright and reached out to grab the water bottle, drinking some before popping the pills in and swallowing. Soon enough she assumed she was feeling lightheaded and was forced to sit back down on the bed, her vision blurred but she was able to tell that someone, or something had just entered her room.
"He He, Ha Ha, Ho Ho, I see you found the pills-ah?" His voice was dark, he dragged a chair behind him setting it down in front of her and then sitting in it. "Olivia…" his voice was rough; the way he said her name sent chills down her back. He cackled "I've seen you, o yes I have, I have seen you on the television. Why don't you create quite the splash…" He pulled a knife out of his jacket throwing it up in the air and catching its blade then throwing it back up and catching it by the handle; he repeated this gesture a few times.
Olivia watched him studying him, forcing her vision to focus on his face. She wanted to ask why a man was wearing clown makeup, and what happened to his face, she wanted to know what he wanted with her, and what he planned to do with. But she didn't ask any of that, she just held her arms to her side and stared at him with her large green eyes.
His spine was curled in his current position, resting his elbows upon his knees watching her, his eyes picking up every flicker of movement, every tremor, and every emotion that passed through her eyes.
Suddenly he jumped tackling her pinning her to the bed, the knife he was playing with glistening in his hand, shoving the blade into her mouth.
"Now, I want you. I want you to tell me why I shouldn't ah… kill you… why I should bother keeping you around…" He reinforced his seriousness by pulling the blade against her cheek. The inside of Olivia's mouth started to fill with blood; she gagged starting to choke on the blood she forced herself to cough some of it out, it spilling onto her hospital gown. Her arms scrambled looking for something to grab on to, to hit him with, anything. Eventually she just kept squirming pounding her small fists against him one of them grabbing his hand wrapping around the outside, trying to pull it back.
He studied her, cackling at her futile attempts to remove him from his position on top of her. She was easily half the size of her, and yet she still tried to fight back. She didn't cry out in pain. She didn't beg for her life. She didn't even talk; he was starting to think she might be a mute but then…
He paused for a moment; the sound was so quite that he almost missed it. He grinned his eyes filling to the brim madness. He had gotten her to talk, not some nosey social worker; but he, the Joker. He pulled the knife out of her mouth and dragged it down her throat resting it there for a moment...
"Please…? Please what-tah?" He leaned forward his face inches from hers.
Her eyes showed horror, panic, anxiety, and yet there was a certain level of calmness there mixed in with the chaos.
Then suddenly something snapped inside of him, he shoved her and got off the bed kicking the chair aside, splinters flying off it. Stalking out of the room slamming the doors shut…
Olivia froze then, staying still for over an hour not daring to move, tears still streaming down her face. Why had the Joker left so suddenly? Why didn't he kill her? What happened? And more importantly how was she going to get out of this mad house?
Authors Note - Sorry it took so long to update . life and all caught up. But hey its here now, so if you love me youll review. Good Karma goes to those who review and if enough good karma comes then perhaps another chapter.
please R/R