Thanks to everyone again for the reviews! The next chapter will probably be the last... sadly. I've had a ton of fun writing! Thanks for reading my first fanfic!

Chapter 7

As Lydia walked towards Reaper, the room fell away. The ceiling vaulted and the walls melted to the floor, revealing the golden hangings and red décor of the foyer. Only now, the huge hall was set for a wedding. An intricate archway, laced with red and black roses, stood between the twin staircases. Lydia recognized one of the werewolves of the Alliance standing behind a black podium as the priest.

If Lydia's heart was still beating, it would be going double time.

Lydia ventured a glance behind her, finding Beetlejuice, still restrained, sitting in one of the many pews. His eyes were trained on her face. He was silent now, but the sadness etched across his features spoke for him. She turned back towards Reaper, her resolve unwavering.

Reaper's robes had disappeared. He had donned a black tuxedo, complete with bat bow-tie and top hat. The fabric hung off loosely off of his bones—it was a disturbing sight. Lydia was reminded of a child playing dress up in his father's clothes. He seemed to be smirking as Lydia took her place to his left in front of the werewolf.

"We are gathered here today--" began the priest, but he was immediately cut off by the sound of the front doors being thrown open. The rest of the Chaos was marched inside at gunpoint, escorted by the remaining members of the Alliance. Ginger looked around, her confusion evident on her face. Jacques seemed out of it as well, which probably had a lot to do with the fact that he had a large crack running down the side his skull. As Prince Vince stepped inside, he immediately caught the gist of what was going on and made a move to rush at Reaper – the guard dogs on either side of him grabbed his arms, forcing him down into a pew with the rest of his comrades. The priest cleared his throat before continuing.

"As I was saying… Ladies and ghouls, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Mister Grim Reaper and Miss Lydia Deetz in holy matrimony" he said. Those members of the Alliance who were unsure of their settings before were now made aware. The hall exploded into exclaims of disgust and objection. The sudden uproar was quieted just as quickly as it started by the werewolves.

"The sanctimonious bond of marriage is nothing to be taken lightly" said the priest. "A marriage in the Neitherworld hasn't happened in many a year, due to the fact that death cannot part the beloved. Therefore, it is a true testament to the love between these two that they have chosen to be wed…"

As the priest continued his speech, Lydia's eyes darted around the room for something, anything that might help her to get out of this mockery of a wedding. Her gaze fell on Beetlejuice once again, who was pulling against his binds. He gnawed furiously at the gag in his mouth, to no avail. Every so often, he would spark and fizzle – trying to use his magic.

Oh, Beetlejuice. I'm sorry… I'm doing it for you, please understand…

"I do" said Reaper, startling Lydia out of her thoughts. He made a motion with his hand, indicating to the priest to hasten the ceremony along. Apparently they were speeding through the vows now. Lydia looked around the room again frantically… there was Prince Vince with his head down, his hair hiding his face. There was no help from that corner... His body trembled with sadness… or anger. Lydia couldn't say for sure which. Perhaps a combination of the two.

There was Ginger and Jacques… he still seemed to be suffering from his injury. His eyes couldn't even seem to focus. Ginger, who had been trying to patch him up, was now swatting at the watch dogs closest to them, keeping them away from the skeleton. What were they doing, anyway? Saliva was dripping from the werewolves' mouths. One of them even got close enough to Jacques to start licking his cheekbone enthusiastically.

Oh… right. Dogs like bones. Jacques is made of bones, just like…. Like…

Lydia's head snapped up, her plan solidifying. She looked towards Reaper. He seemed to be waiting for something… Both he and the make-shift priest were looking at her expectantly.

"Huh?" Lydia said. She had missed most of the ceremony.

"All you have to say is 'I do,' Lydia" Reaper said gently.

It was so important now that he didn't suspect her of anything. Lydia turned on the charm, looking up at her fiancé becomingly through her lashes. She giggled shyly.

"I'm sorry, Reaper… I guess I was daydreaming." Lydia conjured up a blush. It seemed to work; she watched as Reaper became flustered. "I do" she said confidently.

"If anyone objects to this union" said the priest "let them speak now, or forever hold their peace."

There was a muted howl of pain as he said the words. Beetlejuice was jerking violently in an attempt to get at the altar. He was quickly restrained.

"Well then, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Lydia's stomach sank at the words. Of course, it was necessary to carry out her plan… she had to get close to him. But this had been a riddle that had been plaguing her mind since he first proposed… how, exactly, does one kiss a grinning skull?

Reaper stepped closer to her. His hands came up to delicately remove the veil shading her face. She felt his hands against her cheeks… her breath caught as he leaned in and pressed his mouth to hers. It was like kissing marble – everything about the kiss was cold and hard. But Lydia forced herself into it, sighing against him. Her hands found his waist… they slipped under the shirt, coming to rest on his ribcage. His bones felt brittle and dusty… she forced down the bile in her throat.

Reaper, feeling her hands exploring beneath his dress shirt, moaned into the kiss. Lydia's fingers sought out a singular rib… she gripped it suddenly and pulled as hard as she could.

There was a satisfying CRACK! Reaper slid to the ground with a cry of pain and fury. Lydia stepped backwards and found herself standing there with his yellowed rib in her hand.

The priest, growling, started towards her. She quickly held the bone in his face. The werewolf stopped short and stood at attention. He sat down on his haunches, begging. She whistled at him, wiggling the rib under his nose.

"You want it? You want the bone? Fucking FETCH." Lydia threw the bone with all of her might down the corridor. The priest took after it, yipping loudly.

"You… you little bitch…" Reaper's bony hand snapped forward, grabbing Lydia's ankle. She cried out, looking around for help.

They were suddenly surrounded by the werewolves. But they weren't looking at Lydia… they were looking at Reaper. Each of them was drooling and smacking their chops.

In a flash, they were on him. His screams were terrible… shreds of tuxedo flew as each of their jaws found his bones, snapping them away easily. The carnage was unexpected… Lydia found herself reeling from watching the scene. Dizziness was overtaking her…

Beetlejuice was suddenly behind her, supporting her weight. Lydia's back rested against his chest as his arms wrapped around her tenderly.

He's not tied up anymore. Reaper's magic must have disappeared… he must be…

"Is he dead?" Lydia whispered to Beetlejuice. Her question was answered as the guard dogs trotted away, each of them holding a piece of him. The only thing left was his ripped clothing and his skull, minus the jaw. Even as she stared into the empty eye sockets looking for a flicker of life, she knew he was gone.

"Yeah babes. He's dead." Beetlejuice took her left hand gently, sliding the engagement ring easily from her finger. He tossed it down towards the floor at the skull.

"Let's go home" he said, smiling down at her. Lydia tried to nod, but she was feeling weak and overwhelmed.


The last thing she saw was his face before everything faded to black.