A/N: Aloha! I think this is going to be the end. For now, at least. But we'll see. Never say never. But I think ya'll will enjoy this potential ending. It's quick and simple but entertaining.


Three Years Later

Charlie and Gabrielle were Victoire's godparents and she and Teddy were very fast friends; little Teddy was "teaching" her everything she needed to know about "everything" and kept her entertained with his hair, nose and eye "magic" tricks. Fleur and Bill were pregnant again and the family was, yet again betting on the gender: female was the more popular bet this time around.

Jack and Lana, in a surprise to everyone, had quietly gotten married in Romania not two weeks after Victoire was born. The following year they were the proud parents of Timothy Ryuu Hayworth, and Adelaide and Charlie were his proud and doting godparents. Adelaide and Neil (with the help of Mrs. Weasley) were trying to get the family to relocate back to England so that "little Ryuu" could grow up with his cousins.

Charlie was still dating Heidi and she was in no hurry to get married quiet yet. They did, however, attend every birth, every holiday and every wedding thanks to Charlie's promotion. He too was looking to get Jack to eventually relocate to the up-and-coming reservation in Wales.

After an 18-month engagement, Hermione and Fred were married in a relatively small wedding at the Black Country Manor. They only had one best man and maid of honor but allowed everyone to be in the 'wedding party' photos. And of course, George set off multiple fireworks.

Ginny and Harry were happily married and enjoying the occasional "weekend getaway" in between Quidditch seasons. But Ginny was planning on retiring from Quidditch in the "near future", her Harpies, of which she was now captain, were doing decently well in the league standings, but were still no match for Adelaide's, Harry's or Neil's teams. She was contemplating retiring after the World Cup, which England finally had a good shot of winning, thanks to the combined efforts of Harry, Ginny, Neil, Adelaide and Robbie Grey. (The British Quidditch League was also having a record-breaking few seasons nearly selling out every game). Ginny and Harry were eager to start a family.

Hermione and Adelaide had made some headway in their efforts to legalize gay marriage, but in the meantime Neil and George had a "civil union" that was recognized by Kingsley. They were in the midst of adopting a baby boy from a wizarding orphanage in Russia. Little Nikolas, only a few weeks old, would be theirs in a few months. Adelaide and Fred were already named godparents.

The Lupin-Black Foundation was a huge international success, providing the Diggory-Hayworth Wolfsbane to all werewolves who wished to have it. Donations came from several international organizations and people around the globe and with Fleur's part-time bookkeeping and managing of their finances, it was highly unlikely they would be unable to help werewolves everywhere indefinitely.

Malfoy became the international liaison and traveled around the globe setting up brewing and distribution centers as well as education and wellness centers. And when he was in England he was always invited and welcome to any of the Black, Lupin, Potter, Weasley or Hayworth households.

Ron was still dating Victoria, but everyone was soon expecting Ron, already a prominent Auror to propose soon, if only to not be too outdone by Percy who had, in his typical, practical manner, married Margo at the Ministry one day after work. But had also agreed to a large celebratory party at the Burrow.

Sirius and Kate had parted ways amicably a few months after Harry and Ginny got married, but he met a beautiful, Italian woman while on holiday. She had recently taken a position as an "international" correspondent for the Daily Prophet. She was perfect for Sirius; she was fun and adventurous, was not expectant of commitment, and was okay with long distance, respective of his desire to remain part of the time in England to be with his family. But she also provided numerous exotic vacations, which Sirius enjoyed between his time as godfather, President of the Black-Lupin Foundation and Hogwarts Board member.

WWW had expanded greatly the past three years with two stores in England, one in Wales, Ireland, France, Germany and Norway and plans for one in the States, Canada and Japan. And their International Owl Order Service required its own office.

Adelaide and Cedric were still Adelaide and Cedric: they were still not engaged nor did they had any plans to become engaged. They rarely even referred to one another as 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend', but simply by their names in conversation or in the press. It wasn't necessary, of course, because the entire wizarding world knew who they were.

They still lived in the same flat although they had spent the occasional weekend at the Black Country Manor and even a week-vacation in Venice thanks to one of Cedric's very grateful and very wealthy patients. They had also recently adopted a puppy, much to the pleasure of Teddy, Victoire and Sirius. Little Captain was soon a staple at all family events.

Like everyone else, Adelaide and Cedric were media staples: Cedric was internationally renowned for his diagnostic skills and had given several lectures. It was thought that he was on the path to potentially becoming the Chief Healer of St. Mungo's. And after only three years, Adelaide had turned her near 'laughing stock' team to become a serious league competitor. For three years running she held the record for most goals scores and most assists and the Pride of Portree won a record number of games without catching the Snitch her first season. She would soon be inducted into the Quidditch Hall of Fame along with her brother, Ginny and Harry.

She would never get used to signing autographs and she was still flabbergasted that there were several 'new' Quidditch shots that were named after her, including her old, original 'Reverse Adelaide'. Cedric would only laugh at her and tease her when children would bombard her with questions and pleas for autographs. And for the second holiday season in a row, her 'Hayworth 10' jersey was sold out (as was 'Potter 7' 'Potter 4' and 'Hayworth 0').

Although everyone knew them and their entire extended family, Cedric and Adelaide were still extremely down to earth and modest. Adelaide may be the "Second Smartest Witch of the Age" behind Hermione, but she never let that get to her head. The people loved them, but journalists hated them because they never gave proper, full or exciting answers.

At the Second Annual Quidditch Fundraising Match Ball, Adelaide answered the question, "Can you tell us about your dress?" with an innocent, "It's blue".


Cedric didn't know how she could do it, after all the times she was recently subjected to wearing the "fancy dresses" that she so despised, but she still managed to surprise him. She always looked fresh and stunning. He took her hand in his and saw a smile creep up her face out of the corner of his eye. Luna and Viktor's wedding, the latest and first in a long while neither was a part of, was an odd affair; not that there had every been any doubt. The bride's side was full of bizarre headpieces, bright colors and several redheads. The groom's side was mostly dark colors and serious faces. Adelaide, in her outrageously neon green dress and he, in his pale blue oxford and matching neon green tie, stuck out like sore thumbs. But how could he refuse her desire to 'liven up' Krum's family?

Even in this ridiculously-colored dress, she still looked fantastic. But unlike when they had first gotten back together, she knew it. She knew what some of her outfits did to him and so when she crossed her legs, causing her skirt to ride up slightly, he knew she'd be smirking.

"You love, are a tease," he whispered.

"Says the man in those delectable khakis."

He bit back a laugh.

Yes, after three years together and nearly twenty as friends, they were still going strong. And even with no immediate plans to marry, he knew they would be together a long, long time.


A/N: I hope everyone likes the names: I decided to make Lana Japanese-Canadian and she'd want her kid to have a Japanese name. Ryuu means dragon. So, it's perfect. And I figured that Fred, George, Adelaide Neil would call him Ryuu instead of Timmy. Waaay more fun. Obviously.